New York city submits to Islam

  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.
No both are the same, both displayed anger and used different weapons. But we know the Muslim attack is oh so much worst.

The church shooting was not a wacko, his anger got the best of him, anger. Rage. Both of them and different reasons.
No, they're completely separate. No comparison beyond mass murder. The motives are completely distinct and separate.
You're guilty of trying to conflate them due to your own bias and lack of objectivity.

There is objectively no difference between these two killers. Their victims are dead. The survivors and the communities they live in are terrorized. The public is appalled at the violence.

Saying that because one killed for an ideology and the other killed because he’s crazy doesn’t matter to any of their victims. The net result is exactly the same.

And yet some Anericans feel that an idealogical terrorist is worse than a crazy white guy with a gun, and everything possible must be done to stop them despite the fact that there are far fewer idealogical terrorist attacks than there are mass shootings by crazy guys with guns.

Some want to ban Muslim immigration, deport all Muslims, register all Muslims, monitor the mosques. They want “extreme vetting” for all immigrants. It already takes two years to get an entry visa to the US. How much more vetting do you need?

But crazy white guts with guns, well they’re just the price you pay for your 2nd Amendment rights. Why punish all gun owners because of a couple of bad apples? Most gun owners are peaceful law abiding people. So are most Muslims.

There is absolutely no difference except there are a lot more incidents of mass shootings by crazy white guns with guns than there are killings by ISIS sympathizers in the US. Your refusal to acknowledge this or to do any single thing to reduce this carnage is shameful.
Death and grief aren't the issue. Death and grief are as affected by mass murderers as they are by car accidents and heart attacks.
The issue is the reasons behind mass murder.
You betray your own bigotry by referring to crazy white guys. The Navy Yard and VaTech weren't white guys.
The issue is about crazy vs a calculating ideological movement.
There aren't 80 million crazy people working in conjunction to commit or aid and abet mass murder. But there are 80 million Muslims sympathetic to or active in Muslim terrorism.

Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.
Dragon----your problem is that you imagine that you are smart---but you are not. There are very big differences between insanity and Islamic ideology-----you want to deny that fact?

Yes there are differences between insanity and jihadist ideology but if both result in innocents being slaughtered there is absolutely no difference to the victims, their families or their communities.

Both attacks terrorize the victims and the survivors. Do you think it somehow helps the survivors or the communities heal to know that a deranged man with a long history of violence and mental illness, who should never have had access to guns, shot up their church and killed them rather than a member of ISIS? You think that will make it easier to heal.

Dead is dead. It doesn’t matter if your shot by a neighbour or a jihadist, you’re dead. Witnesses are terrorized and communities torn apart.

You ban people from flying because they’re potentially terrorists but you still sell them guns. Does that even make sense to you? No you can’t fly to grandma’s for Thanksgiving because we think you’re a risk to everyone on this plane but here take the money and go buy an AR 15. Enjoy!

Use common sense and logic.

I use lots of common sense-----terrorism leaves TERROR for the rest of the community and the COUNTRY----a murder leaves relatives and friends. Terrorism is on ongoing problem for the whole country----a straitjacket solves the social problem of murder by nut------in reference to a given nut. The destruction of WTC on 9-11-01 would be an entirely OTHER kind of event if it was a single pilot nut job
No, they're completely separate. No comparison beyond mass murder. The motives are completely distinct and separate.
You're guilty of trying to conflate them due to your own bias and lack of objectivity.

There is objectively no difference between these two killers. Their victims are dead. The survivors and the communities they live in are terrorized. The public is appalled at the violence.

Saying that because one killed for an ideology and the other killed because he’s crazy doesn’t matter to any of their victims. The net result is exactly the same.

And yet some Anericans feel that an idealogical terrorist is worse than a crazy white guy with a gun, and everything possible must be done to stop them despite the fact that there are far fewer idealogical terrorist attacks than there are mass shootings by crazy guys with guns.

Some want to ban Muslim immigration, deport all Muslims, register all Muslims, monitor the mosques. They want “extreme vetting” for all immigrants. It already takes two years to get an entry visa to the US. How much more vetting do you need?

But crazy white guts with guns, well they’re just the price you pay for your 2nd Amendment rights. Why punish all gun owners because of a couple of bad apples? Most gun owners are peaceful law abiding people. So are most Muslims.

