New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

How many kids are on death row for finishing what trayvon started?

Many on death row like ZIMMERMAN. None that I know of for walking with tea and Skittles.

How many kids are on death row?

Some, most under 18 don't get the DP; many who assault police, and have DVI's do. Again, I'm just pro victim, not pro killer. It seems odd to see so many defending the killer, it is often the other way around.
The reports, including the police, say he started some sh*t in the past. Martin had no such par sheet.


Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Suspended from school vs. assault on a law enforcement officer, and a Domestic Violence Injunction. Gotcha, you like gang members and felons.
The reports, including the police, say he started some sh*t in the past. Martin had no such par sheet.


Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Unless you have some American civilian law enforcement experience you will not think like me. You want know what to look for to ask those questions or be able to point out certain things. So fuck you Foreigner

Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Suspended from school vs. assault on a law enforcement officer, and a Domestic Violence Injunction. Gotcha, you like gang members and felons.

Suspended for 10 days for the last time is no minor thing. There was a problem with Trayvon.
So have I.

Which is why I know better than to make assumptions based on rumor. Victims sometimes take the upper hand and kill the shit out of their attackers.

And it's idiots like you who are responsible for the fact that women and children who kill their abusive husbands, parents and boyfriends end up rotting in prison or executed, incidentally. After all, they're just suffering "beatings". Take your idiocy and spout it somewhere where it doesn't hurt anyone, you pig. You aren't adequately equipped for this debate.

kg, are you UNWELL? :lol:
I got this from a news site over in the UK.

Protests over Trayvon Martin's death sweep across America as anonymous witness claims teen attacked his killer George Zimmerman before fatal shooting

March in New York demands justice for 17-year-old
Unarmed teen was 'beating up' gunman, according to anonymous witness
Zimmerman's attorney says he is not racist and calls shooting a 'tragic thing'
Friends paint picture of considerate teenager who didn't get in fights
Killing has sparked national uproar as shooter has escaped prosecution
Black Panthers put $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman's capture and are actively recruiting up to 5,000 new members
Rev Al Sharpton calls for 'sustained protests' and says activists planning 'wave of civil disobedience'

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 01:54 EST, 24 March 2012 | UPDATED: 05:11 EST, 25 March 2012

Comments (103)

A new wave of protests has swept the U.S. as the national uproar over the killing of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin by a Neighborhood Watch captain continues.

Protesters gathered in New York bolstered by campaigners from Occupy Wall Street, and marched from Zuccotti Park to Union Square, with many activists dressed in hoodies to represent the clothes Martin was wearing when he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.

Other marches were planned for Washington, Tampa, Dallas and Chicago.

The protests come the day after an anonymous witness to Martin's death claimed that he may have attacked Zimmerman before the shooting at a gated community in Florida.
The witness, known only as John, told Sanford police that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot that has led to a national outcry, including a huge 'hoodie' march in Philadelphia last night. He recounted the details to Fox 35 News in Florida.
Meanwhile, the Rev Al Sharpton said today that activists are planning a ‘wave of civil disobedience.’

Speaking outside of his New York City headquarters today, Rev Sharpton said that it is important to show ‘sustained indignation’ over Martin's death.
He also appeared on the Today show this morning and said that the legal system failed Trayvon Martin and his family.
In reaction to Mr Obama’s comment, he said: ‘He expressed himself when asked a question as the president.’

Rev Sharpton’s projection isn’t far from truth. Already, thousands of people across the country have joined rallies and protests – many of these demonstrations are encouraging protesters to wear a hoodie like Martin was when he was shot.
In addition, members of the Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman’s ‘capture,’ the Orlando Sentinel reported.
Leader Mikhai Muhammad said at a Sanford protest today after the group called for 5,000 new recruits to capture him.
The group chanted: ‘Justice for Trayvon!’ as well as ‘Black Power!’
Mr Muhammad told the paper that the group would commence their search in areas that Zimmerman was known to have work ties – in Jacksonville and Maitland.
The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman's claim that he was acting in self-defence.
'The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: "Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,' he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.
He added: 'When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.'

