New York Nutritionist commits suicide

Oh no. Brought tears to my eyes. For the life of me I do not understand suicide. I am not judging her choice. I just don't understand it. For me because of faith all life is so very precious. Dark days are nothing because I have faith the sun will shine again. For tomorrow is another day and mean it.
You're not judging her choice??? WTF

27 and healthy not 90 and in miserable pain. No excuse for such a selfish act
Some people are just predisposed to do it. She said she had been contemplating it for ten years. She should have sought help long ago having thoughts like that. It is very sad, and a waste of a human spirt. RIP.
It's faulty brain chemistry or wiring, not necessarily despair. It runs in one side of my family: 3 successful suicides and 2 serious attempts in one generation alone. This generation is fairing a bit better, but I had to commit my mother, and 2 others have been institutionalized for over a month each. It's a disease.
“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”



Her suicide letter:


Mental illness has to be the darkest of all diseases….

People that commit suicide are more afraid of living than dying…

I feel so sorry for her and her family…….
“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”



Her suicide letter:


Mental illness has to be the darkest of all diseases….

People that commit suicide are more afraid of living than dying…

I feel so sorry for her and her family…….

Ya have to be in a dark place to actually kill yourself.
An old friend from elementary school just killed himself a few months ago. We weren't close or anything and he's had problems in the past. But to make it to your 50's and then decide to check out is kinda weird to me.
What is it with leftist liberal demonrats and them always committing suicide like a bunch of cowards??

Did this woman get accused of sexually molesting a child and offed herself or something?
Oh no. Brought tears to my eyes. For the life of me I do not understand suicide. I am not judging her choice. I just don't understand it. For me because of faith all life is so very precious. Dark days are nothing because I have faith the sun will shine again. For tomorrow is another day and mean it.
You're not judging her choice??? WTF

27 and healthy not 90 and in miserable pain. No excuse for such a selfish act

No no no....these are the brillitant ones the leonard cohens I can't spell anymore with this dam medication. ok that doeses it. hold on loose bab
“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”



Her suicide letter:

Well she could of have made a video discussing her problems and why she is going to commit suicide like the majority of suicide victims does. But now she is leaving us confuse whether she has committed suicide or was she murdered. Her friend or boyfriend could of have got on her social media page and typed the letter to cover up the murder. It is pretty hard for a young woman to tie a cloth around her neck. She had to have been very strong to tie a piece a cloth tightly around her neck without struggling. And why would she added into the note that nothing had led her into committing suicide. She has left out of her letter to not suspect my boyfriend or the strange guy that lives down the street with a wrap sheet that is longer than my hair, of murdering me.
“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”



Her suicide letter:


Mental illness has to be the darkest of all diseases….

People that commit suicide are more afraid of living than dying…

I feel so sorry for her and her family…….

I have more reasons on any given day to off myself than she likely did.

Makes me wonder how much or how little really keeps me from it.

I think you are right. It comes down to mental health and there is no way to rationalize irrational thinking.

Some people are just predisposed to do it. She said she had been contemplating it for ten years. She should have sought help long ago having thoughts like that. It is very sad, and a waste of a human spirt. RIP.
I wonder how she will react when her Dad explains to her in Heaven how much of a gift she threw away.

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“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”

Her suicide letter:
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do....

After voting for Trump?
If you knew more of what I know and believed less of what you believe you would realize you have been seeing only the back end of the elephant.

It makes one wonder if you prefer the crappy side of life.

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What a horrid tragedy.

How much emptiness her life speaks of. Sure, she was depressed, no doubt. But there is some remarks on our culture here too. Her life is pretty on the outside--we're so into this in 2019, and no where more so than in NYC and both coasts. Pretty food, pretty home, pretty life, pretty girl smiling for the camera. No real connections. No joy. No purpose. Nothing that makes life more than pretty on the outside.

It's not just her. It's us. What a loss. What a world we live in.
“I’m coming home, Dad. Make some room up on that cloud and turn the Motown up.”



Her suicide letter:


Mental illness has to be the darkest of all diseases….

People that commit suicide are more afraid of living than dying…

I feel so sorry for her and her family…….

I have more reasons on any given day to off myself than she likely did.

Makes me wonder how much or how little really keeps me from it.

I think you are right. It comes down to mental health and there is no way to rationalize irrational thinking.


Hang in there brother...……..

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