New Witness...TRAYVON was beating Zimmerman up!

Uh, actually dipshit, that's the position one assumes when they are shot from the back.

You are truly a stupid fuck. The police report says he was shot from the front, in the chest.

I didn't see that in the police report. That would have to be determined in autopsy.

I myself am waiting for the autopsy and ballistic reports. If Zimmerman is to be believed, then Martin's wound would be in the chest and have an upward trajectory. If not, Zimmerman's story begins to unravel.
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 un attached & uninvolved eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case.

It's important to note that the picture we've seen circulated that makes Trayvon Martin look like a little boy might be misleading. Reports are that he was 6'2" tall and a star football player. Apparently that picture is old, which makes one wonder whether it was selected for a reason.

There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.
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You are truly a stupid fuck. The police report says he was shot from the front, in the chest.

I didn't see that in the police report. That would have to be determined in autopsy.

I myself am waiting for the autopsy and ballistic reports. If Zimmerman is to be believed, then Martin's wound would be in the chest and have an upward trajectory. If not, Zimmerman's story begins to unravel.

Those are some of the questions I have.

I asked this here (or the other thread), but didn't see an answer ...

For anyone who is familiar with the specific weapon and ammunition he used, how easy would it be for the pathologist to determine entry / exit?
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case. There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.
Can't do that without cause.
I didn't see that in the police report. That would have to be determined in autopsy.

I myself am waiting for the autopsy and ballistic reports. If Zimmerman is to be believed, then Martin's wound would be in the chest and have an upward trajectory. If not, Zimmerman's story begins to unravel.

Those are some of the questions I have.

I asked this here (or the other thread), but didn't see an answer ...

For anyone who is familiar with the specific weapon and ammunition he used, how easy would it be for the pathologist to determine entry / exit?

It was a Kel-Tek 9mm. 9mm is a pretty big bullet and can easily be plotted by a pathologist and/or a ballistics expert. I used to have one of those, but I changed to a .380. They are almost identical. It was light, compact, and made of Kevlar.

In case you are interested, this should be close to the gun Zimmerman used:
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“So you saw Mr. Zimmerman on top of Trayvon Martin?” Cooper questioned.

“Trayvon, exactly,” Lamilla said.

“When you say on top of, how so?” the CNN anchor pressed.

“Straddling him,” Cutcher replied.

“His legs were straddling him?” Cooper followed up.

“One on each side, on his knees, with his hands on his back

Anderson Cooper Interviews Witnesses To Trayvon Martin Shooting | Mediaite

Those witnesses said Zimmerman didn't do anything to help Martin. This is so tragic, so senseless.

They said he looked confused. Like, "What have I done?"

Probably not as confused as that kid looked.
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 un attached & uninvolved eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case.

It's important to note that the picture we've seen circulated that makes Trayvon Martin look like a little boy might be misleading. Reports are that he was 6'2" tall and a star football player. Apparently that picture is old, which makes one wonder whether it was selected for a reason.

There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.
Can't do that without cause.

It doesn't take much to lose your gun rights. Apparently it only takes someones judgement call. No trial or due process.

[ame=""]Loses Gun Rights[/ame]
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Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

If Trayvon gave him a beating there'd be evidence on Trayvon's fists.
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case. There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.
Can't do that without cause.

It doesn't take much to lose your gun rights. Apparently it only takes someones judgement call. No trial or due process.[ame=""][/ame]

People have linked on this thread (or the other) an explanation of why the state can't pull his license. Some quotes from officials or something in there too.
Zimmerman is older and stronger and had a weight advantage and a gun...
At some point if he was really getting the crap beat out of him just showing the gun
would have stopped the kid...

I still don't see the reason why he had to shoot the kid...

If Trayvon gave him a beating there'd be evidence on Trayvon's fists.

And you know that there isn't how? ou've seen the autopsy report? Please share. I'd like to see it.
Can't do that without cause.

It doesn't take much to lose your gun rights. Apparently it only takes someones judgement call. No trial or due process.[ame=""][/ame]

People have linked on this thread (or the other) an explanation of why the state can't pull his license. Some quotes from officials or something in there too.

