Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

Let get something straight and she was ask to put the smoke out, and when she refused to do so she was asked to step outside the auto, and that is when she got into real trouble because she refused to exit the auto...

Those claiming it was the smoke need to watch the actual video, and notice the officer got pissed off when she refused to put her smoke out, and then demanded she get out of her auto, and she refused to obey that order that escalated into him opening the door and attempting to remove her, and her resisting then was construed resisting arrest in my opinion and he did tell her during the scuffle within her auto that he was arresting her.

Now where did the officer go wrong?

Simple, when he requested her to exit her auto and she refused he should have walked to the back of her auto and called for help, and had she then fled they could have gotten her for fleeing.

While waiting for backup he does not engage in conversation with the said suspect and yes her refusal to exit a auto can get her arrested...

She had a attitude because she was being pulled over, and many of us have had one when being pulled over...

Now the question for me is what actually happen in the jail, and was it a suicide or a homicide?

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

Shit happens when you're being an asshole and don't comply.

You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

Comply with what? She broke no law unless smoking a cigarette is a crime

To what the officer says, when he says it. He says put out your cigarette, put out your cigarette. Hell dude, you can always light the sucker back up!

Could be the cop was allergic to the smoke and ask her to put it out for his on well being. You fucking liberals already made second class citizens out of smokers with your stupid ass laws.

He asked her if she would put it out. She said no. There was no order to put it out.

Texas State Troopers aren't the brightest of the bunch, but some of them are mean, so best just do what they tell you so you can be on your way.
Let get something straight and she was ask to put the smoke out, and when she refused to do so she was asked to step outside the auto, and that is when she got into real trouble because she refused to exit the auto...

Those claiming it was the smoke need to watch the actual video, and notice the officer got pissed off when she refused to put her smoke out, and then demanded she get out of her auto, and she refused to obey that order that escalated into him opening the door and attempting to remove her, and her resisting then was construed resisting arrest in my opinion and he did tell her during the scuffle within her auto that he was arresting her.

Now where did the officer go wrong?

Simple, when he requested her to exit her auto and she refused he should have walked to the back of her auto and called for help, and had she then fled they could have gotten her for fleeing.

While waiting for backup he does not engage in conversation with the said suspect and yes her refusal to exit a auto can get her arrested...

She had a attitude because she was being pulled over, and many of us have had one when being pulled over...

Now the question for me is what actually happen in the jail, and was it a suicide or a homicide?
what happened in jail is where my argument based on actual knowledge breaks down.
I went to jail for assaulting an officer a few years back, they took everything from me that could have been used to hang myself. so, what did she hang herself with or do they no longer take all your stuff from you.
it make me wonder.
on the other hand the officer did nothing that would cause me to think that killing her was called for
that and the fact that cells are recorded.
the jail part does not add up
But I still don't care, had she just complied she would have driven off with a warning.
If you think the order is unlawful, and it is not something that will put you in danger, comply, then take it to court after the fact. don't chimp out
I went to jail for assaulting an officer a few years back, they took everything from me that could have been used to hang myself. so, what did she hang herself with or do they no longer take all your stuff from you.
They claim she hung herself with a plastic garbage bag.

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal. If she had been polite and respectful, he would have given her a warning and she would have been on her way. She chose to have an attitude and try to piss him off as much as possible. Congratulations to her: she succeeded in her mission.

no, it's not, that's an out and out fucking lie


Sec. 543.001. ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT AUTHORIZED. Any peace officer may arrest without warrant a person found committing a violation of this subtitle.

So, yes...violate the traffic laws, you can be arrested.

But the main question is why you would say I was lying?

Sec. 543.002. PERSON ARRESTED TO BE TAKEN BEFORE MAGISTRATE. (a) A person arrested for a violation of this subtitle punishable as a misdemeanor shall be immediately taken before a magistrate if:

(1) the person is arrested on a charge of failure to stop in the event of an accident causing damage to property; or

(2) the person demands an immediate appearance before a magistrate or refuses to make a written promise to appear in court as provided by this subchapter.

no, she could not be arrested

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal. If she had been polite and respectful, he would have given her a warning and she would have been on her way. She chose to have an attitude and try to piss him off as much as possible. Congratulations to her: she succeeded in her mission.

no, it's not, that's an out and out fucking lie


Sec. 543.001. ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT AUTHORIZED. Any peace officer may arrest without warrant a person found committing a violation of this subtitle.

So, yes...violate the traffic laws, you can be arrested.

But the main question is why you would say I was lying?

