Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

i saw where she called friends and family and they did not return the calls.....and now they are in deep mourning....

Another lie, she spoke to a bailsbondsman, her mother and her sister. Again, why are you guys lying about something that has nothing to do with the arrest?

Are you also going to out her as like DiGiorno pizza more than Papa Johns as meaning something too?
I'm not sure if she killed herself or was murdered but the cop who pulled her over deserves to be fired. Guy was completely out of control.

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

She was an idiot. It's too bad it worked out for her the way it did.
It's posts like this thread that inspire people like her to react the way she did.

This shit has been happening before internet posts bruh.

It was terrible that she is now dead. The police are saying the cop was wrong for the arrest, what I cannot understand is it took her spending 3 days in jail to figure out that the arrest was unwarranted. Three days......that is a travesty. They need to investigate is what all the news is saying......yes investigate her death, as for the arrest not much investigation needs to happen it is all on tape. Three days for a traffic violation that she thought she was doing the right thing by getting out of his way. And people are defending his piece of shit cop? Unbelievable

The cop escalating the situation, knowing how she would respond, the cop thinks he is always right and nobody better question his authority. This is typical of police all across the nation, some states are better then others but these type of people exist in every police station. People say the police are militarized but I have to disagree, because if any security police of the armed services would face court marshal if they treated a women like this on base, and have his ass reamed in front of everyone, I have seen it happen, the only way a sp is going to grapple with you is if you enter a secure area or are drunk and causing problems. The problem with police is the ego mentality during training and once on the force.

And if she complied there would be no need for this unnecessary discussion.
Last week the cops caught me in the stadium late at night. I told them how I came in through an open gate, I left when they told me to go and no one is talking about that incident. Imagine that.

How great is it that you were trespassing and was able to explain and leave and this lady changed lanes and ended up arrested. And you think this is about complying and not the special Trespassing Pass you received?
"for the traffic violation yes, however once she chimped out the traffic stop was not the reason for the arrest, it was her non compliance and attitude."

Damn! I didn't know that it was against the law to have a bad attitude!

For black people it is or at least HIGHLY suspicious of other activity, which is fair because...yanno...its not about race
so now a lane change without a signal is are so fucked and just dont know it
You seem to be the one that is having a hard time understanding that she was pulled over to get a warning for the lane change, however the situation changed and she was not arrested for the lane change.

or, if a cop pulls me over for a lane change and I shoot him in the face when he gets to the window, do you still consider my arrest or being shot only because of the lane change? are you going to be on here claiming that the police will now kill you for a lane change?

Use your brain.
so now a lane change without a signal is are so fucked and just dont know it
You seem to be the one that is having a hard time understanding that she was pulled over to get a warning for the lane change, however the situation changed and she was not arrested for the lane change.

or, if a cop pulls me over for a lane change and I shoot him in the face when he gets to the window, do you still consider my arrest or being shot only because of the lane change? are you going to be on here claiming that the police will now kill you for a lane change?

Use your brain.

The trooper was just being mean and vindictive. His actions started the chain of events that led to her eventual death. But from what I've seen there are a lot of that Rodger Ramjet types in Texas DPS. If you're black and from out of state, you've got a target on your back.
so now a lane change without a signal is are so fucked and just dont know it
You seem to be the one that is having a hard time understanding that she was pulled over to get a warning for the lane change, however the situation changed and she was not arrested for the lane change.

or, if a cop pulls me over for a lane change and I shoot him in the face when he gets to the window, do you still consider my arrest or being shot only because of the lane change? are you going to be on here claiming that the police will now kill you for a lane change?

Use your brain.

