New York city submits to Islam

They also refuse to admit that the terrorism of mass shootings is no different than the terrorism of lone wolf jihadists because they don’t want to do anything to reduce unfettered access to guns.

NO DIFFERENT? how does that work "no different"?
Of course it is different. Your statement is something like
"an epidemic of cholera" is "no different from the amenian
genocide" because it
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

You have no idea. As based in bias as was your childhood----HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN LYNCHING BLACK TEENS? If you have sibs were any of them so involved?
Were your parents actively lynching black kids on rape libels? Were they passing out hate literature? Take your----
"hate teachings" from your childhood-----and multiply by a
few million in INTENSITY UNITS------and you got the hate
teachings in muslim societies----against Christians, Hindus,
Jews, Buddhists, ""THE WEST"", Zoroastrians-----in the schools and in the homes and in the mosques. Even a hate
culture does not make ALL ACTIVE MURDERERS----or even all intense haters out of EVERYONE. Some of the nicest
southern Christians I have known----have harbored really
bizarre concepts on just what blacks,, jews and even
Mexicans ARE. When I was a child-----I lived in an absolutely WHITE BREAD SUBURBAN TOWN------
lots of churches--- one synagogue. I was only five when I heard my first "theological discussion"-------it was between a
catholic and a protestant based on what the kids learned at
home and church------NOT NICE-----could have easily led to the kinds of activity that had been going on in Ireland. MOST EGYPTIAN MUSLIMS are not doing rampages against
COPTS. Most Germans during world war II-----were not happily gassing jews. Millions
supported the program either actively or passively just as most Egyptians yawn
when Copts are slaughtered. FIND A COPT and have a conversation. I should add \that the protestant five year old girl was a nice girl and the catholic five year old
girl was a nice girl.

No - YOU have no idea. You are filled with hate and fear and project that onto others. Is there fear and prejudice in the world. Of course.

I grew up in Canada. No one was lynched. And I seriously doubt you grew up in the US, given your grammar and syntax.

Given your posting history, I suspect your purpose here is spread fear and hate to Americans. 10,000 posts a year is 25 posts a day, 365 day’s a year. You seem to have no life beyond this board.

Take your hate and prejudice and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Your words and your attitudes are designed to further erode public confidence and increase divisions among Americans.

your post is chock full of BS and vulgarity typical of those of your ilk. You have a problem with my syntax? Do you have some examples of the use of English suggesting "non-USA" ? Where do you see 'hatred'? Of whom? As to "lots of posts"----NOPE---I am retired disabled and have LOTS OF OTHER LIFE now and LOTS OF OTHER LIFE---pre PC. I also have lots of time to spend with clueless and 'holier
than thou' jerks like you. Feel free to ask questions.
I was taught that Catholics were evil, pure evil, Italians were ignorant, blacks were inferior and the French were terrible people, in my home. I was grounded for walking to school with a black neighbour. My church’s founding documents call the Pope the Antichrist.

My experience in the world showed me that none of what I was being told was true. But clearly a lot of people in the US are still teaching their children that black people are inferior, because I read that every day on this board.

80 million Muslims around the world and only a handful are spreading hate and violence. I find your take away on Muslims to ring very false.

Dragon----there are a LOT MORE than 80 million muslims around the world. For information on violence in muslim societies------talk to people who have experienced muslim societies. I do not know to what extent persons from MUMBAI (that's the erstwhile BOMBAY) ------live in Canada---but Mumbai is a VERY DIVERSE and populated city. --its
got Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Zoroastrians and Jews
(I never met a Buddhist from Mumbai---<??>) If you can find
people from Mumbai----talk to them about violence and muslims. I will not name him-----but we got a jew who has long term and even ancestral experience in muslim countries right here. ---------pose some questions if you wish to know.
Muslims are NOT INHERENTLY violent. The violence is taught-----which is an issue you already understand since you claim "hatred" was taught in your childhood as a 'matter-of-fact' --------not mine
  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.
  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue
  • The media began to paint Muslims as the victims of Saipov's attack -- not the dead and the wounded victims of the terrorist.

  • "As a Muslim committed to fighting Islamism, I appeal to you: The need for strong
    New York City Submits to Islam
Never let a good crisis go to waste you mean you didn't see this coming it's been in plain view. Trendy's won't notice a thing until it hits them personally and even then some are to fkn stupid to fend for their own rights as they suffer from a severe case of stock holm syndrome.

Other people won't care because their attitude is " oh who cares, that's in NY" well news flash if it's happened there it is very highly likely it can happen in your state / city fools.

Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.
Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.

Short attention span after the church shooting , you go right back after the Muslim.

Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.
As a Christian why would I defend anyone who killed people in a church? In fact I don’t recall defending this asshole at any time. I simply said his atheism was not the motivating factor in killing people in that church.

He went there because his in-laws attended that church. He killed his wife’s grandmother there. It’s not like the family would have let them in if he’d gone to their home. They would have called the cops when he pulled in the driveway.

He couldn’t have “just killed his wife” because they’re not together.
Christian hating atheists and Christian hating Muslims seem to share the same goal of wanting to destroy Christianity.

The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.
As a Christian why would I defend anyone who killed people in a church? In fact I don’t recall defending this asshole at any time. I simply said his atheism was not the motivating factor in killing people in that church.

He went there because his in-laws attended that church. He killed his wife’s grandmother there. It’s not like the family would have let them in if he’d gone to their home. They would have called the cops when he pulled in the driveway.

He couldn’t have “just killed his wife” because they’re not together.

true------so you agree that the family murder of passion was
nothing like TERRORISM
The atheist didn’t hate Christians. He hated his in-laws who are members of that church, although they weren’t at Services this week. He killed his wife’s grandmother though.

Those poor poor people. For such a tiny town to lose so many people. I spent part of my childhood in a little place like that. Population 800. Two room school. Two churches, a general store, a restaurant, a Chevy dealership and a post office. Good times.

He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.

I do not agree with you.

Leftwing Christian haters are not a very fringe group, but a majority.
He did hate Christians, many people that knew him heard him rant against them. He could had easily “just killed” his wife, instead he chose to go to a church on Sunday during service. But I understand, you have to defend a fellow leftwing atheist nutter that hated Christians so much he murdered dozens of them.

he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.

I do not agree with you.

Leftwing Christian haters are not a very fringe group, but a majority.

a majority of WHAT? all americans? all registered
democrats? all democratic Hispanics? All democratic
Irish? All democratic Italians? All democratic Jews?
All democratic greeks?
he was a nut-------not an ideologue

Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.

I do not agree with you.

Leftwing Christian haters are not a very fringe group, but a majority.

a majority of WHAT? all americans? all registered
democrats? all democratic Hispanics? All democratic
Irish? All democratic Italians? All democratic Jews?
All democratic greeks?

A majority of Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians.

It's not so difficult to understand. Period.
Leftwing ideologues are nuts.


Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.

I do not agree with you.

Leftwing Christian haters are not a very fringe group, but a majority.

a majority of WHAT? all americans? all registered
democrats? all democratic Hispanics? All democratic
Irish? All democratic Italians? All democratic Jews?
All democratic greeks?

A majority of Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians.

It's not so difficult to understand. Period.

try to clarify------you said a MAJORITY----now it is
'those left wing ideologues who hate Christians"---
how about those republican ideologues who hate Christians
or those UTOPIAN FASCIST ideologues who hate Christians?

As a Christian why would I defend anyone who killed people in a church? In fact I don’t recall defending this asshole at any time. I simply said his atheism was not the motivating factor in killing people in that church.

He went there because his in-laws attended that church. He killed his wife’s grandmother there. It’s not like the family would have let them in if he’d gone to their home. They would have called the cops when he pulled in the driveway.

He couldn’t have “just killed his wife” because they’re not together.

true------so you agree that the family murder of passion was
nothing like TERRORISM

Every public mass shooting is terrorism, regardless of motive. There are hundreds of definitions of what constitutes terrorism around the world but the only consensus is that it involves violence or the threat of violence.

American law defines it as violence in pursuit of idealogical goals but the Americans don’t want to face the fact that there are many acts of terrorism perpetrated with no goal other than to kill or injure as many people as possible. The Boston bombing springs to mind, the Las Vegas shooting, the Aurora movie theatre killing, Sandy Hook, Columbine.

Americans don’t define these attacks as terrorism because they would have to do something other than wring their hands over them, and send prayers and condolences. Prayers aren’t working.

Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians are nuts.

a very FRINGE group. -------people who worship cheese are also nuts------but harmless.

I do not agree with you.

Leftwing Christian haters are not a very fringe group, but a majority.

a majority of WHAT? all americans? all registered
democrats? all democratic Hispanics? All democratic
Irish? All democratic Italians? All democratic Jews?
All democratic greeks?

A majority of Leftwing ideologues who hate Christians.

It's not so difficult to understand. Period.

try to clarify------you said a MAJORITY----now it is
'those left wing ideologues who hate Christians"---
how about those republican ideologues who hate Christians
or those UTOPIAN FASCIST ideologues who hate Christians?


You can't be that thick irosie91.....:rolleyes-41:

then again you can.

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