News crew shot **warning graphic**

You have trouble with time, too, apparently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
So now you admit that it was a racist hate crime. Good for you
Those are your words. :lol: And we knew nothing early on.

But we know now. It was a race based hate crime, by a racist gay black guy. Why is that so hard for you to admit? Because it destroys your agenda that only whites are racists? Because it forces you to admit that liberal policies cause this kind of shit?
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.
No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.
That is your "feelings" talking again. If Trump is the candidate, he will lose by 20 points. If we continue with xenophbic, nativist, anti-woman positions, the GOP will lose again only worse than in 2012. Americans will not put with the far right clap trap.
So now you admit that it was a racist hate crime. Good for you
Those are your words. :lol: And we knew nothing early on.

But we know now. It was a race based hate crime, by a racist gay black guy. Why is that so hard for you to admit? Because it destroys your agenda that only whites are racists? Because it forces you to admit that liberal policies cause this kind of shit?
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.
No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.
That is your "feelings" talking again. If Trump is the candidate, he will lose by 20 points. If we continue with xenophbic, nativist, anti-woman positions, the GOP will lose again only worse than in 2012. Americans will not put with the far right clap trap.

Nothing in your post is true. But thats the case with 99% of your posts. You contribute nothing but bullshit talking points to this forum.
I would love to see a link to back up that claim.

Hell, Doc, it's been backed up a thousand times...DOJ, FBI...who do you want?

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3

Blacks comprise 13% of the population...and over 50% of homicides where the race of the perpetrator is known are committed by blacks.

I know you can figure that ratio out. If 13% of the population is committing 52% of the homicides...
I can't figure it out! WHY? Because in reality only 2% of the population is committing 52% of the homicides. If 13% of the population were involved there would be far more homicides at that rate. A 52% increase for every 2% of the 13% that is the total black population.. That is not the case,
You are so ignorant. The reason Obama attended the memorial service at that time is because it was a famous black church and he personally knew the pastor who was murdered. And he didn't denounce white racism, he denounced racism in general. You people are such sick, disgusting MFs. If there is a god, when you meet your maker, you are going to have a lot to answer for.

However, to blacks there is not other racism then white racism.
As far as the "main stream media" ignoring the races of all people involved?

I turned on the news (MSNBC) at 12:00 pm CST (1:00 pm EST), and not only did they show the picture of the blonde lady and the white dude, but they also showed the picture of the black dude that did all the shooting.

Race was not hidden, and they didn't overlook it.

The Rushing Limp Idiot is wrong yet again (surprise).

Incorrect. They have not acknowledged him being African American. If it were the reverse, NBC would only be talking race right now.

NBC would only be talking race right now
msnbc had to interject white into the zimmerman case so badly

they had to coin the phrase


That is true. Barely a white guy, if at all.
This does now appear to be at least somewhat racially motivated. He was obsessed with some warped 'White Man is out to get me' conspiracy theory. The MSM isn't discussing it, and probably never will. But it does look like this was a brutal racially motivated slaughter.
Just like the recent 'slaughter' of several black people in a black church--the killer a white man who hated blacks. No difference. They are both very sick individuals, each just as bad as the other.

Yet one was obsessed over in a racial context, the other one not at all. In loony White Communist/Progressive world, White on Back crime sells. But they completely ignore the rampant Black on White crime in America.

Crime statistics show Black on White crime far exceeds White on Black crime. In fact, White on Black crime has become very rare in today's America.
Missourian said:

Blacks comprise 13% of the population...and over 50% of homicides where the race of the perpetrator is known are committed by blacks.
I can't figure it out! WHY? Because in reality only 2% of the population is committing 52% of the homicides. If 13% of the population were involved there would be far more homicides at that rate. A 52% increase for every 2% of the 13% that is the total black population.. That is not the case,

I see where you are coming from, but the reality is that it is a differentiation without a difference.

Over half the murderers are coming from that pool that only represents 13% of the population.

Less than half come from the much much larger pool of everyone else...86% of the population.

Black Homicide.png

Now, there are plenty of arguments to be laid out for why this disparity exists...and it is a combination of causes and dynamics that we as laymen will probably never completely understand...but facts are facts, and what is - is.
i'm betting guno is a whiteboy who thinks he if he calls others "crackers" he will feel like he's "down"

Guno is definitely white. He's suffering from the disease known as "white apologism". It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside but at the end of the day, the bruthas would still kick his cracker ass and take his lunch money.
I always get a kick out of the concept of "apologists" as explained by Republicans.

Feeling like apologies are never needed can only be arrived at by the spiritually deficient. Nobody is ever right all the time.

These folks also seem to think they're doing black folks a favor by not using the "N" word, or doing women a favor by not slapping their asses at work.

Every person I've encountered so far, in my life, who uses the term "white apologist", also displays racism regularly

Didn't you lefties claimed that "knockout" is just a game?
That was you who claimed it.

Never said such thing. Prove it, you fucking liar.
Of course it was you haters on the far right.

Prove it, asshole.
Your hot guilt always is revealed in your language.
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too subtle for you, snake? hypocrisy, double standard. think about it, idiot.
Is this about your feelings, again? I have seen it on TCW reported by black and white reporters, they have reported he is black and the victims white, they don't know if it is racist.

