News crew shot **warning graphic**

It's personal, either against the newspeople, the news station, or theperson being interviewed, or something snapped in the person's brain. Terrible.
yea, no chance he's a racist pile of shit that wanted to kill some white people.

like black leaders have been calling for
He could be racist. More likely he is nuts like you guys claim the throngs of white boys are that have done this repeatedly. The problem is that you have yet to identify the leader of all Black people.
he's probably a racist pile of shit and I already gave you the links

but you're a liar, so there's no dealing with such a pathetic fool.
He is a disgruntled employee: get over it.
who hunted down and murdered 2 white people

if it was the other way around your lying ass would be screaming racism, so stfu and plz don't vote
...It's simply a fact of human nature.

Racism is, indeed, a fact of human nature.

And all humans, beyond a certain stage of development, exhibit some traits along those lines, however well-hidden or suppressed.

It is our actions in concert with or in spite of our inherent racism which identifies us all, as 'racist' in the day-to-day functional or practical sense.

Generally speaking, Blacks are no better at this than Whites.
MSNBC won't say it. They're speculating "what was the motive???" He said it. Kill whites for vengence. They're focusing on "who sold him the gun?".

He said it. He wanted a race war. So did Dylann Roof.

It's not difficult to figure out his motivation, but I guess "race war" sells more papers than "a guy took revenge on the company that fired him".

This is an instance where his words spoke louder than his actions. All you need to do is be honest enough to read his manifesto. Call this cherrypicking if you want, but I call this damning evidence:

"As for Dylann Roof? You *****! You want a race war ************? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …*****!!!”

Words never speak "louder" than actions.

Why did he specifically and only target his former colleagues at the TV station if his attack was genuinely motivated by the desire to start a race war?

Yer' splittin' hairs Doc, and they ain't nappy hairs, either.......

The difference between a "race war" and a disgruntled former employee shooting his former co-workers is not a "hair".

As I pointed out before, "race war" sells more papers to scared white people, so that's the headlines we see.
Race war rhetoric isn't designed to scare white people. It's designed to inspire blacks to vote for democrats.
I don't believe that!
...It's simply a fact of human nature.

Racism is, indeed, a fact of human nature.

And all humans, beyond a certain stage of development, exhibit some traits along those lines, however well-hidden or suppressed.

It is our actions in concert with or in spite of our inherent racism which identifies us all, as 'racist' in the day-to-day functional or practical sense.

Generally speaking, Blacks are no better at this than Whites.
When did you become Black? I would say Blacks as a group are infinitely better at this than whites. We've been accepting to a fault. All whites have to do is show us a bible and say they love us all. Then they signal the imperialists for the invasion while our backs are turned.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land."

Desmond Tutu
He failed. And you keep on trying, amazing.
How many more have to die like this until it is a war?

Exactly 43 more people
That is just one days work for blacks

That means it's started. Go outside and fight the good fight dummy
See for yourself just how many whites were killed by blacks just today

New Nation News

Are you still in the house? Why aren't you outside participating in the war?
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
meanwhile negro gangs run wild in the streets....
Well, get off your scared ass and go out there and tell them to STOP running wild in the streets....PLEASE! Do it for mankind!
Okay. I see the Charleston shootings and up the Charleston shootings.......what's next in this racial divide poker game? (Ask, the Democraps; they love playing the race card!).
Sure buddy, the KKK is all black members...
Who the fuck talks about the KKK in 2015? What, are there like a few hundred of them in the world? They are closer to extinction than the white rhino.

I remember hearing that there were more FBI agents infiltrated into the kkk than there were actual members….
meanwhile negro gangs run wild in the streets....
Well, get off your scared ass and go out there and tell them to STOP running wild in the streets....PLEASE! Do it for mankind!
You just made him go poop in his panties.
BTW, my condolences to the families of those who were murdered. That is more than most of you ass wipes gave to the victims of the mass killer D. Roof!
Yet here we all are. You know, we wouldn't need to be worried about playing "political playing cards" if certain liberals wouldn't make every mass shooting that happens as a matter of racism or gun control.


Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.

There must be a reason for it then? There is race no doubt. I never once said "race doesn't exist." There is racism too, but for a certain caste of the Democratic party, most of the ills that assail the country are because of race.

White cops killing black thugs for instance. They would have you believe that racism permeates every book and cranny of American society.

The year 2008 was a prime example of that. People who opposed Obama were immediately labeled as racists, ignoring the underlying disagreement with his policies, not his race.

They find ways to insert race into any issue, whether it be something like this, or something like illegal immigrants.

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

It's simply a fact of human nature.

That is a completely bogus statistic. The reason more blacks are shot is that young black men engage in criminal activity at a rate higher than their statistical proportion of the population. Whites who engage in crime are shot by police at about the same rate as blacks who engage in crime.

Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.

There must be a reason for it then? There is race no doubt. I never once said "race doesn't exist." There is racism too, but for a certain caste of the Democratic party, most of the ills that assail the country are because of race.

White cops killing black thugs for instance. They would have you believe that racism permeates every book and cranny of American society.

The year 2008 was a prime example of that. People who opposed Obama were immediately labeled as racists, ignoring the underlying disagreement with his policies, not his race.

They find ways to insert race into any issue, whether it be something like this, or something like illegal immigrants.

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

It's simply a fact of human nature.

That is a completely bogus statistic. The reason more blacks are shot is that young black men engage in criminal activity at a rate higher than their statistical proportion of the population. Whites who engage in crime are shot by police at about the same rate as blacks who engage in crime.
That is a bullshit post. Whites engage in criminal activity more than Blacks and are killed less and incarcerated less..
That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.

There must be a reason for it then? There is race no doubt. I never once said "race doesn't exist." There is racism too, but for a certain caste of the Democratic party, most of the ills that assail the country are because of race.

White cops killing black thugs for instance. They would have you believe that racism permeates every book and cranny of American society.

The year 2008 was a prime example of that. People who opposed Obama were immediately labeled as racists, ignoring the underlying disagreement with his policies, not his race.

They find ways to insert race into any issue, whether it be something like this, or something like illegal immigrants.

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

It's simply a fact of human nature.

That is a completely bogus statistic. The reason more blacks are shot is that young black men engage in criminal activity at a rate higher than their statistical proportion of the population. Whites who engage in crime are shot by police at about the same rate as blacks who engage in crime.
That is a bullshit post. Whites engage in criminal activity more than Blacks and are killed less and incarcerated less..

What is it about ratios that elude you?
Boy? you racist asshole. don be callin me no boi der you honkie junkie.
Too late. I already called you boy and you wont do anything about it will you?

Thank you for proving that not all black people want to get along, and that some are actually racist pieces of monkey dung.

Good job! :biggrin:
Kinda hard to get along with feral monkeys trying to attack you. If you wouldnt do it then dont judge me for not doing it.

Look, Bunky. Nobody is attacking you because of the color of your skin. I have plenty of black friends, all of whom I consider an equal.I've had relationships with black women, and severed with many black people in the military. I have nothing less than the utmost respect for people like Allen West, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson.

It's your politics that suck balls, ok? I would disrespect just the same if you were white, yellow, orange, or green.
Look Skippy. I didnt say anyone was attacking me. I said trying to. I dont care how many Black friends you have. Whites the world over say that as if I would believe them. It pretty much alerts me you are full of shit and a feral racist monkey to boot.

Fine. Be a dickhead if you want to. But if you really want people to start treating you as an "equal", lose the "angry young black" attitude and quit playing like you're some kind of victim.. The majority of people in this country are not going to coddle your ass and feel sorry for you. If you want to fit in like everyone else, then start acting like everyone else, ok?
Perhaps he was bitter that his ancestors might have been slaves....

That or he was just another 3 brain celled zoo animal....

Of course, it's the liberals fault that some conservatives love building a race war narrative. Just like how it's black people's fault that some whites are racist.

(please note: that previous sentence is entirely sarcastic)

That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.

