Newest Example of the Double Standard


Conservative Commentator
May 15, 2008
I was sitting at work today, pondering about the election, and something came to me. I didn't realize it before.

In 2000, (whether the recount was finished or not) Then Governor Bush lost the national popular vote, as well as the popular vote in the state of Florida. The Democrats complained and moaned with statements like "Bush stole the election" or "His brother got Florida for him" ect. Democrats claimed that then Vice President Gore was the rightful President. The Democrats said the same things in 2004, and some still complain about it now.

Now in the 2008 Presidential Primary for Democrats, Hillary Clinton wins the popular vote, but loses the Delegate and Superdelegate counts.... and NO ONE is saying anything! Where are those Democrats who complained and moaned that Bush "stole" the election? Here is the "supposed" same situation (Primary or Election - doesn't make a difference) and now most of the Democrats are quiet. Come on, whine and moan about it..... I'm waiting. What? Nothing? Why is this?

My opinion is that the Democrats always blame Republicans for anything and everything that goes wrong, opposes the Dems, or whatever is convenient for them. Then when virtually the same thing happens to them they don't make a peep. They don't want to paint Barack H. Obama the same way that the Democrats painted Bush. They don't want to make him look like a "thief who stole the election." They don't want to lose. They do what is convenient for them. When they lost, they blamed Bush. Now they elected a candidate the the majority did not support, and not a sound. They can't paint Obama the same as they did Bush because it wouldn't look good for them.

You placed the "standard." Why do you not stick to it???? Typical liberals....
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I was sitting at work today, pondering about the election, and something came to me. I didn't realize it before.

In 2004, (whether the recount was finished or not) Then Governor Bush lost the national popular vote, as well as the popular vote in the state of Florida. The Democrats complained and moaned with statements like "Bush stole the election" or "His brother got Florida for him" ect. Democrats claimed that then Vice President Gore was the rightful President. The Democrats said the same things in 2004, and some still complain about it now.

Now in the 2008 Presidential Primary for Democrats, Hillary Clinton wins the popular vote, but loses the Delegate and Superdelegate counts.... and NO ONE is saying anything! Where are those Democrats who complained and moaned that Bush "stole" the election? Here is the "supposed" same situation (Primary or Election - doesn't make a difference) and now most of the Democrats are quiet. Come on, whine and moan about it..... I'm waiting. What? Nothing? Why is this?

My opinion is that the Democrats always blame Republicans for anything and everything that goes wrong, opposes the Dems, or whatever is convenient for them. Then when virtually the same thing happens to them they don't make a peep. They don't want to paint Barack H. Obama the same way that the Democrats painted Bush. They don't want to make him look like a "thief who stole the election." They don't want to lose. They do what is convenient for them. When they lost, they blamed Bush. Now they elected a candidate the the majority did not support, and not a sound. They can't paint Obama the same as they did Bush because it wouldn't look good for them.

You placed the "standard." Why do you not stick to it???? Typical liberals....

What the f are you talking about? How could a governor lose the national vote, in a non-national year? What does the national vote have to do with a governor?

You must be trolling.
What the f are you talking about? How could a governor lose the national vote, in a non-national year? What does the national vote have to do with a governor?

You must be trolling.

President George W. Bush was the Governor of Texas before he was President.... or did the Libs change History???
Notice for those who don't know.....

"Then Governor Bush" refers to George W. Bush, who was the Governor of Texas before he was President of the United States.

Just to clarify for those who, for some reason, have no clue....
President George W. Bush was the Governor of Texas before he was President.... or did the Libs change History???

No duh! What your post was about was 2004 and FL, GW was not running in FL, he was President:

Then Governor Bush lost the national popular vote, as well as the popular vote in the state of Florida
Notice for those who don't know.....

"Then Governor Bush" refers to George W. Bush, who was the Governor of Texas before he was President of the United States.

Just to clarify for those who, for some reason, have no clue....

Might help if you get the year right also, 2000 not 2004.
Forgive me for the mistake. It has been changed. Now we can get on to discussing the topic.
How about Hillary didn't win the popular vote, maybe that's why most people aren't whining? I looked at the website and it is not in her favor. I haven't seen any major news station report this finding. Actually the news even pointed out how Hillary and only Hillary seems to think she won the pop vote.

Anyways, the primaries are over.
Exactly. You proved my point. Democrats try to ask like nothing has happened....

What a worthless party.....

She did win the popular vote. Obama gets ZERO votes in Michigan because HIS NAME WASN'T on the ballet.

But I forgot, the Dems are going to ignore this and sweep it under the rug. To the GOP, its another example of the Liberal Double Standard on the Conservatives....
I was sitting at work today, pondering about the election, and something came to me. I didn't realize it before.

In 2000, (whether the recount was finished or not) Then Governor Bush lost the national popular vote, as well as the popular vote in the state of Florida. The Democrats complained and moaned with statements like "Bush stole the election" or "His brother got Florida for him" ect. Democrats claimed that then Vice President Gore was the rightful President. The Democrats said the same things in 2004, and some still complain about it now.

No one was claiming Gore was the rightful President because he had more nationwide votes.