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintances.
Friends of the slain 17-year-old say they cannot imagine him getting involved in a fight, and insist that he was not violent.
'There's no way I can believe that, because he's not a confrontational kid,' said Jerome Horton, who was one of Martin's former football coaches and knew him since he was a small child.

'It just wouldn't happen. That's just not that kid"

Meanwhile, the attorney hired to represent Zimmerman is echoing claims of the Neighbourhood Watchman’s father – that he’s not racist.
Speaking on CBS This Morning: Saturday, attorney Craig Sonner said: ‘I don’t believe there’s any racial motivation on the behalf of George Zimmerman… That’s the issue that we wanted to address today, is that this was not a racial issue in what happened that day.
'Basically, Mr Zimmerman claims he was attacked by Trayvon Martin and he was defending himself. That’s the gist of the investigation.’
He also noted that he is at the moment only advising Zimmerman, as he has not been criminally charged.
Though he has remained resolutely silent throughout the ordeal, even as national protests are held calling for his arrest, Zimmerman did place a call to a neighbour nearly a month after the incident, thanking him for his support.
In the call, the Neighbourhood Watch captain left a message for Frank Taaffee, one of Zimmerman’s most vocal supporters to date.

Martin was slain in the town of Sanford on February 26 in a shooting that has set off a nationwide furor over race and justice.

Neighborhood crime-watch captain Zimmerman, whose father is white and mother is Hispanic, claimed self-defense and has not been arrested, though state and federal authorities are still investigating.

Since his death, Martin's name and photographs - in football jerseys, smiling alongside a baby, and staring into the camera in a gray hoodie - have been held up by civil rights leaders and at rallies stretching from Miami to New York demanding Zimmerman's arrest.

On Friday, President Barack Obama called the shooting a tragedy, vowed to get to the bottom of the case, and added: 'When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids.'

That sentiment was echoed by NBA star by Dwyane Wade, who along with his Miami Heat teammate LeBron James tweeted photos of themselves in hoodies in a show of solidarity.

'As a father, this hits home,' said Wade, who has two sons, aged ten and four.
A voicemail left by Zimmerman for his local supporter George taff has also been released

‘Hey, Mr Taaffee. This is George. Um, first and foremost, I wanted to say I am very sorry for the loss of your son, and, um, I can't imagine what you must be going through.

'Um, secondly, I wanted to thank you for doing everything you've been doing.

'Um, I know you don't have to, and I appreciate it, and you're truly setting an example for me for the future of, uh, doing the right thing even when it's tough, and, uh, I appreciate it.

'I'll talk to you soon,’ Zimmerman said in the message.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Friday that Martin's killing reflects 'the classic struggle of our time' and said it echoes the slaying of Emmitt Till, a 14-year-old from Chicago who was murdered in 1954 while visiting Mississippi by a group of white men.

No one was ever convicted, but Till's killing galvanized the civil rights movement.

Rev. Jackson said he will speak at a Sanford-area church Sunday and then attend a rally in the city Monday.

An Orlando criminal defense attorney who says he represents Zimmerson told CNN on Friday that his client isn't racist and the facts will show he acted in self-defense after a fight with the teen.

'I don't believe that George Zimmerman's a racist or that this was motivated by a dislike for African-Americans,' said Craig Sonner.

Since the slaying, a portrait has emerged of Martin as a laid-back young man who loved sports, was extremely close to his father, liked to crack jokes with friends and, according to a lawyer for his family, had never been in trouble with the law.

The son of divorced parents, he grew up in working-class neighbourhoods north of Miami's downtown.

He and his father, a truck driver, were active in the Miramar Optimist Club, an organization that runs sports and academic programs for young people. Tracy Martin, the teen's father, coached his son's football team.

