New Trump ad featuring Mexican cop-killer slammed as 'racist' and 'divisive' by experts

Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
There is no one who can demand they be admitted to the U.S.
We don't owe it to anyone to take them in just because they want to be here. There is a proper procedure for applying for asylum. This mob heading towards the border ain't it!
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
Yet it is the EXACT point of the ad that was pulled.
Which lies, specifically?

Where do I start.

That Democrats let this murderer in the country, let's just start there.

Ok, who let him in?

Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He's what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
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Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.
You guys only want evidence when it suites you. Where was the Kavanaugh evidence??????
The evidence is the turd opening his mouth. Get the cotton out of your ears and move it to your mouth.
That made no sense whatsoever.
Bracamontes was convicted four years ago. He is on death row. I'm not sure what "turd" you are referring to.
Where do I start.

That Democrats let this murderer in the country, let's just start there.

Ok, who let him in?

Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He;s what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
He lived in Phoenix, which is NOT a sanctuary city.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
There is no one who can demand they be admitted to the U.S.
We don't owe it to anyone to take them in just because they want to be here. There is a proper procedure for applying for asylum. This mob heading towards the border ain't it!
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
Yet it is the EXACT point of the ad that was pulled.
We don't know who is in the mass of people.
Neither do you. Stop acting like you do.
Ok, who let him in?

Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He;s what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
He lived in Phoenix, which is NOT a sanctuary city.
Where was Luis Bracamontes arrested?
Ok, who let him in?

Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He;s what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
He lived in Phoenix, which is NOT a sanctuary city.
By all means make excuses for him
Bush 43 was in office when the guy entered back into the country.

So Bush should have built a wall and cracked down on illegal aliens?
I guess we can agree on that, eh?
If a Republican let him in....why does the ad tell us to vote Republican? Maybe monsters like him are good for NRA fundraising?

If a Republican let him in..

When did he come here the first time?

Who deported him?

Excellent question.

When did he come here the first time?

Who deported him?

Clinton deported him, he returned when Bush 43 was President.

Clinton deported him,

So if Clinton had built a wall, he would have stayed out.

I knew Clinton fucked up.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.

All illegal aliens are here illegally.

We need to give them all the boot.

You will be shocked on who will actually get the boot.

As long as they're illegal aliens, boot them all.
A video of someone bragging about killing police officers and wishing he could kill more, and promising he will, is
objectionable how? This is some real dumb shit trying to excuse the messenger for his own message. It's cowardly.
It's stupid. It's dishonest. It's leftist-world.
What does that cop killer have to do with the caravan? Explain please.
The illegal cop killer is an example of what you get when you lose control of your borders.
You don't need to have that explained to you. You just need to stop your denial and politicized bullshit.
It is in fact racist, divisive, and factually wrong:

It’s also a fact that Trump is a racist, a bigot, and a liar – this is one of many examples.
Think bigger. The ad is saying Dem policies allow people like this clown into the country. They even protect them with sanctuary cities and obstructing ICE.

To try and argue otherwise is absurd.
Which Democrat let him in?
Dem policies. Catch and release, sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, etc.

Kinda late in the game for pretending Dems aren't the party of human trafficking, ain't it.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
There is no one who can demand they be admitted to the U.S.
We don't owe it to anyone to take them in just because they want to be here. There is a proper procedure for applying for asylum. This mob heading towards the border ain't it!
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
Yet it is the EXACT point of the ad that was pulled.
We don't know who is in the mass of people.
Neither do you. Stop acting like you do.
President Donald Trump's latest campaign ad featuring an immigrant who was convicted of killing police officers is being criticized as racist and drawing parallels to another controversial commercial that seemed to play on the same fears 30 years ago.

Luis Bracamontes is a Mexican immigrant who was sentenced to the death penalty in April after being convicted of killing two California sheriff's deputies in 2014. Bracamontes' penchant for curse-laden rants about killing cops got him expelled from the courtroom and earned him a place in one of Trump's campaign ads in January.

