News for all Hatians: Your Country is a Shithole

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Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The left is lining up all these Haitian immigrants to act indignant about what Trump supposedly said about their country. One has to wonder why are they here if they don't agree that Hati is shithole? Why aren't they back in Hati enjoying the social benefits and natural beauty of the country? The answer is obvious: even they think their country is a shithole. That's one big reason that people immigrate here: they live in a shithole.

Those pretending to be offended by what Trump supposedly said are playing politics. No American is genuinely offended.
yeah they can tell us how awesome their country is....then we can laugh and send em back
When whites ran Haiti, it was one of the richest countries in the world, with trade exceeding that of even the United States. But, then the vermin killed the hand that fed them.

Haiti has enough jobs for everyone, but few are willing to work.
"This is the Land of Immigrants. Trump is just mad, quite frankly, because his white race is being diluted. Sorry. Science is science. God made us all this way — some DNA is more recessive and some is more dominant. Come 2030, whites won’t be the majority here. His biggest fear." - Sneaky Kamala Harris
"This is the Land of Immigrants. Trump is just mad, quite frankly, because his white race is being diluted. Sorry. Science is science. God made us all this way — some DNA is more recessive and some is more dominant. Come 2030, whites won’t be the majority here. His biggest fear." - Sneaky Kamala Harris

The USA is also a country of shitheads and socialists. The more power those people get, the worse off everyone is.
The left is lining up all these Haitian immigrants to act indignant about what Trump supposedly said about their country. One has to wonder why are they here if they don't agree that Hati is shithole? Why aren't they back in Hati enjoying the social benefits and natural beauty of the country? The answer is obvious: even they think their country is a shithole. That's one big reason that people immigrate here: they live in a shithole.

Those pretending to be offended by what Trump supposedly said are playing politics. No American is genuinely offended.


What Trump said was "Why are we taking people from these shitholes" implying that the people fleeing from the shitholes are responsible for the place being shitholes.

But since you will defend your Orange Messiah to the death no matter how stupid and offensive he may be, you make it about something else. That, or you are too dumb to understand what he was saying.
When whites ran Haiti, it was one of the richest countries in the world, with trade exceeding that of even the United States. But, then the vermin killed the hand that fed them.

Haiti has enough jobs for everyone, but few are willing to work.

Whites enslaved the people.

All these “shitholes” have had the hand of white mans brutal imperialism in their history.
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