There is absolutely no difference except there are a lot more incidents of mass shootings by crazy white guns with guns than there are killings by ISIS sympathizers in the US. Your refusal to acknowledge this or to do any single thing to reduce this carnage is shameful.
Death and grief aren't the issue. Death and grief are as affected by mass murderers as they are by car accidents and heart attacks.
The issue is the reasons behind mass murder.
You betray your own bigotry by referring to crazy white guys. The Navy Yard and VaTech weren't white guys.
The issue is about crazy vs a calculating ideological movement.
There aren't 80 million crazy people working in conjunction to commit or aid and abet mass murder. But there are 80 million Muslims sympathetic to or active in Muslim terrorism.

Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".
There is objectively no difference between these two killers. Their victims are dead. The survivors and the communities they live in are terrorized. The public is appalled at the violence.

Saying that because one killed for an ideology and the other killed because he’s crazy doesn’t matter to any of their victims. The net result is exactly the same.

And yet some Anericans feel that an idealogical terrorist is worse than a crazy white guy with a gun, and everything possible must be done to stop them despite the fact that there are far fewer idealogical terrorist attacks than there are mass shootings by crazy guys with guns.

Some want to ban Muslim immigration, deport all Muslims, register all Muslims, monitor the mosques. They want “extreme vetting” for all immigrants. It already takes two years to get an entry visa to the US. How much more vetting do you need?

But crazy white guts with guns, well they’re just the price you pay for your 2nd Amendment rights. Why punish all gun owners because of a couple of bad apples? Most gun owners are peaceful law abiding people. So are most Muslims.

There is absolutely no difference except there are a lot more incidents of mass shootings by crazy white guns with guns than there are killings by ISIS sympathizers in the US. Your refusal to acknowledge this or to do any single thing to reduce this carnage is shameful.
Death and grief aren't the issue. Death and grief are as affected by mass murderers as they are by car accidents and heart attacks.
The issue is the reasons behind mass murder.
You betray your own bigotry by referring to crazy white guys. The Navy Yard and VaTech weren't white guys.
The issue is about crazy vs a calculating ideological movement.
There aren't 80 million crazy people working in conjunction to commit or aid and abet mass murder. But there are 80 million Muslims sympathetic to or active in Muslim terrorism.

Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Gatestone Institute - purveyor of @fake news”

Gatestone Institute - Wikipedia
Democratic Party and Leftwing media are purveyors of.....?
Death and grief aren't the issue. Death and grief are as affected by mass murderers as they are by car accidents and heart attacks.
The issue is the reasons behind mass murder.
You betray your own bigotry by referring to crazy white guys. The Navy Yard and VaTech weren't white guys.
The issue is about crazy vs a calculating ideological movement.
There aren't 80 million crazy people working in conjunction to commit or aid and abet mass murder. But there are 80 million Muslims sympathetic to or active in Muslim terrorism.

Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
You are comparing your experience with Muslims in Western Democracies with open societies to how life is for Muslims in Muslim countries? Ha ha ha.
Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
You are comparing your experience with Muslims in Western Democracies with open societies to how life is for Muslims in Muslim countries? Ha ha ha.

No, I’m responding to a poster who says I don’t know any Muslims.

I have previously posted that the vast majority of Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do. That’s because ISIS are Sunni Muslims who kill Shi’ite Muslims and makes sex slaves of their daughters too. These men are outliers even among other Muslims. Most of their victims are Muslims.

I’m well aware that Muslims who have emigrated here by choice are doing so because they want a better life and more opportunities for the families, which makes them no different than you and I.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
You are comparing your experience with Muslims in Western Democracies with open societies to how life is for Muslims in Muslim countries? Ha ha ha.

No, I’m responding to a poster who says I don’t know any Muslims.

I have previously posted that the vast majority of Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do. That’s because ISIS are Sunni Muslims who kill Shi’ite Muslims and makes sex slaves of their daughters too. These men are outliers even among other Muslims. Most of their victims are Muslims.

I’m well aware that Muslims who have emigrated here by choice are doing so because they want a better life and more opportunities for the families, which makes them no different than you and I.
No, actually, vast majority of Muslims are Sunnis who are religious, don't care much for Shiites, and are ideologically in line with ISIS.

ISIS, Al Queda and groups like those are not "outliers", they are just devout Muslims led by clerics, who are carrying out the tenements of the religion to its purest extent. Just like the Mullahs in Iran are carrying out Shiite purist Islamism to its fullest extent. But you wouldn't know this by having Shwarma and a Pepsi with a few Muslims in the West. :rofl:
I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
You are comparing your experience with Muslims in Western Democracies with open societies to how life is for Muslims in Muslim countries? Ha ha ha.

