Newsflash: This Just In

The shooter in Dallas was not shot by cops, he was killed by his own bomb.
Stop saying that. He was blown up by the cops with a cop bomb strapped to a robot. It was a serious c-4 bomb too.
Little 'insider' info:
The negro was holed up and LE was trying to negotiate with him to give himself up. Finally he demanded some bottled water and some sandwiches and if he got the food he'd 'think' about giving himself up.
LE negotiators agreed to send in the food using a robot.
Live stream video showed what the robot was seeing. Robot with plastic bag of food enters the room behind a walled partition. Negro cop-killer approaches the robot. A loud explosion was heard just when the screen went dead.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.

Criminological studies show your assertion to be not just false, but catastrophically so. But, never let facts get in the way of a progressive moron.

Can the moderation on this forum engage in name-calling? That's interesting. Kind of cool if that's allowed here.

Anyway, do you happen to know what happened in Australia when they too away their gurrns? They haven't had a mass shooting event since. Do you know why that is?

Because less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty fucking simple.
Fuck off 'stoner'.
We crap bigger than you on this forum!

Permanent Ignore.

I never get the ignore thing..........when you have a progressive making himself look like a mental case with virtually every post, to me its the last person you want to ignore!! They make the forum a hoot........Id be out of this board so fast if NOT for their presence. Its a chance for conservatives to display the inability of the progressive to connect the dots where results are concerned.......a chance to educate new or generally apolitical people entering the forums about how fucking dangerous progressive thinking is = the only thing that matters are the good intentions and the results are of no concern.

Take for example on this thread this idea that less guns = less violence. Anybody with half a brain realizes the nuttiness in that kind of thinking and there are volumes of evidence supporting (ie: Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders, other violent crime ). Forums like this offer conservatives the ability to highlight the level of disconnect with progressive thought.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.

Does that jerk imagine.....I almost said 'think'....that there is a constitutional amendment covering cars????
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
Choke on it

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

You wackos aren't a well-regulated militia. Or do those words confuse you?

Gads, are you dumb!!!

Too bad you never studied law....

Here...let me educate you:

Today, federal law defines “the militia of the United States” to include all able-bodied males from 17 to 45 and members of the National Guard up to age 64, but excluding those who have no intention of becoming citizens, and active military personnel. (US Code Title 10, sect. 311-313)

Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

Like what?
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

It's always easy for bad guys to find guns. France and Norway have even more strict anti gun laws than what you want here. Didn't work there now did it.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
More cops and more body cams means more money but worth it.

Think of all the $ bad cops cost us every year with lawsuits
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

Like what?
Straw purchases with no background checks. No fly no buy.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

It's always easy for bad guys to find guns. France and Norway have even more strict anti gun laws than what you want here. Didn't work there now did it.

Just look at Prohibition....the nation was swimming in alcohol the entire time it was in place
I haven't read the entire thread, but hopefully someone remined all of John Lott's scholarly tome 'More Guns, Less Crime.'

Here,a sample of the work of Professor Lott:
1. In every instance, we have data that show that when a ban is imposed, murder rates rise. In America, people are all too familiar with the increased murder rates in Chicago and Washington, D.C., following their handgun bans. They might even be familiar with the 36 percent drop in murder rates in D.C. since the Supreme Court struck down its handgun ban and gun-lock laws.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

Like what?
Straw purchases with no background checks. No fly no buy.

Wouldn't change a thing, if a criminal wants a gun a criminal will get a gun
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
More cops and more body cams means more money but worth it.

Think of all the $ bad cops cost us every year with lawsuits
Think of all the $$ litigious sloth cost us with bogus lawsuits against cops.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it

More laws.....always the answer from Liberals.

  1. The CDC studied laws throughout the country, and found: “In summary, the Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence.”
Although I would approve of a law mandating an education for folks like you.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
More cops and more body cams means more money but worth it.

Think of all the $ bad cops cost us every year with lawsuits

You have a direct line to the DNC?????
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
More cops and more body cams means more money but worth it.

Think of all the $ bad cops cost us every year with lawsuits

Fewer, but better trained cops. And body cams would be even better don't you think?
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
Where I live, police presence was increased because of the 560+ carjackings annually. After the increased police presence (which logically meant an increase in guns) the carjacking rate dropped.
Sorry to be so empirical and rain on your democrat parade.
More cops and more body cams means more money but worth it.

Think of all the $ bad cops cost us every year with lawsuits
Think of all the $$ litigious sloth cost us with bogus lawsuits against cops.
I'm not so sure they're bogus anymore.

Body cam the cops. Simple.
Less guns = less gun violence.

More guns = more gun violence.

Pretty simple folks. Squeegee your third fucking eye.
There was a time in American history early 1900s I think the politicians tried passing a gun tax of what today would be a couple thousand dollars. I think it's a great idea.

If you want a car you gotta pay at least $5000 for a car. If you want a gun bad enough pay for it.

Put the tax into social security or towards the debt.
Black market business would be booming.
We would better regulate future gun purchases. Nothing you can do about all the guns already out there though.

So yes initially black market value would go up but our law enforcement can go after the criminals. Imaging a war on illegal gun runners instead of drugs.

But then the cartels will be the gun manufacturers. Just like the modern day alcohol makers were the rum runners during Prohibition

You moron!!!!!!

The only people who obey the law are the ones who would abide by it!!!!!!

What the heck is wrong with Liberals??????
What we are doing now is making it too easy to find a gun. We could do things that would hurt the black market and not affect you but you and the NRA won't have it
It's the black market because its own existence is illegal. Nothing the government does can effect the black market.

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