New Trump Indictment Says He Ordered Mar-a-Lago Camera Footage Deleted

No it's not. :auiqs.jpg: If you didn't take any steps afterwards then there is no law broken.
If they had followed thru on his orders then they would have been possibly guilty of a criminal conspiracy.
However, it's still debatable that he even gave the order in the first place, considering the fact that the FBI tried to shut off the cameras when they started the raid. If anything, they were attempting to obstruct justice, not Trump:

By Wendy N. Whitman Cobb

Though thinking about committing illegal acts is not illegal, conspiracy laws can only be enforced when one takes a step beyond merely planning the act and toward execution of the crime. Eugene Dennis, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, and other members of the party were convicted of conspiring to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the government. (Photo by the US Library of Congress, public domain)

The application of conspiracy laws requires a tacit agreement among members of a group to commit a crime. Such laws allow the government to charge a defendant regardless of whether the planned criminal act has been committed or the possibility of the crime being carried out successfully.

Conspiracy laws can only be enforced after individuals take steps beyond planning a crime​

It is not illegal to think about committing illegal acts — such as in the case of civil disobedience — as any law that would criminalize the mere thought or suggestion of committing an illegal act would be a free speech violation.
Conspiracy laws can only be enforced after individuals take an initial step beyond planning and toward execution of an illegal deed. An individual who has agreed to participate in a crime is not required to know everyone involved in the plot in order to be charged with conspiracy.

Who told you they tried to turn off the cameras?
New charges. And any day now, there is a third indictment on the way. Not to mention a fourth one very soon.
Psst... none of them disqualify him from running. The reality is that we've seen so many of these things for so long that they not only don't hurt his polling, they enhance it. Keep 'em comin'. At this rate, he'll sweep the electoral college...
Biden has nothing to do with this.
That is the purpose of the Special Counsel; to avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest and bias.
If you believe that bull shit then you're even dumber than you appear to be.
Biden tipped this shit off last year.
There's no way he doesn't have anything to do with it.
Progs are not held to any standard. This is not about Trump being corrupted. It is about globalism.
This IS......ISISISISISISIS.....about trump being corrupt.....duh.
Why have you allowed yourself to be conned.

Felony indictments so far:
Hillary Clinton. 0
Donald Trump. 74
Agreed MagicMike
We all remember.....
"Lock Her Up."

When pressed with the "prosecuting political opponents" the RWI forgets about this......."Lock her Up"....."Russia, if you're listening" .....etc
Then they will say.....trump let it go and DIDN't prosecute Hillary, so he didn't do what Biden is doing..............

Well DUHHHHHHHHHHH..........trump couldn't find any ACTUAL evidence that HC committed a crime.
Is trump above the law ?
No. If he was they wouldn't bother indicting him every chance they get.
Clearly common-sense isn't your forte'.

I have a question-----Is it illegal for a citizen to delete surveillance footage
from his own surveillance system----uhm BEFORE it is subpoenaed ?

Trump charged with seeking to delete security footage in documents case​

Federal prosecutors announced new charges against Donald Trump in his alleged hoarding and hiding of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home, alleging the former president and a newly-charged aide tried to keep security camera footage from being reviewed by investigators.

Trump was also hit with a fresh charge, in addition to the 31 counts he already faces, of illegally retaining national defense information.

The indictment charges that Trump and two aides, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, requested that another Trump employee "delete security camera footage at the Mar-a-Lago Club to prevent the footage from being provided to a federal grand jury.”

De Oliveira is the second Trump aide to be charged in the documents case. Nauta was indicted alongside Trump in June, accused of helping the former president mislead investigators as they sought to retrieve all of the classified documents that remained at the former president’s home and private club after he left the White House.

New charges. And any day now, there is a third indictment on the way. Not to mention a fourth one very soon.
You mean like Hillary deleted 30,000 emails and wiped several devices clean?
So, you're admitting that there is a two tiered justice system? Don't prosecute Democrats but prosecute Republicans?
Do you think that "unfair justice" whine is going to go very far with the juries and judges in Trump's multiple trials.
There comes a point where being a whiny snowflake is actually counterproductive.
He's gonna need some kind of REAL defense because the evidence Jack Smith has on him is slam dunk.
It is only going to be a simple matter of:
Is (fill in the blank) a crime?
Does the evidence show that D.J. Trump did it?

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