No, I’m responding to a poster who says I don’t know any Muslims.

I have previously posted that the vast majority of Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do. That’s because ISIS are Sunni Muslims who kill Shi’ite Muslims and makes sex slaves of their daughters too. These men are outliers even among other Muslims. Most of their victims are Muslims.

I’m well aware that Muslims who have emigrated here by choice are doing so because they want a better life and more opportunities for the families, which makes them no different than you and I.
No, actually, vast majority of Muslims are Sunnis who are religious, don't care much for Shiites, and are ideologically in line with ISIS.

ISIS, Al Queda and groups like those are not "outliers", they are just devout Muslims led by clerics, who are carrying out the tenements of the religion to its purest extent. Just like the Mullahs in Iran are carrying out Shiite purist Islamism to its fullest extent. But you wouldn't know this by having Shwarma and a Pepsi with a few Muslims in the West. :rofl:

Bullshit. Muslims don’t applaud ISIS, not even Sunni Muslims. They don’t applaud the Taliban either, any more than Christians applaud the KKK or their tactics.

You tell yourself these lies to justify your bigotry, prejudice and xenophobia. There are 3.3 million Muslims in the US. According to you, they are all terrorists, and yet the Manhattan attack is the worst Muslim terrorist attack in the US since 9/11.

The Los Vegas shooter killed and injured over 500 people and not a peep from you. The Texas shooter killed or injured everyone in that Church in less than the 4 minutes it took for police to respond to the 9/11 call.

The Aurora shooter killed and injured people even though several people in the theatre were carrying guns but couldn’t see what was going on in the dark and the smoke.

471 mass shootings where 3 or more people died in the US last year. And all you care about is the one jihadist attack this year. Your country is awash in terrorism to the point that schools are being encouraged to hold “shooting drills”, but all you can think about are the jihadists, of which there are few.

Your priorities are completely whacko.
nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.
You are comparing your experience with Muslims in Western Democracies with open societies to how life is for Muslims in Muslim countries? Ha ha ha.

No, I’m responding to a poster who says I don’t know any Muslims.

I have previously posted that the vast majority of Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do. That’s because ISIS are Sunni Muslims who kill Shi’ite Muslims and makes sex slaves of their daughters too. These men are outliers even among other Muslims. Most of their victims are Muslims.

I’m well aware that Muslims who have emigrated here by choice are doing so because they want a better life and more opportunities for the families, which makes them no different than you and I.
No, actually, vast majority of Muslims are Sunnis who are religious, don't care much for Shiites, and are ideologically in line with ISIS.

ISIS, Al Queda and groups like those are not "outliers", they are just devout Muslims led by clerics, who are carrying out the tenements of the religion to its purest extent. Just like the Mullahs in Iran are carrying out Shiite purist Islamism to its fullest extent. But you wouldn't know this by having Shwarma and a Pepsi with a few Muslims in the West. :rofl:

Bullshit. Muslims don’t applaud ISIS, not even Sunni Muslims. They don’t applaud the Taliban either, any more than Christians applaud the KKK or their tactics.

You tell yourself these lies to justify your bigotry, prejudice and xenophobia. There are 3.3 million Muslims in the US. According to you, they are all terrorists, and yet the Manhattan attack is the worst Muslim terrorist attack in the US since 9/11.

The Los Vegas shooter killed and injured over 500 people and not a peep from you. The Texas shooter killed or injured everyone in that Church in less than the 4 minutes it took for police to respond to the 9/11 call.

The Aurora shooter killed and injured people even though several people in the theatre were carrying guns but couldn’t see what was going on in the dark and the smoke.

471 mass shootings where 3 or more people died in the US last year. And all you care about is the one jihadist attack this year. Your country is awash in terrorism to the point that schools are being encouraged to hold “shooting drills”, but all you can think about are the jihadists, of which there are few.

Your priorities are completely whacko.

Funny how ignorant you are about the Muslim world. You have religious Sunnis joining ISIS RIGHT HERE IN THE WEST, moron. In their minds these recruits are practicing true Islam.

