New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

Let's put that aside for one minute. You may or may not be correct, the investigation will hopefulluy provide more answers.

But what about this Zimmerman guy following him? Even when he was told not to? Does Zimmerman have any culpability. Take the two separate scenarios to their conclusion. Zimmerman stops following the guy and Martin goes home and watches the rest of the game. No harm, no foul.

Instead Zimmerman follows him, Martin objects (as almost every person who is defending GZ would do - all the neocon whackjobs on this board love their peashooters and confrontations) and the end result is Martin's death.
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

Link? Oh, nevermind. I forgot to whom I was speaking.

If you do not know the witness "John" has stated all of that you are a dumbass.
I forgot, we all know you are a dumbass.

Still, the norm is to post links to back up your POV...
Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Unless you have some American civilian law enforcement experience you will not think like me. You want know what to look for to ask those questions or be able to point out certain things. So fuck you Foreigner

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams. We had to know verbatim, the meaning of the word 'assault' in law terms, the meaning of a 'public place' in law terms - that was just the beginning... You don't get voted in by a popularity contest like your deputies do over there. You have to meet stringent intelligence, moral and physical criteria. You have to pass a series of physical exams, as well as six written exams, be interviewed by four officers including an inspector. Your whole family and extended family background are looked into. They concoct at dossier an inch or two thick on your schooling and previous employment. It takes anywhere from six months to two years to complete your application.

Once that is all done, and they are satisfied, you then have to go to the police college for six months, whereby you have to pass more law and practical exams where the minimal pass rate for all activities is 75 percent, although they frown upon that result, and really want you to get 85 percent or more.

I am pretty sure that in the big city police departments, and with the likes of the ATF and FBI, it is similiar which is probably the antithesis of your experience.

So while you might strut your stuff around here, I doubt you'd get first base over here. That being said, investigations are universal, and you don't have anything particularly special about the way you carry investigations over there (in fact we'd often use experiences from US, GB and Aus as practical examples of how to carry out an investigation). Your law, like ours, is based on British Common Law as opposed to the other Western Norm, the Napoleonic Code. There is nothing too hard about it as long as you have a few brain cells to rub together.

As for my original contention, I still stand by it. You assume because GZ has a CCW license, the way his attitude towards that right is discharged, would be the same as yours. Seems like an amateur thought process from an amateur 'investigator'...

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams.
The only elected Law enforcement officer in America is a sheriff. I wasn't even a Deputy I was a police officer. I went through BLET and was tested. So blow it out your ass FOREIGNER
View attachment 18228You tell me this kid is an innocent baby faced angel.

Doesn't make him guilty of anything but where does a 17 year old get the cash to buy gold teeth?
"His mama paid for them" :lol::lol::lol:

And this young man had women's jewelry in his high school locker with a long screwdriver.

"He was going to a Halloween party and did not know whether to go as Ru Paul or Mr. T"

They think we are stupid. Been there, done that and did not care about the T shirt.
This kid has trouble written all over him. Does not make him the aggressor in any of this and does not make Zimmerman innocent of anything.
But this kid IS NOT the angel they portrayed in that 6th grade photo.
And those that believe that are as dumb as rocks.

So based on a single photo, you would shoot this kid. Because you see black kid and assume trouble.

Whats next? Some goth kid you dont like the look of gets a bullet to the face because he had "trouble written all over him"? Or a homeless guy? Or an asian girl with a bad attitude?

Innocent until proven guilty right? But not for the kid with gold teeth? He's obviously guilty of SOMETHING right? So shoot him dead in the street?

My god, youre a pathertic excuse for a human being.

Genuine question.... did you warm up before you made that stretch? We wouldn't want you to pull a muscle.

Bother reading his racist rant?

The only hoodie he and apparently YOU approve of are worn at the cross burnings hmmm?
Your biggest problem with your post is that you think that everybody thinks like you, which is a crock...

