New Washington Post poll: 48% would blame Trump/Republicans for shutdown. 28% would blame Democrats

A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

Hard to believe the Dems won't take a beating for putting illegals over the rest of us.

Americans support DACA with 80% support. The Republicans will take the beating.
What's wrong with Washington Post polls?

You really needed to ask? That explains volumes about your content
Stop playing dumb. What's wrong with Washingto Post polls? Your silence stems from the fact that you have no answer.

Bias you stupid SOB.

You are the one who is biased. Anything you do not like is biased. You refuse to accept facts. SOB.

Yawn...Busy Boob made a meager attempt to chastise me. Freaking loon

Your words show the pea brained bitch you are.,
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

80% of Americans don't want the DACA 'kids' deported. Deal with it.

^^^^ Says another poll that is worthless and probably overloaded with responses from Somalians and Iraqis and Mexicans and Syrians, I think 80% of American Americans want all those Mexican Bandits rounded up and airdropped back into the Drug Lord run Shit Hole that is Mexico.

People like you make this country a Shit Hole. That is your latest line. Running out of ideas.
You really needed to ask? That explains volumes about your content
Stop playing dumb. What's wrong with Washingto Post polls? Your silence stems from the fact that you have no answer.

Bias you stupid SOB.

You are the one who is biased. Anything you do not like is biased. You refuse to accept facts. SOB.

Yawn...Busy Boob made a meager attempt to chastise me. Freaking loon

Your words show the pea brained bitch you are.,
5 years ago - "Hey we Republicans aren't in control of the government, the Democrats with Obama will shut down the government"
Today - "Hey we Republicans are in control of Congress and the White House, the Democrats will shut down the government"

The Republican Party = The Victim Party

The Republican Snowflake Party
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

Remember when Republicans got blamed for the 2009 and 2010 shut down just before getting swept back into the majority? The truth is nobody really gives a shit if the federal government shuts down because A, it doesn't actually shut down. The "shut down" is about 13% of the total federal government which comprises pretty much non-vital services that nobody even notices are unavailable.
Look at their methodology, shall we?

METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Jan. 15-18, 2018, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,005 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 31-23-40 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

So the American Government is shutting down because the Leftists want 800,000-2 million of Illegals to be allowed to Illegally be in America AGAINST American Law and this is to be blamed on The Donald who wants to get those Illegals rounded up to GTFO of America. So the Leftists do not give a shit about the tens of millions of Americans who pay taxes and who would suffer if their Government shuts down

Leftist Logic at its most insane.

A new Washington Post poll finds significantly higher risk for Republicans than for Democrats in the event that the government shuts down in the next few days:
Americans more likely to blame Trump, Republicans if government shuts down: Poll

Hard to believe the Dems won't take a beating for putting illegals over the rest of us.

Americans support DACA with 80% support. The Republicans will take the beating.

Yeah, but only 46% support a gov't shutdown in support of DACA according to a CBS poll. I think everybody, both parties will take another well deserved hit.
I don't think the Dems are going to get out of this smelling like a rose, but neither will Trump and the GOP. This is called Lose-Lose, no wonder nobody likes or approves of Washington, it's one big reason why we have Trump in the WH.

Eighty-seven percent of respondents supported protected status for those immigrants, including an overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans, according to a CBS News poll. But only 46 percent said it was worth shutting down the government over those immigrants’ status. For the minority party, the poll provided a serious dilemma: More than half of Democratic respondents said the issue was worth shutting down the government, but 37 percent said it wasn’t. Independents were split almost down the middle.

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