New York is a severely closed Primary, Most Trump voters closed out

Cruz won't even come close because of his comments on "New York Values". He can BS all he wants but everybody knew what he meant. I got news for him too, many in my state of CT work or have family that live in NY and we didn't take that comment lightly either.
Cruz was referring to Trump's statement on Meet The Press about his New York values. Those were Trump's own words. And Trump explained his New York values made him "very pro choice" and that he would not ban partial birth abortions, and that gays in the military did not "disturb" him.

So if you harmonize with Trump's New York values, go ahead and vote for him.

RUSSERT: How about gays serving in the military?

TRUMP: It would not disturb me. I mean, hey, I lived in New York City and Manhattan all my life! Okay? So, you know, my views are a little bit different than if I lived in Iowa, perhaps, but it's not something that would disturb me.

RUSSERT: Partial birth abortion. The eliminating of abortion in the third trimester. Big issue in Washington. Would President Trump ban partial birth abortions?

TRUMP: Well, look, I am very pro-choice. And again, it may be a little bit of a New York background because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and, you know, I was raised in New York and grew up and work and everything else in New York City.

RUSSERT: But you would not ban it?


RUSSERT: Or ban partial birth abortion?

TRUMP: No. I would...I am pro-choice in every respect, and as far as it goes.

It was they way he said it like NYC er's were trash and stupid. It's a typical insulting attitude that I've found prevalent in Southerners as he clearly shows in his statement in this clip. Seeing how Cruz was raised in Texas I'm not surprised he has such a narrow view Of New Yorkers and probably about the north in general. Cruz must really think NYC er's are really stupid if he thinks they are going to buy his Bullshit but they aren't. We all Know what Ted meant and it wasn't just liberal values. Mr. Cruz is about to find out there are plenty of conservative's not only in New York City but the whole Tri state area who took offense at his comment. I hope his stupid ass loses to Trump by a landslide.

Man, if Trump were to lose NY I'd steal my neighbor's sailboat and take it to the harbor and fuck a reindeer on the bow in the middle of downtown. But I don't see it actually happening.

I'm renewing my pledge, in the event that Trump fails to secure 1237 before Cleveland.

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