New York time new editorial board members celebrated dumbass f**king white people going extinct

Just sit back, take a deep breath, and imagine what would happen if a white male had said this about Koreans.

Holy crap.

The hypocrisy of the Regressive Left can't get much thicker.

Or can it?
Sarah Jeong “I dare you to go on Wikipedia and play Things White People Can Definitely Take Credit For. It’s Really Hard.”

The irony is that she is using electricity, solid state electronics, computers and the internet that those EEEVIIIL white men invented to tell us that they didn’t invent them.

indoor plumbing, concrete, electricity, cars, trains, planes, the internet, immunization….well it’s just endless.

NY Times Stands by New Editor Who Sent Vile Anti-white Tweets
It is ok for the far left to support such racists, as the far left is the only true racists!
Hey, white people! I'm here to tell you about a movement I want you to join called "anti-racism." It's where you have to treat non-whites with infinite deference or lose your job, but they get to act as nasty and spiteful to you as they want and nothing happens. Pretty cool huh?
It's Obamaggot's real joke of a legacy: the Dem. party believes it's a winning strategy to spew hatred against whites in a white majority country.
The vale is falling off of the left....their true colors are showing...Trump has caused them to expose their hatefulness bigotry and stupidity...
The only people really going extinct are african Americans that are the descendants of slaves. Between abortion and self genocide they don't have a chance.
Racism is cool against Whites, even if it's cool against everybody else.

Left wing news outlets can be bribed
3 months after Sorosinvested 3 million in The NY Times they publish a glowing report of gorgeous george
New York Times’ New Editorial Board Member Celebrated “Dumbass F**king White People” Going Extinct
The New York Times’ new editorial board member wrote scores of tweets expressing her hatred for “dumbass f**king white people,” including one which celebrated white people going extinct.

The best thing any PRO AMERICAN can do is help the others to take this pos company down.

How wil the nation ever get rid of " Racisim" if you STUPID POS F.........G. ASSHOLES DON'T STOP POINTING OUT EVERYTHING MAKING IT RACIST!!

Are you leftist morons this gawd dam stupd, oh yes you are!

conspiracy loons should be extinct.
That isn’t conspiracy. Those are her posts.
She’s a miserable piece of shit. However the loony left will come to her support.
I wonder if the New York Times editorial staff kneel before meetings. Just like NFL players, they're "oppressed".
White supremacists shit on me

"Woke" lefists shit on me.

This is why I hate identity politics. No matter what Im the bad guy just because of my race.

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