They don't know if it was racist???? WTF, the guy put out a manifesto claiming racial discrimination and saying he would get even----------------not racist? are you that fricken stupid? Why hasn't obozo called this a hate crime?

you fricken liberal assholes are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
You have trouble with time, too, appatently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
So now you admit that it was a racist hate crime. Good for you
Those are your words. :lol: And we knew nothing early on.

But we know now. It was a race based hate crime, by a racist gay black guy. Why is that so hard for you to admit? Because it destroys your agenda that only whites are racists? Because it forces you to admit that liberal policies cause this kind of shit?
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.

No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.

i am surprised that the lefties have not started

a blacklivesmatter issue over this guy

It seems his gayness sparked much more of his murderous rampage than his blackness. I'd say 60/40. Lots of black folks were angry....few did this. Guess most homosexuals are looking to shoot someone now!!!
too subtle for you, snake? hypocrisy, double standard. think about it, idiot.
Is this about your feelings, again? I have seen it on TCW reported by black and white reporters, they have reported he is black and the victims white, they don't know if it is racist.

They don't know if it was racist???? WTF, the guy put out a manifesto claiming racial discrimination and saying he would get even----------------not racist? are you that fricken stupid? Why hasn't obozo called this a hate crime?

you fricken liberal assholes are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
You have trouble with time, too, appatently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
Those are your words. :lol: And we knew nothing early on.

But we know now. It was a race based hate crime, by a racist gay black guy. Why is that so hard for you to admit? Because it destroys your agenda that only whites are racists? Because it forces you to admit that liberal policies cause this kind of shit?
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.

No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.

i am surprised that the lefties have not started

a blacklivesmatter issue over this guy

It seems his gayness sparked much more of his murderous rampage than his blackness. I'd say 60/40. Lots of black folks were angry....few did this. Guess most homosexuals are looking to shoot someone now!!!
We can always count on you to be a huge retard.

What if just being mentally ill caused him to shoot people, irrespective of being gay or black
Is this about your feelings, again? I have seen it on TCW reported by black and white reporters, they have reported he is black and the victims white, they don't know if it is racist.

They don't know if it was racist???? WTF, the guy put out a manifesto claiming racial discrimination and saying he would get even----------------not racist? are you that fricken stupid? Why hasn't obozo called this a hate crime?

you fricken liberal assholes are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
You have trouble with time, too, appatently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
But we know now. It was a race based hate crime, by a racist gay black guy. Why is that so hard for you to admit? Because it destroys your agenda that only whites are racists? Because it forces you to admit that liberal policies cause this kind of shit?
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.

No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.

i am surprised that the lefties have not started

a blacklivesmatter issue over this guy

It seems his gayness sparked much more of his murderous rampage than his blackness. I'd say 60/40. Lots of black folks were angry....few did this. Guess most homosexuals are looking to shoot someone now!!!
We can always count on you to be a huge retard.

What if just being mentally ill caused him to shoot people, irrespective of being gay or black

You mean like Dylann Roof? No. You dont. He was just a white racist right?

But a gay black going on a rampage...must be mental health.

They're both murderous racists. Period.
They don't know if it was racist???? WTF, the guy put out a manifesto claiming racial discrimination and saying he would get even----------------not racist? are you that fricken stupid? Why hasn't obozo called this a hate crime?

you fricken liberal assholes are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
You have trouble with time, too, appatently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.[/QUOTE

No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.

i am surprised that the lefties have not started

a blacklivesmatter issue over this guy

It seems his gayness sparked much more of his murderous rampage than his blackness. I'd say 60/40. Lots of black folks were angry....few did this. Guess most homosexuals are looking to shoot someone now!!!
We can always count on you to be a huge retard.

What if just being mentally ill caused him to shoot people, irrespective of being gay or black
You mean like Dylann Roof? No. You dont. He was just a white racist right? But a gay black going on a rampage...must be mental health. They're both murderous racists. Period.
That's your opinion not the facts.
They don't know if it was racist???? WTF, the guy put out a manifesto claiming racial discrimination and saying he would get even----------------not racist? are you that fricken stupid? Why hasn't obozo called this a hate crime?

you fricken liberal assholes are the biggest hypocrites on earth.
You have trouble with time, too, appatently. People did not know why he acted early on, and neither did you. Seems it was job related.
Your opinions, again, are not facts, only how you think and feel.

No, those are facts whether you like them or not. The USA is waking up to the fraud that is liberalism. You lost, we tried it and it failed miserably. Obama and clinton have destroyed the dem/lib party. Your ideology is bullshit, its over. Sanity is returning to this great country.

i am surprised that the lefties have not started

a blacklivesmatter issue over this guy

It seems his gayness sparked much more of his murderous rampage than his blackness. I'd say 60/40. Lots of black folks were angry....few did this. Guess most homosexuals are looking to shoot someone now!!!
We can always count on you to be a huge retard.

What if just being mentally ill caused him to shoot people, irrespective of being gay or black

You mean like Dylann Roof? No. You dont. He was just a white racist right?

But a gay black going on a rampage...must be mental health.

They're both murderous racists. Period.
Maybe they were just both ass holes who hate other people because of their skin you
Maybe those who subject gays and minorities to an exhaustng amount of daily intolerance pushed this guy over the edge too, or at the very least, may have had a part in it
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Your hot guilt always is revealed in your languge.

Guilt of what?

You said I claimed something. I asked you to prove it. You haven't and you cant, because I haven't made those claims.

Now you're retreating with an excuse of my "languge".

I'm still asking you to prove it, asshole.

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