New York to House 2,000 Migrants at Historic Floyd Bennett Airfield

Maybe in your head, not in my area of Virginia. Houses here sell as quickly as ever.
Are you near DC? It’s flooded with overpaid government workers, who now “work” at home almost exclusively. I know because when they’re “working“ in the middle of the week, I see them at the pool….on the line at the movies….sitting out at a sidewalk cafe.
Are you near DC? It’s flooded with overpaid government workers, who now “work” at home almost exclusively. I know because when they’re “working“ in the middle of the week, I see them at the pool….on the line at the movies….sitting out at a sidewalk cafe.
Government workers are not overpaid, in fact they generally make significantly less than they would in the private sector. There is a gov't man in DC who runs a trillion dollar organization yet makes less than many middle managers.

So you go to a DC area pool in the middle of the day and can tell who are gov't workers? Sorry, not buying it.
Government workers are not overpaid, in fact they generally make significantly less than they would in the private sector. There is a gov't man in DC who runs a trillion dollar organization yet makes less than many middle managers.

So you go to a DC area pool in the middle of the day and can tell who are gov't workers? Sorry, not buying it.
Actually, except for the GS 15s, the government workers ARE overpaid, especially when you factor in their liberal telecommute policies. Add in their benefits, and the difference between private and govt is even greater.

Govt workers work hard to hide how much they are overpaid for fear taxpayers would revolt, and demand cuts.

As far as the pool, it’s my own private neighborhood pool, and I know who is who. They even JOKE about it.
Trump had a great deal with Mexico that kept the goddamn Illegals out.

New York thought they were sweet shit by going for that dufus Potatohead.

The very first thing Potatohead did was one of the dumbest things ever done by an American President (or anybody) and cancelled the deal.

Now New York is paying the price for being so damn stupid as to help Potatohead steal the election.

These stupid Moon Bats never learn, do they?
Ironically for the MAGA crowd, the period when America became great, (late 19th - early 20th century) was a time of open borders and massive immigration
Massive CONTROLLED immigration, Immigrants first were screened by the shipping companies for criminality and diseases because if they were rejected at a US port of entry like Ellis Island, the shipping company had to transport them back to their port of origin at no cost to the USA. Then they were screened again at the Port of Entries and many were rejected. It wasn't an uncontrolled flood of unidentified people across our borders as it is now. Immigrants also had to have sponsors who promised to support them, so they weren't a drag on governmental services, such as they were, in those days.
Untrue. All able-bodied men were welcome.

You posted a good link, you should read it sometime. It said there was a "1882 prohibition against those “likely to become a public charge” (LPC). Immigration policy has since regularly maintained barriers against immigration by adults seen as lacking the means to support themselves. The ban against LPCs was most often applied to women traveling alone who were then debarred from entry".
Wrong, a criminal conviction in your home country for even a minor offense was enough to bar entry even IF the shipping line allowed you on their ship. Plus, any criminal conviction would result in deportation for any immigrant or green card holder. In the twenties and thirties American citizen children of LEGAL immigrants were often deported alongside their parents.
I see no distinction. People are people however they come here.

I don't believe in open borders but I do believe in immigration from a purely selfish viewpoint. It makes our country richer and better and that is in my interest.
There is a huge difference to anyone with a brain. A legal immigrant has to be screened for disease, criminality and the ability to support himself. An illegal immigrant just has to manage to slip across the border and isn't screened for anything. How do you think thousands of MS-13 gang members managed to get into the country? None of them could even pass a cursory screening since they tattoo their gang allegiance all over their bodies.
Massive CONTROLLED immigration, Immigrants first were screened by the shipping companies for criminality and diseases
"Massive CONTROLLED" strikes me as an oxymoron. They were screened for obvious disease but criminality? I think you're making that up, there were no police databases back then.

because if they were rejected at a US port of entry like Ellis Island, the shipping company had to transport them back to their port of origin at no cost to the USA. Then they were screened again at the Port of Entries and many were rejected. It wasn't an uncontrolled flood of unidentified people across our borders as it is now. Immigrants also had to have sponsors who promised to support them, so they weren't a drag on governmental services, such as they were, in those days.
I bet every immigrant, legal or not, knows someone in this country and again how did this sponsorship work? Did the sponsor have to come to Ellis Island? I think you're making stuff up again.
Wrong, a criminal conviction in your home country for even a minor offense was enough to bar entry even IF the shipping line allowed you on their ship. Plus, any criminal conviction would result in deportation for any immigrant or green card holder. In the twenties and thirties American citizen children of LEGAL immigrants were often deported alongside their parents.
Please explain how a customs agent at Ellis Island would know if someone had a criminal history in their home country?

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