So you do not have a point.

My opinion is that the Democrats always blame Republicans for anything and everything that goes wrong,

There's a good reason for that.
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No one was claiming Gore was the rightful President because he had more nationwide votes.

So you do not have a point.

There's a good reason for that.

LOL, you obviously lived under a rock in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. All the liberals whined about was how Bush cheated and kept bringing up that Gore won the popular vote.

From November to December 2000 all we heard was how Gore won the popular vote and what was wrong with this country when he was not made President. And for the next 4 years it was brought up ad nausem. When ever anyone pointed out Gore lost EVER recount ever conducted in Florida the response was " well he won the popular vote in the US".

Gore had his own people remind America BEFORE the election that the popular vote did not elect the President, of course that was when he believed he would win in the electoral college and Bush might win the popular vote.
LOL, you obviously lived under a rock in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. All the liberals whined about was how Bush cheated and kept bringing up that Gore won the popular vote.

From November to December 2000 all we heard was how Gore won the popular vote and what was wrong with this country when he was not made President. And for the next 4 years it was brought up ad nausem. When ever anyone pointed out Gore lost EVER recount ever conducted in Florida the response was " well he won the popular vote in the US".

Gore had his own people remind America BEFORE the election that the popular vote did not elect the President, of course that was when he believed he would win in the electoral college and Bush might win the popular vote.

The dispute about Florida was a dispute about the counting of votes and who would receive the state's electoral votes. I don't recall anyone ever suggesting that the electoral college wasn't the means by which the president is elected.

We remind ourselves that he didn't win the popular vote to rationalize the shame we feel that he is our president. Consider it a psychological tool that helps us bear with an unseemly and depressing reality. We all of have our crutches.
You are wrong, Numerous people then and recently have stated Gore should have won and justify it with " he won the popular vote" there were even people demanding the electoral college be gotten rid of and guess what there still are people making that demand, and they use Gore as the example to justify it.

Do not try to pretend otherwise.

I loved the line I heard by a certasin Supreme Court Justice on Gore and the 2000 election.

Something along the lines of " he took it to the courts and then complained when he lost there too"
You are wrong, Numerous people then and recently have stated Gore should have won and justify it with " he won the popular vote" there were even people demanding the electoral college be gotten rid of and guess what there still are people making that demand, and they use Gore as the example to justify it.

I also found this argument interesting in 2004, when some accused Bush of "stealing" the election again by supposedly rigging voting machines in Ohio to switch 150,000 votes, forgetting that Bush won the popular vote by ~3 million.
Failing to point out WHY the votes in FLA and MI primaries weren't counted is a damned fine example of the lie by omission technique for making a specious argument.

To make a valid argument about a double standard, one must compare truly similar events.
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You are wrong, Numerous people then and recently have stated Gore should have won and justify it with " he won the popular vote" there were even people demanding the electoral college be gotten rid of and guess what there still are people making that demand, and they use Gore as the example to justify it.

The argument that Gore should have won is generally based on the results in Florida, and people's perception that the popular vote results in that state were incorrectly tabulated. It affirms the existence of the electoral college.

Arguments about whether we should do away with the electoral college are different arguments altogether. They do not deny that it existed in 2000.
LOL, you obviously lived under a rock in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. All the liberals whined about was how Bush cheated and kept bringing up that Gore won the popular vote.

OK. But no one was claiming Gore was the rightful President because he had more nationwide votes. That's what I said before and nothing in the above statement by you contradicts it.

From November to December 2000 all we heard was how Gore won the popular vote and what was wrong with this country when he was not made President.

That's not even true. The central issue was whether or not Gore won the Florida vote.

When ever anyone pointed out Gore lost EVER recount ever conducted in Florida the response was " well he won the popular vote in the US".

There was no complete recount conducted in Florida. The recount was stopped by the Supreme Court.

It is apparently you that was under the rock.
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You are wrong, Numerous people then and recently have stated Gore should have won and justify it with " he won the popular vote"

Did these numerous people have names or are they imaginary people you concocted in your head?

there were even people demanding the electoral college be gotten rid of and guess what there still are people making that demand,

And guess what, there were people making that demand before the 2000 election so as usual YOU HAVE NO POINT.

and they use Gore as the example to justify it.

They also use the Adams, Tilden, and Cleveland examples. Wow, what a coincidence, those who favor a popular vote point to examples where the popular vote winner loses. Big surprise. Again, you have no point.

I loved the line I heard by a certasin Supreme Court Justice on Gore and the 2000 election.

Something along the lines of " he took it to the courts and then complained when he lost there too"

You don't have any real facts, do you? Just things you seem to remember kind of being said by nameless individuals.
Exactly. You proved my point. Democrats try to ask like nothing has happened....

What a worthless party.....

She did win the popular vote. Obama gets ZERO votes in Michigan because HIS NAME WASN'T on the ballet.

But I forgot, the Dems are going to ignore this and sweep it under the rug. To the GOP, its another example of the Liberal Double Standard on the Conservatives....

she only one the popular vote if you ...... don't count the cacus states obama won ...... and you do count the two states they all agreed not to run in.....

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