Sec. 543.002. PERSON ARRESTED TO BE TAKEN BEFORE MAGISTRATE. (a) A person arrested for a violation of this subtitle punishable as a misdemeanor shall be immediately taken before a magistrate if:

(1) the person is arrested on a charge of failure to stop in the event of an accident causing damage to property; or

(2) the person demands an immediate appearance before a magistrate or refuses to make a written promise to appear in court as provided by this subchapter.

no, she could not be arrested

based on what??
Cops do this crap all the time. I have driven from Florida to Alaska three times, they pull you over for any made up reason in their head especially if they see an out of state license plate. I had a undercover car tail gating me for 15 miles, I would slow down he slowed down I slammed on the breaks, he would, I was getting irritated so I passed a semi just to get away from him, I thought he was drunk or even a gang member. As soon as I did he turned on his lights to pull me over. He was a complete asshole, and I was angry because that was entrapment, he knew what he was doing. He got even more irate at me when I informed him just to hand me the ticket that I had nothing else to say and I would report him to his superiors. He threatened me and wanted to talk man to man. And have a friendly conversation. He knew I was pissed and wanted me to take the bait. I refused so he threatens me some more.

Anyway I have seen this bullshit act by policemen in Texas, Pennsylvania kentucky, Florida, Georgia, New York, Tennessee. I have never been treated with respect by a policeman yet I am supposed to be respectful or else I risk incarceration? Police are supposed to de-escalate situations, yet they are trained to escalate situations and lie, how on earth a judge trusts a cop who is trained to lie vs a citizen is a shame. I have been pulled over for this same type of reason about no signal for a lane change and I was just getting out of the way because he quickly flashed his lights.

The police culture needs to change they need to work with society instead of trying to deceive them and force trumped up charges on people.

From what is see from comments people believe if you disrespect a cop you should go to jail, if you become emotional about a question you should go to jail. That even if a cop asks you to do something you must treat it like an order from almighty God. This does not sound like america, it is funny how people forget their rights when it is another person being violated.
From what is see from comments people believe if you disrespect a cop you should go to jail, if you become emotional about a question you should go to jail. That even if a cop asks you to do something you must treat it like an order from almighty God. This does not sound like america, it is funny how people forget their rights when it is another person being violated.

In a nutshell anything a cop does is good, even if it breaks the law.
Questions from Closed Caption:
How about if a LEO pulls a driver over and I am watching in close proximity on my own driveway, can the officer legally order me to step back?
Ask? Yes. Order? No.
How far am I obligated to step back? None.
Can he order me into my house? No.
What if I am recording with a camera on my own lawn and he orders me to step away in what appears to be an attempt to stop me from recording? Keep recording so you have a record in Court.
What if he asks to see my camera because he says it contains evidence? Am I obligated to give it to him? Tell him to go get a Warrant.

You can't just assume Cops know the Law and are on your side. Everyone should take a few minutes away from the Bruce Jenner and Confederate Flag non-issues and do some online research into your States Laws.
Let get something straight and she was ask to put the smoke out, and when she refused to do so she was asked to step outside the auto, and that is when she got into real trouble because she refused to exit the auto...

Those claiming it was the smoke need to watch the actual video, and notice the officer got pissed off when she refused to put her smoke out, and then demanded she get out of her auto, and she refused to obey that order that escalated into him opening the door and attempting to remove her, and her resisting then was construed resisting arrest in my opinion and he did tell her during the scuffle within her auto that he was arresting her.

Now where did the officer go wrong?

Simple, when he requested her to exit her auto and she refused he should have walked to the back of her auto and called for help, and had she then fled they could have gotten her for fleeing.

While waiting for backup he does not engage in conversation with the said suspect and yes her refusal to exit a auto can get her arrested...

She had a attitude because she was being pulled over, and many of us have had one when being pulled over...

Now the question for me is what actually happen in the jail, and was it a suicide or a homicide?
She was asked to put out her smoke, that was not an order. He then said can you step out of the car again it was not an order, then he started yelling and got aggressive, yes the cop was way out of line, it is a trick police use as a way to detain a person for no reason, any movement you make they can and do use that as a way to say you were resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, lane change violation. This happens in almost every state. Police are supposed to de-esculate situations yet they always escalate them. He knew she was irritated and that she would behave a certain way, he knew it, he went from calm asking her what the problem was as a way to get her to talk and get emotional. That is 101 of cop textbook, once you are emotional they will always charge with disorderly conduct. It was a trap plain and simple. Had it done to me a few times yet I never took the bait nor did I answer the cop, I informed the cop my rights and his rights and told them to hand me the ticket and I will be on my way. Nothing else. It always gets them riled up though.
Shit happens when you're being an asshole and don't comply.