Syrian leader killed over 400,000 of his own people, ISIS created under Obama's watch, where's your peeping priorities?
Death and grief aren't the issue. Death and grief are as affected by mass murderers as they are by car accidents and heart attacks.
The issue is the reasons behind mass murder.
You betray your own bigotry by referring to crazy white guys. The Navy Yard and VaTech weren't white guys.
The issue is about crazy vs a calculating ideological movement.
There aren't 80 million crazy people working in conjunction to commit or aid and abet mass murder. But there are 80 million Muslims sympathetic to or active in Muslim terrorism.

Most Muslims are just as peaceful and law abiding as most gun owners. Most Muslims hate ISIS just as much as we do because most of ISIS victims are Muslims. They kill far more Muslims than westerners. And yes the ISIS sympathizers are crazy too. Sane people don’t commit mass murder no matter what ideology they claim.

You can argue that the New York terrorist planned his attack for weeks but the same can be said for the Vegas shooter who spent months meticulously planning his attack. That attack was engineered with all of the cold calculation of the 9/11 attacks. It was designed as urban terrorism even if there was no ideaology behind it.

The Aurora movie theatre shooter, who was under the care of a psychiatrist but organized his assault, gathered weapons and planned his attack for months. Again a very calculated form of urban terrorism.

Most mass shooters are white guys. Not all, but most. The Texas shooter fits the profile to a T. White guy with a long history of mental health problems. Criminal record including spousal abuse and abuse of animals.

The Washington Post ran a piece on how to survive a mass shooting today. What to do and what not to do. They suggested that in addition to fire drills, students at schools should have mass shooting drills because more students are killed in mass shootings than fires now.

Mass shootings are just as much terrorism as attacks by ISIS sympathizers.
You're still trying to compare completely different things.
Muslim terrorism is a movement and an ideology. Mass murders commited by disturbed individuals are individual.

I get that you don’t want to equate them because because then you have no excuse to hate on Muslims but there is no difference. Both are planned, organized attacks with the goal of inflicting as much harm as possible.

The New York attacker was also individual. He was an ISIS sympathizer but he wasn’t under anyone’s direction or control. He planned his attack by himself and no one but the driver knew he was planning it.

I can see an argument for the 9/11 attacks being different. This was a planned organized attack carried out by Al Qaeda and funded and directed by Bin Laden.

nope----terrorism based on IDEOLOGY is not an isolated event even if it is not "controlled' by fellow ideologues and is
effectuated by a single person. I take it that you do not know muslims and have never been exposed to the "prayer" service in a mosque and the accompanying "sermon".

I know a LOT of Muslims. I lived in the most multi-cultural city in the world for 30 years. I worked with Muslims. We had Muslim neighbours, my daughter had Muslim teachers. Our firm used a Muslim-owned car service which I used every day. Some of the nicest people I ever met. Family oriented, decent, kind and respectful to others.

Saying that jihadists are representative of Muslims is like saying that the KKK is representative of Christians. It’s a lie.

you still do not know. You have no idea what muslim children are TAUGHT in mosques. ------even in the USA,
and absolutely no idea what muslim children are taught in muslim countries. Do you have a concept of what Southern
white kids were TAUGHT at home-----on the farm, about blacks in the 1920s? Did the people of the south------lets say
in 1920 -----just figure out for themselves that "nigras" are
stupid and inferior?. Are you suggesting that racism does not exist and MOST people of, let's say LUBBOCK, TEXAS
harbor no stereotypical attitudes toward blacks? Did
adolf INVENT anti-Semitism in Germany?. Working with and
neighbors is a very superficial relationship. I have been acquainted CLOSELY with muslims educated in muslim lands
for about 50 years-------and way back then---since I was a very mild, 'interested' young person------I got invited to mosques to experience the "BEAUTY OF ISLAAAM": ------
I was such a mild quiet person that I also went to midnite mass for Christmas eve for years. back then. My husband was born in a muslim country which was and is shariah adherent
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

