New York: Black Muslim Woman Takes Oath As Judge, Swears on Holy Quran

Valerie Jarrett isn't "Iranian", nor is she a Muslim.

Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.

Aren't you getting tired of having your ass handed to you yet?

I highlighted the significant portion of the text for you.

You know, one can be of Iranian ethnicity and American citizenry both at the same time?

But I do stand corrected. I had checked out some details, but not very thoroughly.

Thanks for helping me get my shit together.

FALSE: Seeking Derangement
There is no race called Iranian. She's Iranian, doesn't matter if her parents were Maureen O'hara and John Wayne.

Valerie Jarrett is the top person at the white House, second only to the President himself.
I would have that bitch hanged for treason.
well thankfully
White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

White Christians Are Now Officially a Minority

let's see how that works out for you :eusa_whistle:
Your census numbers for white Christians are off quite a bit pal. Btw, do you think black Christians have anything in common with you other than your skin color?

Black christians have nothing in common with white rightwing christers , this I know
. We will be playing harps in heaven while you're begging a demon for an ice cube.
If this story had been about a black Christian woman swearing on the Bible, imagine the opinions of the liberals and atheists here.

"Black Christian women" swear oaths on the Bible every single day, and I don't know a single liberal or atheist who gives a shit.
What is your opinion of conservative black Christian woman Dr Althea King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Martin Luther King's niece is named Alveda King, and she's not a doctor.
Valerie Jarrett isn't "Iranian", nor is she a Muslim.

Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.

Aren't you getting tired of having your ass handed to you yet?

I highlighted the significant portion of the text for you.

You know, one can be of Iranian ethnicity and American citizenry both at the same time?

But I do stand corrected. I had checked out some details, but not very thoroughly.

Thanks for helping me get my shit together.

FALSE: Seeking Derangement
There is no race called Iranian. She's Iranian, doesn't matter if her parents were Maureen O'hara and John Wayne.


There most certainly is an ethnicity called "Iranian" - it's also known as "Persian".
Valerie Jarrett isn't "Iranian", nor is she a Muslim.

Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.

Aren't you getting tired of having your ass handed to you yet?
So...Cruz is a Canadian. Why the heck are they letting him run for President then?

Canadian is not an ethnicity, it is a mental condition where one has a strong preference for beer and snow.

And Jarrett can run for President also.
Yes she is Iranian, possibly sired in the USA.

Actually she was born in Iran, but her parents were just there temporarily. She is not ethnically Iranian and the quote seems to be made up.

FALSE: Seeking Derangement

Damn you're fast Jim. Are you hot wired to this forum? LOL

Actually I was responding to another post when I saw Doc's and gave it a moments thought, checked Snopes and saw he was right, then immediately corrected myself.

I have a predisposition to admissions of guilt and self correction; I am Catholic.
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...


So you're full of garbage.

Thomas Jefferson had a koran and used it. In fact a muslim congressman from Minnesota, was sworn into office using Thomas Jefferson's copy of the koran.

There is nothing in the constitution that requires a religious test for public office.

In fact there's a part of the constitution that says there is never to be any religious test to hold public office.

Why would a muslim swear on a bible when they aren't christian?

Do you want someone to force you to take an oath on a koran even though you're not muslim? Would you like that? And would it be a proper oath?

You bigots are just out of your minds. You demand that everyone do what you want and not have any freedom to be their own selves and follow their own faith.

You are about as unAmerican as an isis terrorist. Both of you are exactly the same. You disgust me and all real Americans who love freedom and what our nation stands for.

Oh and you don't make ANY rules for anyone. What you want or say means zero to everyone. That woman is as much sworn into office as anyone else.

People like you who hate freedom don't belong in America.
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...


So you're full of garbage.

Thomas Jefferson had a koran and used it. In fact a muslim congressman from Minnesota, was sworn into office using Thomas Jefferson's copy of the koran.

There is nothing in the constitution that requires a religious test for public office.

In fact there's a part of the constitution that says there is never to be any religious test to hold public office.

Why would a muslim swear on a bible when they aren't christian?