The boy was a swift athlete, according to a friend, and played a range of positions up to about age 14.

After he stopped playing, he remained active in the organization, volunteering six days a week from June through November of last year to help run the team's concession stand.

Martin cooked hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken wings alongside his father at the stand. He loved talking to the kids, asking them what position they played and whether they were good, Horton recalled.

He would call the mothers 'Ma'am,' and if they had a stroller or an item they needed help with, Martin stepped in. 'Everyone out there loved him,' Horton said.

Martin was tall and lanky - only 140 pounds, according to the family's attorney - and his nickname was 'Slimm.'

The teen spent a big part of his week living with his father in a one-story, peach-colored home.

Neighbor Fred Collins Jr. said he would see Trayvon Martin outside every week mowing the lawn and trimming the trees. The teen also helped Mr Collins' son learn how to ride a bike.

'He was coaching him, giving him words of advice, encouragement,' Collins said.

Tracy Martin often recounted how his son saved his life. The elder Martin had begun heating up some oil to fry fish and fell asleep. The grease caught fire, and when Tracy Martin awoke and tried to put out the flames, he spilled the oil on his legs, severely burning himself.

Trayvon Martin pulled his father out of the home and called 911.

Martin's parents kept a close eye on him, but they didn't have to be too strict, since he stayed out of trouble, Mr Collins said.

However, he had recently been suspended from school for five days for tardiness, his English teacher, Michelle Kypriss, told the Orlando Sentinel. School officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Martin's father was not happy and grounded the teen for the duration of the suspension.
Trayvon 'knew he was wrong,' Horton said.

Under state privacy law, only serious felonies appear on juveniles' public criminal records, and Martin did not have one. Citing the same law, Sanford police Sgt. David Morgenstern said he could neither confirm nor deny the family's statement that Martin had never gotten in legal trouble.

Martin dreamed of becoming a pilot. He had flown on school vacations to various places around the country with his mother, skiing in Colorado one year, going off to Texas another

for the rest you can go to dailymail dot co dot uk

Many on death row like ZIMMERMAN. None that I know of for walking with tea and Skittles.

How many kids are on death row?

Some, most under 18 don't get the DP; many who assault police, and have DVI's do. Again, I'm just pro victim, not pro killer. It seems odd to see so many defending the killer, it is often the other way around.
Wouldn't you agree 73 is to many?
There are currently 19 states that allow the execution of 16 and 17 year olds for the commission of capital crimes and 73 people are currently on death row for crimes they committed when they were that age. The U.S. Supreme Court has already banned the executions of 15 year olds and fewer states now allow execution for all juveniles since that 1988 ruling.

Now I wonder how many teenagers have been convicted for murder or manslaughter?
Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Suspended from school vs. assault on a law enforcement officer, and a Domestic Violence Injunction. Gotcha, you like gang members and felons.

Suspended for 10 days for the last time is no minor thing. There was a problem with Trayvon.

And his killer. It may be too late for the SP to sort it out correctly, though I never saw this as a DP case.
Suspended from school vs. assault on a law enforcement officer, and a Domestic Violence Injunction. Gotcha, you like gang members and felons.

Suspended for 10 days for the last time is no minor thing. There was a problem with Trayvon.

And his killer. It may be too late for the SP to sort it out correctly, though I never saw this as a DP case.

Yes Zimmerman killed Martin because martin was trying to kill Zimmerman.
What law did Zimmerman violate?

Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Unless you have some American civilian law enforcement experience you will not think like me. You want know what to look for to ask those questions or be able to point out certain things. So fuck you Foreigner

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams. We had to know verbatim, the meaning of the word 'assault' in law terms, the meaning of a 'public place' in law terms - that was just the beginning... You don't get voted in by a popularity contest like your deputies do over there. You have to meet stringent intelligence, moral and physical criteria. You have to pass a series of physical exams, as well as six written exams, be interviewed by four officers including an inspector. Your whole family and extended family background are looked into. They concoct at dossier an inch or two thick on your schooling and previous employment. It takes anywhere from six months to two years to complete your application.

