New York reports nation's first polio case in nearly a decade

From the article:
"One way to increase vaccination rates among all immigrants, legal and illegal, would be to make green cards available to immigrants who are more likely to come unlawfully, thus guaranteeing that they are vaccinated."

Well, that's a great solution, just give everyone green cards and there will be no more illegals! They can just stop off at the consulate and pick up a green card, and come the the US and get vaccinated (and registered to vote).

They are trying to frame illegal immigration as a public health issue- if you make them come illegally, you put everyone at risk...
I was not referring to the COVID vaccine. There is a whole anti-Vax movement in this country that is against any and all vaccines.
Absolute lie. We are against forced injection of an untested serum. We love all the other vaccinations that had a multi year test history and record and readily take those shots. We were the lab rats for the mostly failed Covid “vaccination”
Absolute lie. We are against forced injection of an untested serum. We love all the other vaccinations that had a multi year test history and record and readily take those shots. We were the lab rats for the mostly failed Covid “vaccination”

You cannot be this fucking stupid.

Can you?

The Anti-vax movement is paying off.

New York health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed the nation’s first case of polio in nearly a decade, state authorities said Thursday.
You mean Brandon’s immigration policy is working out. Before I fled Taxifornia we were seeing a plethora of illnesses that read like a medical record from 1578.

  • New York state confirmed a case of polio.
  • It was believed to have originated outside the U.S.
  • The chain of infection may have started with someone who received the oral polio vaccine, which uses a live but mild virus strain that can still spread.
  • The U.S. no longer uses the oral polio vaccine, but it is still administered abroad.
I figgered that
If you have evidence that says otherwise you are obviously free to present it
The evidence was the link you gave me. Illegals less likely to be vaxed for shit because legals HAVE to be

I guarantee you a big Whooping Cough this Winter. The most contagious thing out there basically. It was problematic last Winter. Wait

We'll talk in 2 yrs
  • The U.S. no longer uses the oral polio vaccine, but it is still administered abroad.
I took the oral polio vaccine in 1990 as part of my Army inprocessing vaccination regiment.

According to this website... recruits still receive a single tube of OPV as part of their inprocessing shots and someone is mistaken saying OPV is no longer used in the US.

A single dose of trivalent OPV is administered to all enlisted accessions. Officer candidates, ROTC cadets, and other Reserve Components on initial active duty for training receive a single dose of OPV unless prior booster immunization as an adult is documented.​

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True to COVID form, the yellow journalism and esoterica of this report are necessary for dramatization purposes. Barefoot and pregnant on the dairy farm.
Because the Wuhan Institute of Virology claims knowledge of many poliovirus family members (Picornaviridae), for those interested in the history of polio and its vaccine evolution, we are now addressing polioviruses and their vaccines because they have linked to Edward Hooper's AIDS Origins OPV page, a forthcoming excerpt of which will be placed here:

Post # 1,000
Beijing CDC and Wuhan Institute of Virology both know that picornaviruses (polio is a picornavirus) infect the same genus of bat, Rhinolophus, that produced SARS-CoV-2's closest relative: RaTG13 from the Mojiang copper mine.

23 Jul 2022 Pakistan Polio
'....Last month, a vaccination official along with two policemen on security duty were shot dead during a polio inoculation drive in Kyber Pakhtunkhwa, Waziristan.'

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