There must be a reason for it then? There is race no doubt. I never once said "race doesn't exist." There is racism too, but for a certain caste of the Democratic party, most of the ills that assail the country are because of race.

White cops killing black thugs for instance. They would have you believe that racism permeates every book and cranny of American society.

The year 2008 was a prime example of that. People who opposed Obama were immediately labeled as racists, ignoring the underlying disagreement with his policies, not his race.

They find ways to insert race into any issue, whether it be something like this, or something like illegal immigrants.

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

It's simply a fact of human nature.

That is a completely bogus statistic. The reason more blacks are shot is that young black men engage in criminal activity at a rate higher than their statistical proportion of the population. Whites who engage in crime are shot by police at about the same rate as blacks who engage in crime.

I would love to see a link to back up that claim.
How many more have to die like this until it is a war?

Exactly 43 more people
That is just one days work for blacks

That means it's started. Go outside and fight the good fight dummy
See for yourself just how many whites were killed by blacks just today

New Nation News

Are you still in the house? Why aren't you outside participating in the war?
Could it be because he's all talk?
That's the thing though... the whole race war concept wouldn't even surface if liberals didn't make one issue after another about race. But here we are.

That's complete nonsense.

People like Rotagilla are not salivating over the idea of a race war because of liberals, and discussing race is not "making" something about race. Pretending race doesn't exist won't make racists less racist.

There must be a reason for it then? There is race no doubt. I never once said "race doesn't exist." There is racism too, but for a certain caste of the Democratic party, most of the ills that assail the country are because of race.

White cops killing black thugs for instance. They would have you believe that racism permeates every book and cranny of American society.

The year 2008 was a prime example of that. People who opposed Obama were immediately labeled as racists, ignoring the underlying disagreement with his policies, not his race.

They find ways to insert race into any issue, whether it be something like this, or something like illegal immigrants.

You think that black criminals being shot by police vastly out of proportion compared to white criminals has nothing to do with race?

You don't think that any of the hatred demonstrated towards Obama before he was even elected had to do with race?

Acknowledging that race and racism exist is not "race baiting", nor is it accusing all white people of racism, nor is it magically inspiring black people to hate whites or white people to believe that black people want to kill them.

It's simply a fact of human nature.

That is a completely bogus statistic. The reason more blacks are shot is that young black men engage in criminal activity at a rate higher than their statistical proportion of the population. Whites who engage in crime are shot by police at about the same rate as blacks who engage in crime.

I would love to see a link to back up that claim.

I'd love to see your link proving that black criminals being shot by police is vastly out of proportio to white criminals first - and no fair including petty non-crime criminals to goose up the stats.
Too late. I already called you boy and you wont do anything about it will you?

Thank you for proving that not all black people want to get along, and that some are actually racist pieces of monkey dung.

Good job! :biggrin:
Kinda hard to get along with feral monkeys trying to attack you. If you wouldnt do it then dont judge me for not doing it.

Look, Bunky. Nobody is attacking you because of the color of your skin. I have plenty of black friends, all of whom I consider an equal.I've had relationships with black women, and severed with many black people in the military. I have nothing less than the utmost respect for people like Allen West, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson.

It's your politics that suck balls, ok? I would disrespect just the same if you were white, yellow, orange, or green.
Look Skippy. I didnt say anyone was attacking me. I said trying to. I dont care how many Black friends you have. Whites the world over say that as if I would believe them. It pretty much alerts me you are full of shit and a feral racist monkey to boot.

Fine. Be a dickhead if you want to. But if you really want people to start treating you as an "equal", lose the "angry young black" attitude and quit playing like you're some kind of victim.. The majority of people in this country are not going to coddle your ass and feel sorry for you. If you want to fit in like everyone else, then start acting like everyone else, ok?
People dont have a choice but to treat me as an equal. I am never a victim. I'm a fully functioning adult Black male. The only people that coddle me are white women. I dont want to fit in. I'm a leader not a follower. You better set higher aspirations for yourself boy before you try to make me come down to yours.

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