Because you are allowed to use the gun in self-defense. Until it is proven that it wasn't self-defense, he can keep his license. That is what the licenses are for.
He wasn't doing any "job". From what I understand..he wasn't even registered as neighborhood watch. And it seems from his behavior that he had little or no training in how to handle these situations. Police will seldom go up against a perp, one on one. They generally call for backup. Why? Because they aren't trying to prove themselves with each and every suspect. We they are trying to do is apprehend a person in the safest manner possible..that reduces risk to themselves and that person.

What Zimmerman did may have been fine in a "Death Wish" sort of universe..but not in this case.

He was the captain of the block watch group though. He was watching the neighborhood and was suspicious, paranoid really because he was saying the kid had something in his waistband but he was the one who confronted the kid, he was the one who was armed and he was the one who was skittish.

You are right, he should have waited for the police but he thought the black guy would get away, he said so in the audio. These punks always get away or something to that effect.
He was a self-anointed "captain" of his own unregistered block watch and obviously untrained and unqualified for a real block watch.

Page 2: Trayvon Martin Arrest Now After ABC Reveals Crucial Phone Call - ABC News

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman, who violated major parts of the Neighborhood Watch Manual, which states "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

There are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, which police were not aware of at the time of Martin's killing, said Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program.

Yep. All True. Zimmermann was in poor form, acting as he did. Still, it is unknown at this point exactly how he ended up under Trayvon getting the shit kicked out of him? What led up to that? Who spoke first? Who threw the first punch? Was that even out of Hate or Fear? We are all drawing conclusions far too quickly. True enough, had Zimmerman Not been playing Neighborhood Watch, tailing the Kid, against Protocol, this would not have happened. Still, I'm curious about the Crime Statistics in the Neighborhood. What was Zimmerman's record in deterring crime, as opposed to wasting the Cop's time, in general? How bad was the Crime Wave in that Neighborhood? How often was it even Patrolled by Law Enforcement? How much Violent crime?
It doesn't take much to lose your gun rights. Apparently it only takes someones judgement call. No trial or due process.

People have linked on this thread (or the other) an explanation of why the state can't pull his license. Some quotes from officials or something in there too.

Because you are allowed to use the gun in self-defense. Until it is proven that it wasn't self-defense, he can keep his license. That is what the licenses are for.

Can they pull a license if someone is charged/under indictment? Or just if convicted?
People have linked on this thread (or the other) an explanation of why the state can't pull his license. Some quotes from officials or something in there too.

Because you are allowed to use the gun in self-defense. Until it is proven that it wasn't self-defense, he can keep his license. That is what the licenses are for.

Can they pull a license if someone is charged/under indictment? Or just if convicted?

I think it depends and also would vary by location, State, Municipality.
It's important to note that the picture we've seen circulated that makes Trayvon Martin look like a little boy might be misleading. Reports are that he was 6'2" tall and a star football player. Apparently that picture is old, which makes one wonder whether it was selected for a reason.

Wikipedia says 6'3". The pictures floating around are almost certainly not from the last few years. The family would have been told to find and release pictures that make the African look most harmless.
People are putting to much emphasis on Martins girlfriends story that came much later. Her words are all hearsay evidence at best & she will of course slant the story in favor of her boyfriend. It has no weight in court compared to 3 un attached & uninvolved eyewitnesses & a 911 recording. It is no wonder the D.A. rejected this case.

It's important to note that the picture we've seen circulated that makes Trayvon Martin look like a little boy might be misleading. Reports are that he was 6'2" tall and a star football player. Apparently that picture is old, which makes one wonder whether it was selected for a reason.

There is no way to convict Zimmerman of murder or a hate crime. Just take away his gun rights & call it a day.

if thats true, that is really bad news, why the hell would they do that? I really don't want to assume that( if true), the family has purposely attempted to mislead people.

Unless of course, Jess HIjackson and Al Sharkskin had got to them already, then all bets are off.

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