You have no idea. As based in bias as was your childhood----HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN LYNCHING BLACK TEENS? If you have sibs were any of them so involved?
Were your parents actively lynching black kids on rape libels? Were they passing out hate literature? Take your----
"hate teachings" from your childhood-----and multiply by a
few million in INTENSITY UNITS------and you got the hate
teachings in muslim societies----against Christians, Hindus,
Jews, Buddhists, ""THE WEST"", Zoroastrians-----in the schools and in the homes and in the mosques. Even a hate
culture does not make ALL ACTIVE MURDERERS----or even all intense haters out of EVERYONE. Some of the nicest
southern Christians I have known----have harbored really
bizarre concepts on just what blacks,, jews and even
Mexicans ARE. When I was a child-----I lived in an absolutely WHITE BREAD SUBURBAN TOWN------
lots of churches--- one synagogue. I was only five when I heard my first "theological discussion"-------it was between a
catholic and a protestant based on what the kids learned at
home and church------NOT NICE-----could have easily led to the kinds of activity that had been going on in Ireland. MOST EGYPTIAN MUSLIMS are not doing rampages against
COPTS. Most Germans during world war II-----were not happily gassing jews. Millions
supported the program either actively or passively just as most Egyptians yawn
when Copts are slaughtered. FIND A COPT and have a conversation. I should add \that the protestant five year old girl was a nice girl and the catholic five year old
girl was a nice girl.
Last edited:
  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Poor little frightened snowflake.
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

Yep- the bigots want us to fear and hate all Muslims- and that is why they- and I include the OP- equate Islam to Islamist terrorism- Muslims to Islamist terrorists.

Why they want to fight with all Muslims- rather than fight the terrorists- is the question.
They also refuse to admit that the terrorism of mass shootings is no different than the terrorism of lone wolf jihadists because they don’t want to do anything to reduce unfettered access to guns.
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

Yep- the bigots want us to fear and hate all Muslims- and that is why they- and I include the OP- equate Islam to Islamist terrorism- Muslims to Islamist terrorists.

Why they want to fight with all Muslims- rather than fight the terrorists- is the question.

try again------"the bigots" are who? I never met a person who wants to fight "ALL MUSLIMS" Does Trump want to
fight "ALL MUSLIMS"? I have met people who have been
horrified at marriage between a 'white' and a 'black' and even those bigots did not seem to want to FIGHT ALL BLACKS----they are, simply, bigots against blacks. Are restrictions upon immigration from countries actively supporting or rife with Islamism--------only the result of BIGOTRY AGAINST ALL MUSLIMS and a teaching that ALL MUSLIMS ARE EVIL?.
People who claim that anyone who questions the violent teachings of islam and the fact that it produces JIHAD-----------is, himself----VERY BIGOTED. Such a person is like someone who rejects surveillance of the GODFATHER's house------because the kids are cute and the wife is clueless
and a good cook-------and they all go to church on sunday
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

You have no idea. As based in bias as was your childhood----HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN LYNCHING BLACK TEENS? If you have sibs were any of them so involved?
Were your parents actively lynching black kids on rape libels? Were they passing out hate literature? Take your----
"hate teachings" from your childhood-----and multiply by a
few million in INTENSITY UNITS------and you got the hate
teachings in muslim societies----against Christians, Hindus,
Jews, Buddhists, ""THE WEST"", Zoroastrians-----in the schools and in the homes and in the mosques. Even a hate
culture does not make ALL ACTIVE MURDERERS----or even all intense haters out of EVERYONE. Some of the nicest
southern Christians I have known----have harbored really
bizarre concepts on just what blacks,, jews and even
Mexicans ARE. When I was a child-----I lived in an absolutely WHITE BREAD SUBURBAN TOWN------
lots of churches--- one synagogue. I was only five when I heard my first "theological discussion"-------it was between a
catholic and a protestant based on what the kids learned at
home and church------NOT NICE-----could have easily led to the kinds of activity that had been going on in Ireland. MOST EGYPTIAN MUSLIMS are not doing rampages against
COPTS. Most Germans during world war II-----were not happily gassing jews. Millions
supported the program either actively or passively just as most Egyptians yawn
when Copts are slaughtered. FIND A COPT and have a conversation. I should add \that the protestant five year old girl was a nice girl and the catholic five year old
girl was a nice girl.

No - YOU have no idea. You are filled with hate and fear and project that onto others. Is there fear and prejudice in the world. Of course.

I grew up in Canada. No one was lynched. And I seriously doubt you grew up in the US, given your grammar and syntax.

Given your posting history, I suspect your purpose here is spread fear and hate to Americans. 10,000 posts a year is 25 posts a day, 365 day’s a year. You seem to have no life beyond this board.

Take your hate and prejudice and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Your words and your attitudes are designed to further erode public confidence and increase divisions among Americans.
They also refuse to admit that the terrorism of mass shootings is no different than the terrorism of lone wolf jihadists because they don’t want to do anything to reduce unfettered access to guns.

your statement arises out of your bigotry and ignorance

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