Trump's latest ad featuring Bracamontes uses video of him in court with text overlays that say he “killed our people!” and claims that “Democrats let him into our country” and “Democrats let him stay.” That's followed by footage of people who appear to be part of a migrant caravan pushing down gates, along with another immigrant’s interview and his alleged history of attempted murder. Text then appears asking: “Who else would Democrats let in?” The ad offers no evidence for claims that Democrats let Bracamontes, who was deported twice, into the country.


New Trump ad featuring Mexican cop-killer slammed as 'racist,' 'divisive' by experts

Amazing how republicans try to defend this garbage.

The video is full of lies and he knows they are lies, but he runs with it because he knows Trumpers will do nothing but try and defend his lies.
I still want to know who the experts on racist and divisive are.
Idk who let him in, but Bush 43 was president when he came back after Clinton Admin deported him.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He;s what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
He lived in Phoenix, which is NOT a sanctuary city.
Where was Luis Bracamontes arrested?
California, wasn't it? Was he released? NO.
He is e exempletive of many others like him who are members of the invading hoard
THAT is where you are making an error in thinking. There is no evidence to think that another monster like Bracamontes is in that caravan. There is actually no evidence, without them getting to customs and going through the vetting process, that any of them have been previously deported or committed any crimes.
This is the same cheap trick that Trump has been playing all along, taking a few examples of bad people and inferring that ALL illegals are just as bad.
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
There is no one who can demand they be admitted to the U.S.
We don't owe it to anyone to take them in just because they want to be here. There is a proper procedure for applying for asylum. This mob heading towards the border ain't it!
Whether there is another Bracamontes in those caravans or not is beside the point.
Yet it is the EXACT point of the ad that was pulled.
We don't know who is in the mass of people.
Neither do you. Stop acting like you do.
I don't know who is in that mob but considering their actions and how they've behaved in Mexico I have a feeling they aren't all poor harmless people just looking to get their share of Uncle Scam's goodie bag.
Neither of us know! But I have a solution while you don't seem to have a clue.

Stop the caravan, send the people home and let the serious few apply for asylum the proper and legal way.
It's leftists who are peeing their pants in consternation because this monster's own words are being played for all to hear.

Meanwhile they want to abolish ICE and have more sanctuary cities where the law doesn't apply to certain classes of people.
He is a doubt about that. Now...what does he have to do with the caravan?
He;s what you get when you fail to monitor who comes across the border. He's what you get when sanctuary policy
keeps the law at bay for an entire class of people, good and bad.

I thought the Jim Crow south was wrong because they simply refused to enforce federal civil rights laws.
Here we have states like California simply refusing to enforce immigration law because they don't want to.

The difference between Jerry Brown and George Wallace? Brown's press is much better...that's all.
He lived in Phoenix, which is NOT a sanctuary city.
Where was Luis Bracamontes arrested?
California, wasn't it? Was he released? NO.
Yeah. Sacramento. I used to live there.
Was the killer released? Not once he shot a couple of state deputies. Not even Jerry Brown could ignore that.
Sanctuary policy keeps law enforcement away from illegal criminals until it's too late..just the way you seem to like it.
Should would probably tell you why not kiss her ass, no wait she goes high when the racist go low.
Sorry. I am terrible at ebonics.

You are probably also terrible with a woman.
Don't do a lot of black women. I guess it's ebonics and faces like Stacey Abrahms - yuk!

You probably don't do any women, but you probably like...……

OK, you decide for yourself:

Whadayou, frigging nuts?

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but that's a bit much!
Abrams is very attractive. Kellyanne looks like a tweeker.
You are probably also terrible with a woman.
Don't do a lot of black women. I guess it's ebonics and faces like Stacey Abrahms - yuk!

You probably don't do any women, but you probably like...……

OK, you decide for yourself:

Whadayou, frigging nuts?

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but that's a bit much!
You aren't serious.
OK, so some like fat black dyks while others are more impressed with more feminenen blond women.

Still, seems a bit weird. I guess you'd have to be black for that to make sense.
"dyks".....? :777: Uneducated trumpanzees crack me up! :777:

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