New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Link to where this photo is published, please. And yes, a bad scan would make the eyebrows appear heavier.
The lower one is from the Miami Herald. If you right click on it, you can see the link (I believe). If not, let me know and I will try to find it again.

Got the link: Trayvon Martin: a typical teen who loved video games, looked forward to prom - Trayvon Martin -

I'm no photo expert, so I certainly can be wrong. But, the top one does look a lot better on a t-shirt. (And, another look at the top one shows a lot of different pixelation around the irises, as well.)
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 un attached & uninvolved eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case.

It's important to note that the picture we've seen circulated that makes Trayvon Martin look like a little boy might be misleading. Reports are that he was 6'2" tall and a star football player. Apparently that picture is old, which makes one wonder whether it was selected for a reason.

There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.

if thats true, that is really bad news, why the hell would they do that? I really don't want to assume that( if true), the family has purposely attempted to mislead people.

Unless of course, Jess HIjackson and Al Sharkskin had got to them already, then all bets are off.
He wasn't a star football player. As a child, he played Optimist football. Jeesh, these internet rumors die hard.

Trayvon Martin played football for many years. He was not a weak little kid. There is little doubt he got the better of Zimmerman.

Link to where this photo is published, please. And yes, a bad scan would make the eyebrows appear heavier.
The lower one is from the Miami Herald. If you right click on it, you can see the link (I believe). If not, let me know and I will try to find it again.

Got the link: Trayvon Martin: a typical teen who loved video games, looked forward to prom - Trayvon Martin -

I'm no photo expert, so I certainly can be wrong. But, the top one does look a lot better on a t-shirt. (And, another look at the top one shows a lot of different pixelation around the irises, as well.)
The blurb under the picture:

A photo of Trayvon Martin wearing a hoodie was used on banners and signs carried by protesters in New York City on March 21, 2012.

It appears to be a picture of a banner or sign using Martin's image. So yeah, a photo of a silk screened image is going to look a lot different than the original photo.
Link to where this photo is published, please. And yes, a bad scan would make the eyebrows appear heavier.
The lower one is from the Miami Herald. If you right click on it, you can see the link (I believe). If not, let me know and I will try to find it again.

Got the link: Trayvon Martin: a typical teen who loved video games, looked forward to prom - Trayvon Martin -

I'm no photo expert, so I certainly can be wrong. But, the top one does look a lot better on a t-shirt. (And, another look at the top one shows a lot of different pixelation around the irises, as well.)
The blurb under the picture:

A photo of Trayvon Martin wearing a hoodie was used on banners and signs carried by protesters in New York City on March 21, 2012.

It appears to be a picture of a banner or sign using Martin's image. So yeah, a photo of a silk screened image is going to look a lot different than the original photo.
Like I said, I'm no expert in photo analysis, so I certainly can be wrong. I see different pixelation around the border of his face, around his irises, and different eye and eyebrow shape. Maybe it's the scan, I'm not convinced either way.
It doesn't take much to lose your gun rights. Apparently it only takes someones judgement call. No trial or due process.

People have linked on this thread (or the other) an explanation of why the state can't pull his license. Some quotes from officials or something in there too.

Because you are allowed to use the gun in self-defense. Until it is proven that it wasn't self-defense, he can keep his license. That is what the licenses are for.

It is for defending your life, not defending you from an ass whipping. It just pisses me off that he shot an unarmed man. Now the gun may have fell out during the fight & there may have been a struggle for it. Hopefully the police got the particulars from their interrogation of Zimmerman.

Firearms rights can be taken without proving anything or having a trial. Dsarti1 lost his gun rights & a whole lot more just by running his mouth.

[ame=""]Dsarti1 Lost Gun Rights[/ame]
Who gives a shit what pisses you off?

I've pulled a gun on an unarmed man before, and I would have killed him if I could have loaded the thing fast enough. People who have never been in an altercation with another person and who claim that the only justification for using a gun against another is if the other person is armed are full of shit. You don't wait for the other person to get a gun before you shoot them, and you can't tell, from your armchair, without any knowledge of the people or situation involved, what went on or how volatile the confrontation was. This is why it is STUPID TO ATTACK people. You don't know how they will react. Kids in particular can go off the handle and flip out on people and not realize how strong and scary they appear...and in the dark (was this before or after curfew?) you don't want to fuck with a neighborhood watch person (why were there neighborhood watch patrols? It sounds like maybe people in this neighborhood were scared? Why?) Are people coming forward to say the shooter was an asshole with a chip on his shoulder? I haven't heard any of that. His best friend says he is devastated.

I recommend that people, instead of crucifying people for being scared and trigger happy, teach their kids how to behave, and keep them the hell home at night, and have discussion with their boys about appropriate behavior and *how to keep from getting your dumb ass shot*.
Who gives a shit what pisses you off?

I've pulled a gun on an unarmed man before, and I would have killed him if I could have loaded the thing fast enough. People who have never been in an altercation with another person and who claim that the only justification for using a gun against another is if the other person is armed are full of shit. You don't wait for the other person to get a gun before you shoot them, and you can't tell, from your armchair, without any knowledge of the people or situation involved, what went on or how volatile the confrontation was. This is why it is STUPID TO ATTACK people. You don't know how they will react. Kids in particular can go off the handle and flip out on people and not realize how strong and scary they appear...and in the dark (was this before or after curfew?) you don't want to fuck with a neighborhood watch person (why were there neighborhood watch patrols? It sounds like maybe people in this neighborhood were scared? Why?) Are people coming forward to say the shooter was an asshole with a chip on his shoulder? I haven't heard any of that. His best friend says he is devastated.

