New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

Or an IT guy who read the newspapers that Hillary's server might have classified information on it, and as someone entrusted with the server, but not cleared for classified information, realized the best course of action was to wipe the server in accordance with military standards

DoD 5220.22-M Explained - Data Erasure Standards

The DoD 5220.22-M standard involves overwriting the previously stored data on drives with binary patterns of zeroes and ones. The process requires 3 secure overwriting passes.
They weren’t government servers. They were private servers that having any of that information on them would result in not only the owner going to prison but anyone involved in running it serving years of time as well.
Or an IT guy who read the newspapers that Hillary's server might have classified information on it, and as someone entrusted with the server, but not cleared for classified information, realized the best course of action was to wipe the server in accordance with military standards

DoD 5220.22-M Explained - Data Erasure Standards

The DoD 5220.22-M standard involves overwriting the previously stored data on drives with binary patterns of zeroes and ones. The process requires 3 secure overwriting passes.
Wait a minute. He read the news and decided he was running an illegal email server so deleted it and that makes it all ok.
They weren’t government servers. They were private servers that having any of that information on them would result in not only the owner going to prison but anyone involved in running it serving years of time as well.
Only if they retained the classified information. If somebody discovers they're in possession of classified information, their first duty is to preserve the security of the united states. And can do so by securely destroying all the classified material in their posession.
You missed the legal point. defamation is when somebody spreads a false defamatory utterance to a wide number of people, the more people the greater the harm. And because the presidents words were spread to millions of people, the harm was a millio times that, when spoken among a small group.
He’s still retarded. No matter how many know it. Millions knew it before. How does a president stating the obvious become a problem?
Only if they retained the classified information. If somebody discovers they're in possession of classified information, their first duty is to preserve the security of the united states. And can do so by securely destroying all the classified material in their posession.
Nope. They had the information . It’s what you’re saying about Trump.
Wait a minute. He read the news and decided he was running an illegal email server so deleted it and that makes it all ok.
Actually, YES.

Just like anybody who discovers they're in possession of something that's illegal for them to have. Such as If somebody receives a kilo of cocaine in the mail. They should just flush it down the toilet.
He’s still retarded. No matter how many know it. Millions knew it before. How does a president stating the obvious become a problem?
Because Trump wasn't stating the truth, as determined by another federal court.
As they say, truth is the defense to any defamation claim.

Truth is widely accepted as a complete defense to all defamation claims. An absolute privilege is also a complete defense to a defamation claim. Among other examples, this includes statements made by witnesses during a judicial proceedings.
Actually, YES.

Just like anybody who discovers they're in possession of something that's illegal for them to have. Such as If somebody receives a kilo of cocaine in the mail. They should just flush it down the toilet.
LMAO! Holy shot you’re a moron.
Just read the latest Jack Smith indictment.

It's fully explains the surveillance video was under grand jury subpoena at the time Trump tried to erase them from the servers.s

This produced a charge of obstruction of justice, or interfering with a lawful court process
You expect Trump's submissive cucks to read the indictment?


What the...hell?!? What it says in the indictment is nothing like what my propagandists have been telling me!
Just read the latest Jack Smith indictment.

It's fully explains the surveillance video was under grand jury subpoena at the time Trump tried to erase them from the servers.s

This produced a charge of obstruction of justice, or interfering with a lawful court process
does it have a presecedence without prosecution?
This only gets nuttier as the trials begin.
It is obvious the globalists want to eliminate our nation as having its sovereign freedoms. Trump for his flaws is resilient. Most men would have wilted by now. Trump lives off of this. This is not a cult. It is a life preserver. Prog fools in their social justice agendas have also brought in more and more authoritarianism to put shackles on the population in exchange. Remember, in red areas there are authoritarians also. It is not perfection.
It is obvious the globalists want to eliminate our nation as having its sovereign freedoms. Trump for his flaws is resilient. Most men would have wilted by now. Trump lives off of this. This is not a cult. It is a life preserver. Prog fools in their social justice agendas have also brought in more and more authoritarianism to put shackles on the population in exchange. Remember, in red areas there are authoritarians also. It is not perfection.
The laws apply to him, just as they apply to anyone else.

And anyone you think SHOULD be convicted -- like Hillary, no doubt -- have nothing to do with this, and don't work as a deflection.

If he, or anyone else in either party, has broken laws, he needs to be punished. Period.

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