New Washington Post poll: 48% would blame Trump/Republicans for shutdown. 28% would blame Democrats

A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.
Jones over Roy Moore by 3 points. That was the WaPo poll.
And Trump's favorite pollster Rasmussen (and your favorite pollster) had Gillespie tied, and Northam won by 9% in VA.
Now we all must type, "Rasmussen sucks and is very biased towards Republicans".
How surprising! :ack-1:
Did the WaPo's final poll have Hillary ahead by 3% (she won by 2%) yes or no? You have a chance to become the first Trump lover to stop playing dumb on the accuracy of the WaPo poll.
Wapo predicts a decisive 5-point victory for the Beast:

Analysis | A comprehensive average of election forecasts points to a decisive Clinton victory
You did not cite the final Washington Post poll. Let me help you: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
And by the way, are you saying you think Washington Post's had a 3% error? Are you saying that Americans blame Republicans 17% more than Democrats instead of 20%?
How surprising! :ack-1:
Did the WaPo's final poll have Hillary ahead by 3% (she won by 2%) yes or no? You have a chance to become the first Trump lover to stop playing dumb on the accuracy of the WaPo poll.

If Hillary won by 2%

Two questions

1. Why isn't she president?

2. What's all this Russia nonsense?
Did this dumbass really just ask why a candidate who won the popular vote did not become President? Please tell me you did not ask such a dumb fucking question.
Sigh....a WAPO "poll"
What's wrong with Washington Post polls?

You really needed to ask? That explains volumes about your content
Stop playing dumb. What's wrong with Washingto Post polls? Your silence stems from the fact that you have no answer.
WaPo had clinton ahead b 3% and she won by 2%. You didn't cite that poll because you're playing dumb. When you have no answer, you play dumb.

WaPO reported Hillary won huh? They should probably print a retraction.

WAPO's predictions....LOL

Opinion | Post opinion writers predict what will happen on election night

But but but Sassy you know Madam President :smoke:



Oh wait hold on I forgot, President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe :thewave:

A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

Who cares. Post polls are useful as bird dropping catchers.

The whole MSM are Leftist and fanatically anti-Trump, as such they are always going to produce polls that are biased and worthless.
The Nazi Party proved that if you can control the Press you can get people to believe anything.
The Democrat/Press/Hollywood propaganda machine is despicable.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.

^^^^ Says another poll that is worthless and probably overloaded with responses from Somalians and Iraqis and Mexicans and Syrians, I think 80% of American Americans want all those Mexican Bandits rounded up and airdropped back into the Drug Lord run Shit Hole that is Mexico.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.

^^^^ Says another poll that is worthless and probably overloaded with responses from Somalians and Iraqis and Mexicans and Syrians, I think 80% of American Americans want all those Mexican Bandits rounded up and airdropped back into the Drug Lord run Shit Hole that is Mexico.

All the polls say that. You are really stupid.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.

^^^^ Says another poll that is worthless and probably overloaded with responses from Somalians and Iraqis and Mexicans and Syrians, I think 80% of American Americans want all those Mexican Bandits rounded up and airdropped back into the Drug Lord run Shit Hole that is Mexico.

All the polls say that. You are really stupid.

No it's the Leftist Maniacs who are stupid for putting Illegal Immigrants before American Americans, it is fuck American Americans just raise their taxes so they can pay for Illegal Immigrants to squat in America, who is paying for all your Illegal Immigrants and the ones squatting in those Sanctuary Cities? Thats right the American taxpayer is. Because some Third World Street Shitter lands in a nation and drops a Third World Street Shitting Kidlet that should not mean they have a right to stay permanently in that nation, they should be immediately apprehended and then Deported.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.

^^^^ Says another poll that is worthless and probably overloaded with responses from Somalians and Iraqis and Mexicans and Syrians, I think 80% of American Americans want all those Mexican Bandits rounded up and airdropped back into the Drug Lord run Shit Hole that is Mexico.

All the polls say that. You are really stupid.

No it's the Leftist Maniacs who are stupid for putting Illegal Immigrants before American Americans, it is fuck American Americans just raise their taxes so they can pay for Illegal Immigrants to squat in America, who is paying for all your Illegal Immigrants and the ones squatting in those Sanctuary Cities? Thats right the American taxpayer is. Because some Third World Street Shitter lands in a nation and drops a Third World Street Shitting Kidlet that should not mean they have a right to stay permanently in that nation, they should be immediately apprehended and then Deported.

^^^^ Because they are pregnant means nothing they should be arrested and then Deported, they are in a nation Illegally they are Criminals, if someone is doing something Illegally then they are violating the law and if you are doing something against the law that means you are a Criminal. Those Third World women deliberately go to Western nations when pregnant and/or when there they deliberately get pregnant in the hope that the Third World kidlet they are about to drop gives them the right to stay squatting in Western nations and the taxpayers have to pay for all of that. It is wrong on all levels, Western nations owe this crowd nothing they should stay in their own Third World nations and work to build their own nation into something decent.
Yo, Ted Frazier, you have a lot to learn about the Communist in this Country, anybody who supports the Communist Democrat Party is a Brainwashed Communist, and the Washington Post is that!!!

Sigh....a WAPO "poll"
What's wrong with Washington Post polls?

You really needed to ask? That explains volumes about your content
Stop playing dumb. What's wrong with Washingto Post polls? Your silence stems from the fact that you have no answer.

Bias you stupid SOB.

You are the one who is biased. Anything you do not like is biased. You refuse to accept facts. SOB.
Sigh....a WAPO "poll"
What's wrong with Washington Post polls?

You really needed to ask? That explains volumes about your content
Stop playing dumb. What's wrong with Washingto Post polls? Your silence stems from the fact that you have no answer.

Bias you stupid SOB.

You are the one who is biased. Anything you do not like is biased. You refuse to accept facts. SOB.

Yawn...Busy Boob made a meager attempt to chastise me. Freaking loon

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