New York Finally Cracking Down On Rampant Crime

Shootings? Murders? Rapes? Assaults? Theft? No, they are cracking down on restaurants handing out unsolicited plasticware and ketchup packets. Well, I guess you have to start cracking down on crime somewhere.

You keep saying crime is up in New York, but all of the news reports say its down - WAY down:


Every attempt to discredit Democrats is based on false information.
….safe and effective

He’s on a private, fenced in acre, no next door neighbors.

So who ratted him out. Somebody had to have filed a complaint or they wouldn't have known the chickens were there.

My daughter had similar problems but she lived in the country. She had chickens for 5 years unmolested, but when her next door neighbour sold her property, the city folk who bought the place started complaining to the township, and she was forced to get rid of the chickens.
So who ratted him out. Somebody had to have filed a complaint or they wouldn't have known the chickens were there.

My daughter had similar problems but she lived in the country. She had chickens for 5 years unmolested, but when her next door neighbour sold her property, the city folk who bought the place started complaining to the township, and she was forced to get rid of the chickens.
He thinks the County had a drone fly over

Oh, but it does, cookie.
Show your work, subnormal.
It’s a Bizarre requirement in the County. There’s a limit of 6 chickens per acre, 18 max for residential zoned property.

Oh, he’s also one of the top Bird curators in the world
Well, the law is an ass.

But it is what it is.

He can curate his 6 faves, and the rest...

Winner winner.

What are your priorities Frank? Installing a racist authoritarian criminal in the White House over the wishes of the American people who don't want Trump in the White House ever again.
Ummmmm, Biden and Trump are running neck and neck in the polls, even after all of the indictments, and Democrats are scared shitless that Trump will be re-elected if third parties emerge. Yes, 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction so the priority is to run the socialist wokies out of office.
The Echo Chamber makes that impossible; scrambles his brain.

He’s just here to bitch/whine 24/7/365.

But you’ve won the thread. :)
Your dumb ass doesn't even know the difference between a liberal and a leftist. STFU.

If/when you ever get that straightened out, I might pay you some mind, until you do, you're a fuckin' twit.
Ummmmm, Biden and Trump are running neck and neck in the polls, even after all of the indictments, and Democrats are scared shitless that Trump will be re-elected if third parties emerge. Yes, 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction so the priority is to run the socialist wokies out of office.

Are these the same polls that promised you a "red wave" in 2022???? Why are you still believing the polls?

1. The polls said that Hillary was going to win and Trump had no chance.

2. The polls said there would be a "Red Wave" in the Mid Terms, and it was barely a trickle. The Republicans lost several governorships, and Trump's handpicked candidates lost every election where they ran.

3. Trump voters have taken to "punking" the pollsters and giving fake numbers, and assorted trolling groups are organizing their chats rooms to liee to pollsters at every opportunity.

4. 70% of Americans say that the "wrong direction" is the partisanship, slanders and baseless personal attacks by the politicians. Why is the House not investigating the failures of the covid response so that the next pandemic results in a lower loss of life? Why have Republicans spent the last 8 years investigating the imaginary crimes that Donald Trump claims that Democrats committed against him????

5. Government is supposed to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people". What does the dogged and unflagging criminal pursuit of the Biden family by Republicans, who after 5 years, haven't come up with a shred of evidence to prove any of the fictions they've concocted about the Bidens, benefit the American people?

Donald Trump's arrests do benefit the American people. Trump's Company has been caught defrauding the American people with their evasion of income taxes going back decades, and covering multiple aspects of their operations, from property valuations to employee compensation.

He blatantly attempted to overthrow the election. If you believe the bank stole your money and you take them to court and lose, if you go into the bank with a gun and demand your money back, you're going to be arrested for bank robbery.

Trump said the election was "stolen" and went to court 67 times, and lost 67 times. So then he sent a mob to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election, and he refused to call off the mob, saying they cared more about the election, that his VP. And he tried to submit forged "electors certificate" to Congress.

Prosecuting Trump punishes him for this criminal activity, and serves as a warning to others, protecting the Constitution, and the integrity of the election process.

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