You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

Comply with what? She broke no law unless smoking a cigarette is a crime

To what the officer says, when he says it. He says put out your cigarette, put out your cigarette. Hell dude, you can always light the sucker back up!

Could be the cop was allergic to the smoke and ask her to put it out for his on well being. You fucking liberals already made second class citizens out of smokers with your stupid ass laws.

Failure to put out a cigarette is not against any law. If you're saying you have to comply with anything a cop tells you to do the courts disagree with you. Sorry

Failure to obey a lawful order is.

If you have a problem with a cop, file a civil lawsuit. But in the meantime, obey whatever he says and avoid a trip to the pokey.
Shit happens when you're being an asshole and don't comply.

You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

Comply with what? She broke no law unless smoking a cigarette is a crime

To what the officer says, when he says it. He says put out your cigarette, put out your cigarette. Hell dude, you can always light the sucker back up!

Could be the cop was allergic to the smoke and ask her to put it out for his on well being. You fucking liberals already made second class citizens out of smokers with your stupid ass laws.

Failure to put out a cigarette is not against any law. If you're saying you have to comply with anything a cop tells you to do the courts disagree with you. Sorry

Failure to obey a lawful order is.

If you have a problem with a cop, file a civil lawsuit. But in the meantime, obey whatever he says and avoid a trip to the pokey.

Putting out a cigarette is not a lawful order. You see, she couldnt wait to get to court but then oopsie, shes dead. So filing a suit would be tough

Yes it is. Less chances of getting burned while placing the idiot in cuffs.

A lot of times a cop will put you in cuffs just for his safety.

You need to watch "cops" and educate yourself.
What probable cause was there to get her out of her car? Or is probable cause still a requirement in this new reality?

Suspicion of being under the influence. They'll have you get out and if they believe you are impaired they will have you do a field sobriety test.

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

Shit happens when you're being an asshole and don't comply.

You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.

True, and that s one of the biggest reason that policemen are no longer respected as they once were.

Be an asshole to a cop and see how it works out for you.
Does anyone think that this individual would not have been arrested if she would have just complied with his rather simple request?
Im pretty sure she would have got the warning, and been on her way.
Does anyone think that this individual would not have been arrested if she would have just complied with his rather simple request?
Im pretty sure she would have got the warning, and been on her way.
I guess you miss the point. No one should have to kiss the cops ass to keep from being arrested.

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal. If she had been polite and respectful, he would have given her a warning and she would have been on her way. She chose to have an attitude and try to piss him off as much as possible. Congratulations to her: she succeeded in her mission.

What a load of crap. You are under no obligation to obey the commands of a police officer unless or until you are told that you are under arrest. This cop was clearly out of bounds. Why did he want her to put her cigarette out? She was doing nothing illegal, and I suspect that arresting someone for an illegal lane change is a VERY unusual arrest.
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.
The reports I'm reading say he told her he was going to give her a warning but now she's going to jail. That seems clear enough to me.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place
The reports I'm reading say she was charged with assaulting an officer.

None of that would have occurred had he not told her before hand that she was under arrest despite the fact that when asked, never stated what she was under arrest for.
Let get something straight and she was ask to put the smoke out, and when she refused to do so she was asked to step outside the auto, and that is when she got into real trouble because she refused to exit the auto...

Those claiming it was the smoke need to watch the actual video, and notice the officer got pissed off when she refused to put her smoke out, and then demanded she get out of her auto, and she refused to obey that order that escalated into him opening the door and attempting to remove her, and her resisting then was construed resisting arrest in my opinion and he did tell her during the scuffle within her auto that he was arresting her.

Now where did the officer go wrong?

Simple, when he requested her to exit her auto and she refused he should have walked to the back of her auto and called for help, and had she then fled they could have gotten her for fleeing.

While waiting for backup he does not engage in conversation with the said suspect and yes her refusal to exit a auto can get her arrested...

She had a attitude because she was being pulled over, and many of us have had one when being pulled over...

Now the question for me is what actually happen in the jail, and was it a suicide or a homicide?

Agreed that what happened after the arrest is what is most important. However, the cop was far from professional, and if he had behaved professionally, the arrest would have probably never happened. Cops are hired, trained, and expected to behave professionally, even if the people they deal with are less than agreeable.

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