Newsmax Offers Tucker EVERYTHING — Complete Control Over ALL Programming

There will be a huge demand on cable outlets for Newsmax if this happens. Look for attacks on Newsmax and continuing attacks on Carlson.

I haven't watched one minute of Fox News since this blew up. Mind you, I only watched a little of Fox and Friends in the morning while getting ready and Tucker, and bits and pieces here and there. None of the rest of it was worthwhile without Tucker, so I'm watching Newsmax.

From Monday they have made the Fox debacle a big story. I kinda wondered if that's because they were trying to woo him. I hope it works and he's free to take their offer!
They. Don't. Care.

Poor Mac, always confronted with the Hoi Polloi

He should do a 9PM slot and pummel Hannity. That'd be hilarious.

How many intelligence agency lapel pins can that collaborator fit on there anyway?
Think he might have a noncompete clause?
It must expire at some point though. Also, if he runs his own show on youtube would that qualify? I'm certan he have the chnace to make a living again at some point he doesn't live in Canada.
  • Biden lies.
  • Harris lies.
  • Schumer lies.
  • AOC lies.
  • Karine Jean-Pierre lies.
  • NYT lies.
  • WaPo lies.
  • CNN lies.
  • NBC lies.
  • Late Night With Chowderhead lies.
You must live on a deserted island with Gilligan.
Have you ever been to kindergarten? There is book out about this and it is a pretty easy to read. Just because the other little kids lie, or even all the other little kids lie, does that make it ok for you to lie? If I hear something on Fox or this forum or anywhere else I think about it before I believe it. That is called critical thinking. But no, I do not seek out liars to forge my opinions. If you do you don't have to justify it to me, but you really need to check yourself.
Well, you should have done kindergarten.

No thanks. I'll leave the blocks to you. At age 5-6, I was studying anatomy and medicine and making models of the heart, brain and other cool stuff. The local supermarket was selling a medical encyclopedia for $1 per volume. I still have the 12 volume set.

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