Do you want someone to force you to take an oath on a koran even though you're not muslim? Would you like that? And would it be a proper oath?

You bigots are just out of your minds. You demand that everyone do what you want and not have any freedom to be their own selves and follow their own faith.

You are about as unAmerican as an isis terrorist. Both of you are exactly the same. You disgust me and all real Americans who love freedom and what our nation stands for.

Oh and you don't make ANY rules for anyone. What you want or say means zero to everyone. That woman is as much sworn into office as anyone else.

People like you who hate freedom don't belong in America.
While some of his details are off base, over all he has a good point. Other than libtard Muslims who suffer from the libtard disease of not taking anything other than their ideology seriously, most Muslims have a set of cognitive dissonant concepts when it comes to living in the West, if they take the Hadith and Quran seriously.

When Vigilante posts his objections about it and has a misconception here or there, it is hardly a dysfunction of the mind like libtards have, who desperately want to pretend that all the Third world cultures are compeltely compatible with the US culture and that there is no need to culturally assimilate.

This cultural suicide stems from the self hatred that most libtards suffer from.

For you stupid conservatives who have no idea about any religion, including the one you profess to follow, read the following:

The jewish, muslim and christian faiths all follow the same god.

The major differences in the faiths are:

Jewish people don't believe that the messiah or prophet has returned to earth. They're still waiting for that to happen.

muslim people believe that mohammad is the prophet of god, spoke to god and his words speak for god

christians believe that the messiah or prophet has returned in the form of the son of god and his name is jesus christ. That his words are the word of god and he spoke for god.

They all worship and follow the same god. They just disagree on who returned and who is a messiah or prophet.

As a person who isn't jewish, christian or muslim I find you all completely ridiculous.

If you can't follow your faith without forcing that faith on everyone else, you have no faith. A real faith doesn't need anyone to agree or follow it. If you had real faith in your god then no one, nothing and no words could ever diminish or remove your faith. You will have that faith no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does.

So all of you fake christians have no faith if you believe that you have to force everyone else to have that faith too.

You also show you have no idea what a real American is.
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For you stupid conservatives who have no idea about any religion, including the one you profess to follow, read the following:

The jewish, muslim and christian faiths all follow the same god.

The major differences in the faiths are:

Jewish people don't believe that the messiah or profit has returned to earth. They're still waiting for that to happen.

muslim people believe that mohammad is the profit of god, spoke to god and his words speak for god

christians believe that the messiah or profit has returned in the form of the son of god and his name is jesus christ. That his words are the word of god and he spoke for god.

They all worship and follow the same god. They just disagree on who returned and who is a messiah or profit.

As a person who isn't jewish, christian or muslim I find you all completely ridiculous.

If you can't follow your faith without forcing that faith on everyone else, you have no faith. A real faith doesn't need anyone to agree or follow it. If you had real faith in your god then no one, nothing and no words could ever diminish or remove your faith. You will have that faith no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does.

So all of you fake christians have no faith if you believe that you have to force everyone else to have that faith too.

You also show you have no idea what a real American is.
Nice post but you might want to learn how to spell the word 'prophet', so you dont look stupid while being right...for once.
For you stupid conservatives who have no idea about any religion, including the one you profess to follow, read the following:

The jewish, muslim and christian faiths all follow the same god.

The major differences in the faiths are:

Jewish people don't believe that the messiah or profit has returned to earth. They're still waiting for that to happen.

muslim people believe that mohammad is the profit of god, spoke to god and his words speak for god

christians believe that the messiah or profit has returned in the form of the son of god and his name is jesus christ. That his words are the word of god and he spoke for god.

They all worship and follow the same god. They just disagree on who returned and who is a messiah or profit.

As a person who isn't jewish, christian or muslim I find you all completely ridiculous.

If you can't follow your faith without forcing that faith on everyone else, you have no faith. A real faith doesn't need anyone to agree or follow it. If you had real faith in your god then no one, nothing and no words could ever diminish or remove your faith. You will have that faith no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does.