Unless you have some American civilian law enforcement experience you will not think like me. You want know what to look for to ask those questions or be able to point out certain things. So fuck you Foreigner

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams. We had to know verbatim, the meaning of the word 'assault' in law terms, the meaning of a 'public place' in law terms - that was just the beginning... You don't get voted in by a popularity contest like your deputies do over there. You have to meet stringent intelligence, moral and physical criteria. You have to pass a series of physical exams, as well as six written exams, be interviewed by four officers including an inspector. Your whole family and extended family background are looked into. They concoct at dossier an inch or two thick on your schooling and previous employment. It takes anywhere from six months to two years to complete your application.

Once that is all done, and they are satisfied, you then have to go to the police college for six months, whereby you have to pass more law and practical exams where the minimal pass rate for all activities is 75 percent, although they frown upon that result, and really want you to get 85 percent or more.

I am pretty sure that in the big city police departments, and with the likes of the ATF and FBI, it is similiar which is probably the antithesis of your experience.

So while you might strut your stuff around here, I doubt you'd get first base over here. That being said, investigations are universal, and you don't have anything particularly special about the way you carry investigations over there (in fact we'd often use experiences from US, GB and Aus as practical examples of how to carry out an investigation). Your law, like ours, is based on British Common Law as opposed to the other Western Norm, the Napoleonic Code. There is nothing too hard about it as long as you have a few brain cells to rub together.

As for my original contention, I still stand by it. You assume because GZ has a CCW license, the way his attitude towards that right is discharged, would be the same as yours. Seems like an amateur thought process from an amateur 'investigator'...

My LE is bigger then your LE, so there!
Hate to bust the Al Sharpton fan club bubble here but the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.
Martin attacked Zimmerman, body slammed him to the ground, hit him in the nose with a can, was slamming his head on the concrete and Zimmerman was screami9ng for help.
Eye witness that saw it all.
But I will STILL WAIT for the full report.
But it appears that Martin was the attacker and Zimerman acted in self defense.
I was wrong, totally wrong. I thought this was a manslaughter case.
This is a self defense case it appears.

Link? Oh, nevermind. I forgot to whom I was speaking.

I have already schooled your dumbass on the following that you asked for a link:
Martin's pic was a 6th grade pic: DUMBASS IN THE MIDDLE RESPONSE: "link"
NBC fabricated the 911 call: DUMBASS IN THE MIDDLE RESPONSE: "link"
on and on and on.

Everytime I post a link you ignore it. Do your own homework.
the latest is the DA's investigator has just finished an in depth interview with the witness "John" who is an eye witness and was there minutes before the shooting.

There IS no DA in Florida; there is an SP, also callled SPECIAL STATE ATTORNEY, or SPECIAL PROSECUTOR. And the investigation is private, how did you learn this bit of false information?
The only hoodie he and apparently YOU approve of are worn at the cross burnings hmmm?

I prefer my NRA Hoodie, which by the way, also comes in Trayvon Black and Navy Blue.


Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.

Traces of pot in a plastic bag.........................................a screwdriver, and Zimmerman was charged with assault on a law enforcement officer, went through PTI. One has to admit one's guilt in PTI. Plus, Zimmerman a DV Injunction against him at one time; no school record, an adult rap sheet.
Link? Oh, nevermind. I forgot to whom I was speaking.

If you do not know the witness "John" has stated all of that you are a dumbass.
I forgot, we all know you are a dumbass.

Still, the norm is to post links to back up your POV...

Would you like a link that proves without any doubt that Elvis is alive?

EVERYTHING I have posted is FACT.

What, you want me to post a link that does not support what I state?
ANYONE can post a link that proves anything they want.

I can post 100 links that this witness "John" stated under oath EXACTLY WHAT I STATED.

Go do your own research yourself.
Sorry folks, the last week's investigation into Trayvon Martin is not going to be pretty.
The current FACTS are that he did attack Zimmerman and Zimmerman was screaming for help and Martin would not get off of him.
2 witnesses confirm it and another is on the fence.
Sorry folks, senseless killing but a man has a right to defend himself.


It is EASY to find.

Trayvon was suspended for illegal drugs, for vandalism, and for chronic tardiness (this year alone!). And, he wasn't punished for being caught with a burglary tool and stolen jewelry. His social webpages show that he was a hardcore racist. Trayvon was a piece of shit that would have ended up in prison or killed, if he hadn't met Zimmerman.

