Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

Just a thought, but perhaps we should re-examine how much we care about criminals. And ask if we care too much.

Since not everyone with the "power" of the badge is just and fair... people should continue to care. Surface facts aren't always the truth.
I agree that she should have put out her cigarette...that no doubt escalated the whole thing and he probably asked for valid reasons.
Maybe it is just an unfortunate chain of events and she did hang herself.
I'm glad its being investigated death after an arrest should be taken lightly.
True, and that s one of the biggest reason that policemen are no longer respected as they once were.

Be an asshole to a cop and see how it works out for you.

That was my point. It's his job to be professional even when he doesn't want to.

He will professionally haul your ass to jail.

Of course he will. Again proving my point that cops don't really care about professionalism and don't think it should be a requirement for them.

Cops are generally courteous, but they're also human and if you are an asshole to them then expect the same in kind.

And that is okay?

Quick question, does the right to be an asshole to anyone who treats you like an asshole extend to workers at the DMV, or Social Security office as well?
As for the entire incident...Cops have a hard job and we should let the process play out. I'm dubious of the process in this case however because of the clearly edited footage that was released. The TDPS came out and said it wasn't edited but shows the same wrecker driver getting out of his truck twice with the same cars passing. When pressed for answers, the explanation was that the video was corrupted somehow during an upload. Funny how that can't be used when red light cameras take a picture of you going through an intersection.

Anyway, what we are being asked to believe by the cops in Texas is this:

That a lady was pulled over by what can most generously be called an officer who was over-zealous in his policing (more correctly an officer who employed intimidation tactics).

That the officer just happened to usher her out of range of his dashboard camera that was in his car instead of doing the classic maneuver of having her put her hands on the trunk in plain sight of the camera

That the woman and the officer continued to exchange words as the argument escalated.

That the woman was arrested--nobody seems to know exactly why; was it because of prior offenses or an alleged assault on the officer??

That the dash board camera--in this case--just happens to be corrupted.

That 3 days later, this woman who potentially has a case of police brutality and violation of civil rights, just happens to wind up dead while in jail.
As for the entire incident...Cops have a hard job and we should let the process play out. I'm dubious of the process in this case however because of the clearly edited footage that was released. The TDPS came out and said it wasn't edited but shows the same wrecker driver getting out of his truck twice with the same cars passing. When pressed for answers, the explanation was that the video was corrupted somehow during an upload. Funny how that can't be used when red light cameras take a picture of you going through an intersection.

Anyway, what we are being asked to believe by the cops in Texas is this:

That a lady was pulled over by what can most generously be called an officer who was over-zealous in his policing (more correctly an officer who employed intimidation tactics).

That the officer just happened to usher her out of range of his dashboard camera that was in his car instead of doing the classic maneuver of having her put her hands on the trunk in plain sight of the camera

That the woman and the officer continued to exchange words as the argument escalated.

That the woman was arrested--nobody seems to know exactly why; was it because of prior offenses or an alleged assault on the officer??

That the dash board camera--in this case--just happens to be corrupted.

That 3 days later, this woman who potentially has a case of police brutality and violation of civil rights, just happens to wind up dead while in jail.
Thats bullshit. If the video was corrupted it simply wouldnt play. That video was edited and spliced.
As for the entire incident...Cops have a hard job and we should let the process play out. I'm dubious of the process in this case however because of the clearly edited footage that was released. The TDPS came out and said it wasn't edited but shows the same wrecker driver getting out of his truck twice with the same cars passing. When pressed for answers, the explanation was that the video was corrupted somehow during an upload. Funny how that can't be used when red light cameras take a picture of you going through an intersection.

Anyway, what we are being asked to believe by the cops in Texas is this:

That a lady was pulled over by what can most generously be called an officer who was over-zealous in his policing (more correctly an officer who employed intimidation tactics).

That the officer just happened to usher her out of range of his dashboard camera that was in his car instead of doing the classic maneuver of having her put her hands on the trunk in plain sight of the camera

That the woman and the officer continued to exchange words as the argument escalated.

That the woman was arrested--nobody seems to know exactly why; was it because of prior offenses or an alleged assault on the officer??

That the dash board camera--in this case--just happens to be corrupted.

That 3 days later, this woman who potentially has a case of police brutality and violation of civil rights, just happens to wind up dead while in jail.
Thats bullshit. If the video was corrupted it simply wouldnt play. That video was edited and spliced.

I was trying to be inclusive of all possible causes. I agree with you, it couldn't have been more sliced and diced than if it were on the menu at Benihana.
What do libs want? To treat every black woman as suicidal and take away her shootlaces and make her sleep on the stone floor so she doesn't smother herself with a mattress?
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place

She refused a lawful order to get out of her car. What I don't understand is her family is going nuts making accusations but they had three days to post a $5,000 bail to get her out of jail and couldn't be bothered.
What do libs want? To treat every black woman as suicidal and take away her shootlaces and make her sleep on the stone floor so she doesn't smother herself with a mattress?

