New York: Black Muslim Woman Takes Oath As Judge, Swears on Holy Quran

Our laws nor our Constitution is based on biblical law.

I know that is the prevailing wisdom, but it is not true, in an indirect way. Our laws are a 'fork off' English Common Law, and that was the product of an effort that freely borrowed from multiple sources, the largest of which was Eclesiastical Law of the church at the time.

Long as this thing doesn't try putting her Muslim Sharia law into the debate she unfortunately has as much right as a judge putting hand on the bible does. I would prefer EVERY elected official put hand on copy of the constitution and say their oath.

I think that would be a huge addition, but I want people who do have religious convictions to swear on what they hold as holy binding them to tell the Truth.
For you stupid conservatives who have no idea about any religion, including the one you profess to follow, read the following:

The jewish, muslim and christian faiths all follow the same god.

The major differences in the faiths are:

Jewish people don't believe that the messiah or profit has returned to earth. They're still waiting for that to happen.

muslim people believe that mohammad is the profit of god, spoke to god and his words speak for god

christians believe that the messiah or profit has returned in the form of the son of god and his name is jesus christ. That his words are the word of god and he spoke for god.

They all worship and follow the same god. They just disagree on who returned and who is a messiah or profit.

As a person who isn't jewish, christian or muslim I find you all completely ridiculous.

If you can't follow your faith without forcing that faith on everyone else, you have no faith. A real faith doesn't need anyone to agree or follow it. If you had real faith in your god then no one, nothing and no words could ever diminish or remove your faith. You will have that faith no matter what anyone else thinks, says or does.

So all of you fake christians have no faith if you believe that you have to force everyone else to have that faith too.

You also show you have no idea what a real American is.
Nice post but you might want to learn how to spell the word 'prophet', so you dont look stupid while being right...for once.

Religion is very much about profit and control
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...

So the judge pledges on a book that says it's okay to lie;
The Bible and what it teaches, at least, is not in direct conflict with our system of government / laws, which the Quran / Sharia law most definitely is.

Not to mention this nation was founded by men who believed in the Bible. The bible has significance to this nation's founding, our heritage. The Quran, no matter what Obama says, does not.
New York State Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo is Muslim and was sworn into office using a Quran.
LINK: Muslim Woman Sworn in as New York City Civil Judge verifies that this is true....

Can the push for Sharia law in the US be far behind?



"Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops “Sharia Court”…"
LINK: Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops "Sharia Court"... Here Is Her EPIC Response! - The Political Insider
Typically muslims observe the rules of the Quran not the bible.
New York State Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo is Muslim and was sworn into office using a Quran.
LINK: Muslim Woman Sworn in as New York City Civil Judge verifies that this is true....

Can the push for Sharia law in the US be far behind?



"Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops “Sharia Court”…"
LINK: Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops "Sharia Court"... Here Is Her EPIC Response! - The Political Insider

That is nothing but assumption with no proof.
What she did do was;
"while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran".
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...


Which part do you think bothers Viggie more- that the judge is:
- black
That is nothing but assumption with no proof.
What she did do was;
"while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran".

Yeah, putting her hand on any book and swearing to abide by the Constitution and Rule of Law is not that big deal. Obama did the same thing (his oath) and it did not prevent him from violating both the Constitution and Rule of Law, so I guess it doesn't matter what book the person swears on. It matters more about the PERSON....
Seems ALL muslim's that swear an oath on the Koran are doing so UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, as the Koran, and Sharia is definitely against many things in our Constitution! ^ | Dec. 12, 2015 | Karla Dieseldorff
New York--New York Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo, a Black Muslim woman took oath as a civil court judge in New York on Thursday, while swearing to abide by the U.S. Constitution placing her hand on the Holy Quran. In the United States and the majority of Western countries, politicians and members of the courts are sworn in to their positions while placing their hand on the Holy Bible when they take their oath. However, Judge Walker took her oath respecting the sacred book of her Islamic faith, the Holy Quran, while also wearing a hijab. A video posted on Facebook...

So the judge pledges on a book that says it's okay to lie;
No she pledged on the Quran not the bible.
The Bible and what it teaches, at least, is not in direct conflict with our system of government / laws, which the Quran / Sharia law most definitely is.

Not to mention this nation was founded by men who believed in the Bible. The bible has significance to this nation's founding, our heritage. The Quran, no matter what Obama says, does not.
Keith Ellison swearing in the Quran

The Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson:


That was 10 years ago.

Look how's he's gone all Sharia on our asses.


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