17yr old Zimmerman had never been suspended for anything, that I've heard. Zimmerman has never been convicted of any crime. Everything about Zimmerman shows he wasn't racist. Zimmerman was a good guy, all around. And, his zealousness for watching the neighborhood is something all of us decent people would love to have in our neighborhood.

If you do not know the witness "John" has stated all of that you are a dumbass.
I forgot, we all know you are a dumbass.

Still, the norm is to post links to back up your POV...

Would you like a link that proves without any doubt that Elvis is alive?

EVERYTHING I have posted is FACT.

What, you want me to post a link that does not support what I state?
ANYONE can post a link that proves anything they want.

I can post 100 links that this witness "John" stated under oath EXACTLY WHAT I STATED.

Go do your own research yourself.

No DA's in Florida; the investigation remains CONFIDENTIAL. "John" may have gotten on a TV show, but it is to hoped the crud faces prosecution.

I know you don't have one so incoming neg for lying.

Neg rep me all you want fool but a witness came forward and has even given interviews. His name is "John" and if you do not know about him you are not very swift.

Here is your man:View attachment 18230
He said nothing of the sort. My neg wasn't wasted, racist idiot.

How am I a racist?

The liberal lie:
First make a claim that is false.
Then change the subject when you are proven an idiot like here
Then call names.

I LOVE IT. :lol::lol::lol:
Unless you have some American civilian law enforcement experience you will not think like me. You want know what to look for to ask those questions or be able to point out certain things. So fuck you Foreigner

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams. We had to know verbatim, the meaning of the word 'assault' in law terms, the meaning of a 'public place' in law terms - that was just the beginning... You don't get voted in by a popularity contest like your deputies do over there. You have to meet stringent intelligence, moral and physical criteria. You have to pass a series of physical exams, as well as six written exams, be interviewed by four officers including an inspector. Your whole family and extended family background are looked into. They concoct at dossier an inch or two thick on your schooling and previous employment. It takes anywhere from six months to two years to complete your application.

Once that is all done, and they are satisfied, you then have to go to the police college for six months, whereby you have to pass more law and practical exams where the minimal pass rate for all activities is 75 percent, although they frown upon that result, and really want you to get 85 percent or more.

I am pretty sure that in the big city police departments, and with the likes of the ATF and FBI, it is similiar which is probably the antithesis of your experience.

So while you might strut your stuff around here, I doubt you'd get first base over here. That being said, investigations are universal, and you don't have anything particularly special about the way you carry investigations over there (in fact we'd often use experiences from US, GB and Aus as practical examples of how to carry out an investigation). Your law, like ours, is based on British Common Law as opposed to the other Western Norm, the Napoleonic Code. There is nothing too hard about it as long as you have a few brain cells to rub together.

As for my original contention, I still stand by it. You assume because GZ has a CCW license, the way his attitude towards that right is discharged, would be the same as yours. Seems like an amateur thought process from an amateur 'investigator'...

Unlike you, I have been a real LEO, not one voted in by people. ie, we had to actually pass both practical and law exams.
The only elected Law enforcement officer in America is a sheriff. I wasn't even a Deputy I was a police officer. I went through BLET and was tested. So blow it out your ass FOREIGNER

Well, then you are a liar. You absolutely inferred, in the past, that you were a deputy sheriff (and yes, I know they are elected - thus my point)

That aside, nice rebuttal of the bolded part, which was your point....

And it makes sense Basic Law Enforcement Training...
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Still, the norm is to post links to back up your POV...

Would you like a link that proves without any doubt that Elvis is alive?

EVERYTHING I have posted is FACT.

What, you want me to post a link that does not support what I state?
ANYONE can post a link that proves anything they want.

I can post 100 links that this witness "John" stated under oath EXACTLY WHAT I STATED.

Go do your own research yourself.

No DA's in Florida; the investigation remains CONFIDENTIAL. "John" may have gotten on a TV show, but it is to hoped the crud faces prosecution.

Fool, he is on the police incident report and gave a statement to police minutes after they arrived.
Please quit. You are acting foolishly and making yourself appear very ignorant. In fairness to you, please give it up as you do not know what you are talking about.

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