So all of you fake christians have no faith if you believe that you have to force everyone else to have that faith too.

You also show you have no idea what a real American is.
Nice post but you might want to learn how to spell the word 'prophet', so you dont look stupid while being right...for once.

Thank you for pointing that out to me.

Too many years learning to be an accountant and then working as an accountant has prevented me from spelling that word any other way than the accounting way.

I'm not christian, jewish or muslim. There are no prophets in my religion and I never learned how to spell that word.

You could have just stopped without the insult the end.

It really wasn't necessary.
For you stupid conservatives who have no idea about any religion, including the one you profess to follow, read the following:

The jewish, muslim and christian faiths all follow the same god.

The major differences in the faiths are:

Jewish people don't believe that the messiah or profit has returned to earth. They're still waiting for that to happen.

muslim people believe that mohammad is the profit of god, spoke to god and his words speak for god

christians believe that the messiah or profit has returned in the form of the son of god and his name is jesus christ. That his words are the word of god and he spoke for god.

They all worship and follow the same god. They just disagree on who returned and who is a messiah or profit.

As a person who isn't jewish, christian or muslim I find you all completely ridiculous.

If you can't follow your faith without forcing that faith on everyone else, you have no faith. A real faith doesn't need anyone to agree or follow it. If you had real faith in your god then no one, nothing and no words could ever diminish or remove your faith. You will have that faith no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does.

So all of you fake christians have no faith if you believe that you have to force everyone else to have that faith too.

You also show you have no idea what a real American is.
Nice post but you might want to learn how to spell the word 'prophet', so you dont look stupid while being right...for once.

Thank you for pointing that out to me.

Too many years learning to be an accountant and then working as an accountant has prevented me from spelling that word any other way than the accounting way.

I'm not christian, jewish or muslim. There are no prophets in my religion and I never learned how to spell that word.

You could have just stopped without the insult the end.

It really wasn't necessary.

Maybe it's an Asperger's thing, but I was just being factual, not intending to insult you.

Stating that the misspelling made you look stupid is too passive for my tastes, and had I wanted to insult you it would have been direct and to the point.
As to your frequency of being right, well...that was just being factual also. :D
Good for her :)
For practicing her faith by following a CHRISTIAN tradition?

For swearing on something that is meaningful to HER. Why do you folks have such a problem with that?
I have a problem with her implementing Sh'ria law in the courtroom. There's a reason swearing on a Bible has been done for centuries, because our legal system is based on Judeo Christian values. When she sentences Mooslim men to probation for honor killing their daughters, it will become more clear to you.

Or maybe not.

You do know that swearing on a Holy Bible is not required, and if someone is not a Christian does not have to swear on the Christian. I find it amazing how many believe that the only to take a oath in Court is by swearing on a Holy Bible, but a Jewish person can use a Tanakh ( The Old Testament ) to swear on, a Muslim a Qur'an or a Atheist will not swear on anything and it is still legal.

I do not get what is the major issue except some of you believe that if you are not Christian, white and Tea Party then you must be anti-American and supporting Sharia Law!

Ask the Expert: Swearing on the Bible
Good for her :)
For practicing her faith by following a CHRISTIAN tradition?

For swearing on something that is meaningful to HER. Why do you folks have such a problem with that?
I have a problem with her implementing Sh'ria law in the courtroom. There's a reason swearing on a Bible has been done for centuries, because our legal system is based on Judeo Christian values. When she sentences Mooslim men to probation for honor killing their daughters, it will become more clear to you.

Or maybe not.

You do know that swearing on a Holy Bible is not required, and if someone is not a Christian does not have to swear on the Christian. I find it amazing how many believe that the only to take a oath in Court is by swearing on a Holy Bible, but a Jewish person can use a Tanakh ( The Old Testament ) to swear on, a Muslim a Qur'an or a Atheist will not swear on anything and it is still legal.

I do not get what is the major issue except some of you believe that if you are not Christian, white and Tea Party then you must be anti-American and supporting Sharia Law!

Ask the Expert: Swearing on the Bible
Please keep your racism to yourself.

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