Not sure about all liberals but how about just giving a warning/ticket and wishing your boss (the public) a nice day instead of acting like a macho jerk? If you do that, you won't have to worry about shoelaces, stone floors or incarceration.
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place

She refused a lawful order to get out of her car. What I don't understand is her family is going nuts making accusations but they had three days to post a $5,000 bail to get her out of jail and couldn't be bothered.
As it turns out, she has a history of suicide attempts. The family probably doesn't even have anything to do with her..they just see her as a meal ticket, now she died in police custody.
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place

She refused a lawful order to get out of her car. What I don't understand is her family is going nuts making accusations but they had three days to post a $5,000 bail to get her out of jail and couldn't be bothered.

"You can get out the car now" is not a lawful order. Also, there was no probable cause for her to step out in the first place. AND there has to be an actual charge in order to RESIST arrest. There is no additional charge stated, written or implied.
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place

She refused a lawful order to get out of her car. What I don't understand is her family is going nuts making accusations but they had three days to post a $5,000 bail to get her out of jail and couldn't be bothered.

"You can get out the car now" is not a lawful order. Also, there was no probable cause for her to step out in the first place. AND there has to be an actual charge in order to RESIST arrest. There is no additional charge stated, written or implied.

Get out of your car is just as lawful an order as 'get on the ground.' Even you should know that.
Be an asshole to a cop and see how it works out for you.

That was my point. It's his job to be professional even when he doesn't want to.

He will professionally haul your ass to jail.

Of course he will. Again proving my point that cops don't really care about professionalism and don't think it should be a requirement for them.

Cops are generally courteous, but they're also human and if you are an asshole to them then expect the same in kind.

And that is okay?

Quick question, does the right to be an asshole to anyone who treats you like an asshole extend to workers at the DMV, or Social Security office as well?

Sure, why not?

Do unto others.
All you idiot liberals must get a ton of tickets and spend lots of time in jail, that is if you really believe the bullshit y'all are saying.

The police has every right to ask you out of your car. If you are too stupid to understand why, then quite frankly, you are too stupid to be operating a motor vehicle.
He was arresting her for improper lane change. Unusual, but legal.

He clearly showed and repeated that he was giving her a warning for improper lane change. It wasnt until she refused to put out her cigarette that he threatened to arrest her. When she replied "For what?" he never said.

Her only charge was resisting arrest, despite not having a charge for arrest in the first place

She refused a lawful order to get out of her car. What I don't understand is her family is going nuts making accusations but they had three days to post a $5,000 bail to get her out of jail and couldn't be bothered.

"You can get out the car now" is not a lawful order. Also, there was no probable cause for her to step out in the first place. AND there has to be an actual charge in order to RESIST arrest. There is no additional charge stated, written or implied.

Get out of your car is just as lawful an order as 'get on the ground.' Even you should know that.

Yeah, except he didnt say that and again didnt have probable cause for it. Keep playing stupid
When my daughter was on the HS golf team a cop pulled them over and the driver said," does someone smell bacon."
That cop went thru that car with a fine tooth comb writing up everything he could

luckily it's a small neighborhood and the cop knew all the kids
All you idiot liberals must get a ton of tickets and spend lots of time in jail, that is if you really believe the bullshit y'all are saying.

The police has every right to ask you out of your car. If you are too stupid to understand why, then quite frankly, you are too stupid to be operating a motor vehicle.
Its different for everybody else Lonleystar. You are convict and have to do anything the cops tell you to do. People with no prior convictions dont have that issue.
When my daughter was on the HS golf team a cop pulled them over and the driver said," does someone smell bacon."
That cop went thru that car with a fine tooth comb writing up everything he could

luckily it's a small neighborhood and the cop knew all the kids
Without a warrant? Its not surprising the pig abused his power.
All you idiot liberals must get a ton of tickets and spend lots of time in jail, that is if you really believe the bullshit y'all are saying.

The police has every right to ask you out of your car. If you are too stupid to understand why, then quite frankly, you are too stupid to be operating a motor vehicle.
Its different for everybody else Lonleystar. You are convict and have to do anything the cops tell you to do. People with no prior convictions dont have that issue.

I was given a full pardon in the early 80's, I'm no different than anyone that has never been convicted. As a matter of fact, my records have been expunged. If you don't know what "expunged" means, have someone explain it to you.

BTW, I do follow their instructions to a "T", that's why when I've gotten caught speeding in a school zone, having an open container of alcohol in the truck, running a red light, having expired inspection sticker.... I get warning tickets. It pays to be courteous. Oh and not all those events happened at the same time, it was different times per each event.

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