The trooper was just being mean and vindictive. His actions started the chain of events that led to her eventual death. But from what I've seen there are a lot of that Rodger Ramjet types in Texas DPS. If you're black and from out of state, you've got a target on your back.
lets get to the root of the problem here as far as the supposed target on the back of the blacks.
why do you think that is?
She had many unpaid fines and her family refused to bail her out.

and now that she is dead, they are whining about how the cops treated her.., what fucking hypocrisy !

she done the suicide route to get out of jail free :up:

Yeah because being dead doesnt involve fines or family. Both which arent true but why let that stop you from gulping down piss
so now a lane change without a signal is are so fucked and just dont know it
You seem to be the one that is having a hard time understanding that she was pulled over to get a warning for the lane change, however the situation changed and she was not arrested for the lane change.

or, if a cop pulls me over for a lane change and I shoot him in the face when he gets to the window, do you still consider my arrest or being shot only because of the lane change? are you going to be on here claiming that the police will now kill you for a lane change?

Use your brain.

The trooper was just being mean and vindictive. His actions started the chain of events that led to her eventual death. But from what I've seen there are a lot of that Rodger Ramjet types in Texas DPS. If you're black and from out of state, you've got a target on your back.
lets get to the root of the problem here as far as the supposed target on the back of the blacks.
why do you think that is?

The root of the problem is not the target, it is that Rodger Ramjet types are asshole pieces of shit who join up because they like having power over people.
There are two main routes to becoming a Texas State Trooper. The first is to earn an associate’s degree or complete 90 credit hours at an approved university or college. The second is to enroll in the military and serve a minimum of 36 months. Applicants will need to pass tests and meet all requirements, such as for residency and age. To become a Texas State Trooper, the final step is to be accepted to and graduate from the training academy.

Texas State Trooper Requirements

so there it is an two year degree with no specification of field or three years military service...
so now a lane change without a signal is are so fucked and just dont know it
You seem to be the one that is having a hard time understanding that she was pulled over to get a warning for the lane change, however the situation changed and she was not arrested for the lane change.

or, if a cop pulls me over for a lane change and I shoot him in the face when he gets to the window, do you still consider my arrest or being shot only because of the lane change? are you going to be on here claiming that the police will now kill you for a lane change?

Use your brain.

The trooper was just being mean and vindictive. His actions started the chain of events that led to her eventual death. But from what I've seen there are a lot of that Rodger Ramjet types in Texas DPS. If you're black and from out of state, you've got a target on your back.
lets get to the root of the problem here as far as the supposed target on the back of the blacks.
why do you think that is?

The root of the problem is not the target, it is that Rodger Ramjet types are asshole pieces of shit who join up because they like having power over people.
If the root of the problem is not the target, then it has to be a perception of the target that the police have.
why dont we hear about more of this involving white drivers.
Why do we see black officers treating black drivers the same way.
I agree that the police are getting out of hand, thats not the issue I have here, the issue is that knowing the police are getting out of hand, why would you act in a manner to set them off.
Why is it that the police seem to expect a certain race is going to act in a certain way.
dont see this with hispanics, asians, whites etc.. Tell me the difference and why they think the way they do.

would you jump in a yard with pit bulls and start beating them? Hell no, you know that the best case leaves you jumping back over the fence with half an ass.
when you allow the militarization of police this is what you get....what educational level does it take to be a highway patrol man in texas
obama did say he was going to do just that. he was elected, and he did it.
Im sorry that those most affected are also those that voted for mr shoe shine.
actually, I think its funny that they are getting bit by their own dog.
The line between the Military, Local & State Polices Forces, and the Federal Government really started to blur shortly after 9/11. While the wheels had been churning for some time, 9/11 really allowed them to kick things into overdrive.

As the government consolidated control under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), they used the new agency to start federalizing state and local police departments. Through “terrorism grants“, the Department of Homeland Security started becoming very cozy with police departments throughout the United States – even in extremely rural areas where the chance of a terrorist attack was near zero.

With these grants, DHS – thanks to the American taxpayer – essentially paid to turn local police forces into a de facto homeland military force for the Federal Government. Billions of dollars have been spent arming police forces across the country with military grade weapons, body armor, helicopters, tanks, and armored personnel carriers. Some of these police forces are actually better equipped than the soldiers fighting overseas.

The Militarization Federalization of State and Local Police Forces

remind me again who was president after 9/11....and set up the dept of homeland tell

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