I recommend that people, instead of crucifying people for being scared and trigger happy, teach their kids how to behave, and keep them the hell home at night, and have discussion with their boys about appropriate behavior and *how to keep from getting your dumb ass shot*.

I have been in many many fights. I have also been held at gunpoint 5 times. You don't shoot someone just because they are beating you up. You shoot them if you believe they will kill you or someone else. Otherwise most fights are going to wind up with someone getting shot to death. I would like to know what Zimmerman told police happened in the fight that made him fear for his life.

Even the Florida law states "He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another". How does getting a bloody nose & punched a few times mean you are going to die. Only if Martin had a tire iron, knife or a gun would I fear for my life. A fist fight does not rise to that level. I am not saying Zimmerman needs to go to jail but I don't feel comfortable with him having a gun if he fears for his life because someone for beating his ass.
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Who gives a shit what pisses you off?

I've pulled a gun on an unarmed man before, and I would have killed him if I could have loaded the thing fast enough. People who have never been in an altercation with another person and who claim that the only justification for using a gun against another is if the other person is armed are full of shit. You don't wait for the other person to get a gun before you shoot them, and you can't tell, from your armchair, without any knowledge of the people or situation involved, what went on or how volatile the confrontation was. This is why it is STUPID TO ATTACK people. You don't know how they will react. Kids in particular can go off the handle and flip out on people and not realize how strong and scary they appear...and in the dark (was this before or after curfew?) you don't want to fuck with a neighborhood watch person (why were there neighborhood watch patrols? It sounds like maybe people in this neighborhood were scared? Why?) Are people coming forward to say the shooter was an asshole with a chip on his shoulder? I haven't heard any of that. His best friend says he is devastated.

I recommend that people, instead of crucifying people for being scared and trigger happy, teach their kids how to behave, and keep them the hell home at night, and have discussion with their boys about appropriate behavior and *how to keep from getting your dumb ass shot*.

I have been in many many fights. I have also been held at gunpoint 5 times. You don't shoot someone just because they are beating you up. You shoot them if you believe they will kill you or someone else. Otherwise most fights are going to wind up with someone getting shot to death. I would like to know what Zimmerman told police happened in the fight that made him fear for his life.

Even the Florida law states "He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another". How does getting a bloody nose & punched a few times mean you are going to die. Only if Martin had a tire iron, knife or a gun would I fear for my life. A fist fight does not rise to that level. I am not saying Zimmerman needs to go to jail but I don't fell comfortable with him having a gun if he shoots someone for beating his ass.

Bottom don't know. The cops didn't arrest him. And I'm telling you, I sure as shit will shoot someone for beating the shit out of me, or trying to.

New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman


Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance
Look for the Feds to charge him at some point. It does appear he did utter that 'Fucking Coons' racial slur. And that will likely be his un-doing. If not for his racial slur, he would have walked on Self-Defense. A Jury will not treat him kindly. It is what it is.

New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman


Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance

one unsure witness says what you want to hear so you ignore the rest of the witnesses?

New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman


Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance

one unsure witness says what you want to hear so you ignore the rest of the witnesses?
Ummm, no. Other witnesses that night corroborate the same.

New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman


Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance

one unsure witness says what you want to hear so you ignore the rest of the witnesses?
Ummm, no. Other witnesses that night corroborate the same.

Now a wtiness is saying this:
New Witness, Mary Cutcher Gives Her Account On Trayvon Martin Shooting (VIDEO) | Global Grind

I'll be honest... I don't think witness testimony is going to shape the case for either side much. The BIG question is who attacked who first. No witnesses that I know of know who attacked who first, they just know that either Zimmy or Martin were on top of on another at one point and the storys conlficts and it's possible there was an even struggle at one point. I don't think we'll ever conclusively know.
one unsure witness says what you want to hear so you ignore the rest of the witnesses?
Ummm, no. Other witnesses that night corroborate the same.

Now a wtiness is saying this:
New Witness, Mary Cutcher Gives Her Account On Trayvon Martin Shooting (VIDEO) | Global Grind

I'll be honest... I don't think witness testimony is going to shape the case for either side much. The BIG question is who attacked who first. No witnesses that I know of know who attacked who first, they just know that either Zimmy or Martin were on top of on another at one point and the storys conlficts and it's possible there was an even struggle at one point. I don't think we'll ever conclusively know.
Well, in Virginia, who attacked who first would matter, because that is the law here, as it pertains to using deadly force in self-defense.

It's not the law in Florida, though.

When he was confronted by someone he thought was there to do him harm, he lashed out in defense of his life. Zimmerman who initiated this confrontation cannot use self defense when he was getting his butt kick by a kid drew his gun and shot this kid he was stalking and confronted. Zimmerman was the perpetrator of his incident, not Trayvon who was minding his business on his way home and did not owe Zimmerman who did not identify himself as a Neighborhood Watchman, an explanation why he was where he was.

Zimmerman referring to Trayvon as a “fucking coon” clearly make this a hate crime and murder and not self defense.

You cannot pick a fight with some one, kill them and call it self defense when you are getting your butt kicked.

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