Once that is all done, and they are satisfied, you then have to go to the police college for six months, whereby you have to pass more law and practical exams where the minimal pass rate for all activities is 75 percent, although they frown upon that result, and really want you to get 85 percent or more.

I am pretty sure that in the big city police departments, and with the likes of the ATF and FBI, it is similiar which is probably the antithesis of your experience.

So while you might strut your stuff around here, I doubt you'd get first base over here. That being said, investigations are universal, and you don't have anything particularly special about the way you carry investigations over there (in fact we'd often use experiences from US, GB and Aus as practical examples of how to carry out an investigation). Your law, like ours, is based on British Common Law as opposed to the other Western Norm, the Napoleonic Code. There is nothing too hard about it as long as you have a few brain cells to rub together.

As for my original contention, I still stand by it. You assume because GZ has a CCW license, the way his attitude towards that right is discharged, would be the same as yours. Seems like an amateur thought process from an amateur 'investigator'...
Last edited:
Neg rep me all you want fool but a witness came forward and has even given interviews. His name is "John" and if you do not know about him you are not very swift.

Here is your man:View attachment 18230
He said nothing of the sort. My neg wasn't wasted, racist idiot.

He never said WHAT?

Gadawg didn't say he said anything, you brain dead, lying dolt.

For the love of Buddha, why do you waste your time on an internet messageboard when you're more blind than Stevie Wonder?
How many kids are on death row?

Some, most under 18 don't get the DP; many who assault police, and have DVI's do. Again, I'm just pro victim, not pro killer. It seems odd to see so many defending the killer, it is often the other way around.
Wouldn't you agree 73 is to many?
There are currently 19 states that allow the execution of 16 and 17 year olds for the commission of capital crimes and 73 people are currently on death row for crimes they committed when they were that age. The U.S. Supreme Court has already banned the executions of 15 year olds and fewer states now allow execution for all juveniles since that 1988 ruling.

Now I wonder how many teenagers have been convicted for murder or manslaughter?

73 nationwide. I don't know the crimes; I am on the fence on the DP. It is tough to say NO death penalty when you read the cases(.)
Some, most under 18 don't get the DP; many who assault police, and have DVI's do. Again, I'm just pro victim, not pro killer. It seems odd to see so many defending the killer, it is often the other way around.
Wouldn't you agree 73 is to many?
There are currently 19 states that allow the execution of 16 and 17 year olds for the commission of capital crimes and 73 people are currently on death row for crimes they committed when they were that age. The U.S. Supreme Court has already banned the executions of 15 year olds and fewer states now allow execution for all juveniles since that 1988 ruling.

Now I wonder how many teenagers have been convicted for murder or manslaughter?

73 nationwide. I don't know the crimes; I am on the fence on the DP. It is tough to say NO death penalty when you read the cases(.)

We aren't talking about Zimmerman right now we are talking about teenagers who have been convicted of murder and who are on death row.
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.
Sad that this was a senseless killing as a young man was killed.
But there is not a crime committed so we end up as everyone loses.
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

Link? Oh, nevermind. I forgot to whom I was speaking.

Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.
Suspended for 10 days for the last time is no minor thing. There was a problem with Trayvon.

And his killer. It may be too late for the SP to sort it out correctly, though I never saw this as a DP case.

Yes Zimmerman killed Martin because martin was trying to kill Zimmerman.
What law did Zimmerman violate?

That is Zimmerman's story the SP must sort it out. She has the ballistics, forensics, and witnesses.
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

Link? Oh, nevermind. I forgot to whom I was speaking.

If you do not know the witness "John" has stated all of that you are a dumbass.
I forgot, we all know you are a dumbass.

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