Newt Gingrich: The red wave is growing


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Newt is correct on this

history suggests that the party out of power gains, on average, 35 House seats and 2 Senate seats

but in the 2018 midterms you can bank on Republicans actually picking up AT LEAST 2 seats in the Senate; just because of the way the map lies for elections

dems have to defend 25 seats, 10 of which are in red states that Trump won - republicans have only 8 seats up this time

my prediction is that we gain 4 seats in the Senate

the House? like I said, Newt is correct; things are shaping up favorably for Republicans

primaries did not go well for democrats; especially in California, which was key to their hopes of taking over the House

the economy is strong, and democrats have insisted in damaging their own chances at every turn (support for MS 13 and Hamas; NFL kneeling - watch for protests this fall; no agenda other than WE HATE TRUMP; etc...)

dems did get good news in PA where they were able to redraw district lines based on a court order

but almost everywhere else; congressional districts are mostly favorable to the GOP; efforts to win State Houses right ahead of the last census were mostly successful and give republicans a built in advantage

my prediction for the House is that dems pick up between 12 - 14 seats; well short of the 24 they need to win control of the chamber

Newt Gingrich: The red wave is growing

Over the past few days, four building blocks have fallen into place that strengthen the case for a red wave of Republican victories in the November midterm elections, wiping out Democratic hopes for a blue wave.

Three of these building blocks are Republican-favoring political developments in what would normally be considered safe, blue states.
First, New Jersey’s U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is a Democrat who has been deeply weakened by charges of corruption. He was tried in a long, highly-publicized trial that ended in mistrial. The government decided not to prosecute again, but the news reports about the case had already shed light on some of Menendez’s actions, which were pretty indefensible.
Second, the California primary put Republican John Cox in the general election for governor running against Democratic Lt. Gov. (and former mayor of San Francisco) Gavin Newsom.

The difference in statewide Republican turnout with a GOP candidate on the ballot for governor has been estimated at 23 percent. This turnout will make the governor’s race competitive and could be the difference between winning and losing a number of House seats.
Third, Minnesota Democrats went crazy last Saturday, and their state convention was taken over by the hard left (yes, there are Minnesota activists to the left of the already liberal state’s Democratic Party). The result was that the repudiated Attorney General decided to run for governor in the primary. That created a vacuum that ultra-left-wing Rep. Keith Ellison decided he would try to fill.

This combination of personality-driven bitterness and ideological extremism has suddenly made Minnesota Democrats vulnerable. Long-time Minnesota analyst Barry Casselman has written shrewdly that former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is now likely to be the next governor and that two Democratic House seats are now likely to go Republican (making the possibility of a Democratic House this fall more unlikely).

TL;DR - muh blue wave ain't happening

Republicans SKRONG
Newt is correct on this

history suggests that the party out of power gains, on average, 35 House seats and 2 Senate seats

but in the 2018 midterms you can bank on Republicans actually picking up AT LEAST 2 seats in the Senate; just because of the way the map lies for elections

dems have to defend 25 seats, 10 of which are in red states that Trump won - republicans have only 8 seats up this time

my prediction is that we gain 4 seats in the Senate

the House? like I said, Newt is correct; things are shaping up favorably for Republicans

primaries did not go well for democrats; especially in California, which was key to their hopes of taking over the House

the economy is strong, and democrats have insisted in damaging their own chances at every turn (support for MS 13 and Hamas; NFL kneeling - watch for protests this fall; no agenda other than WE HATE TRUMP; etc...)

dems did get good news in PA where they were able to redraw district lines based on a court order

but almost everywhere else; congressional districts are mostly favorable to the GOP; efforts to win State Houses right ahead of the last census were mostly successful and give republicans a built in advantage

my prediction for the House is that dems pick up between 12 - 14 seats; well short of the 24 they need to win control of the chamber

Newt Gingrich: The red wave is growing

Over the past few days, four building blocks have fallen into place that strengthen the case for a red wave of Republican victories in the November midterm elections, wiping out Democratic hopes for a blue wave.

Three of these building blocks are Republican-favoring political developments in what would normally be considered safe, blue states.
First, New Jersey’s U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is a Democrat who has been deeply weakened by charges of corruption. He was tried in a long, highly-publicized trial that ended in mistrial. The government decided not to prosecute again, but the news reports about the case had already shed light on some of Menendez’s actions, which were pretty indefensible.
Second, the California primary put Republican John Cox in the general election for governor running against Democratic Lt. Gov. (and former mayor of San Francisco) Gavin Newsom.

The difference in statewide Republican turnout with a GOP candidate on the ballot for governor has been estimated at 23 percent. This turnout will make the governor’s race competitive and could be the difference between winning and losing a number of House seats.
Third, Minnesota Democrats went crazy last Saturday, and their state convention was taken over by the hard left (yes, there are Minnesota activists to the left of the already liberal state’s Democratic Party). The result was that the repudiated Attorney General decided to run for governor in the primary. That created a vacuum that ultra-left-wing Rep. Keith Ellison decided he would try to fill.

This combination of personality-driven bitterness and ideological extremism has suddenly made Minnesota Democrats vulnerable. Long-time Minnesota analyst Barry Casselman has written shrewdly that former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is now likely to be the next governor and that two Democratic House seats are now likely to go Republican (making the possibility of a Democratic House this fall more unlikely).

TL;DR - muh blue wave ain't happening

Republicans SKRONG
Good news. Thank you, President Trump, for ruining idiotic political correctness and bringing a ray of truth to the world.
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I hope the republicrats pick up 13 of the most vulnerable democrook seats. Then traitors like Snowe, Collins and Murkowski can just officially caucus with the democrooks.

Where are my leftist friends?

Do they not want to debate or refute any of this?
Newt is correct on this

history suggests that the party out of power gains, on average, 35 House seats and 2 Senate seats

but in the 2018 midterms you can bank on Republicans actually picking up AT LEAST 2 seats in the Senate; just because of the way the map lies for elections

dems have to defend 25 seats, 10 of which are in red states that Trump won - republicans have only 8 seats up this time

my prediction is that we gain 4 seats in the Senate

the House? like I said, Newt is correct; things are shaping up favorably for Republicans

primaries did not go well for democrats; especially in California, which was key to their hopes of taking over the House

the economy is strong, and democrats have insisted in damaging their own chances at every turn (support for MS 13 and Hamas; NFL kneeling - watch for protests this fall; no agenda other than WE HATE TRUMP; etc...)

dems did get good news in PA where they were able to redraw district lines based on a court order

but almost everywhere else; congressional districts are mostly favorable to the GOP; efforts to win State Houses right ahead of the last census were mostly successful and give republicans a built in advantage

my prediction for the House is that dems pick up between 12 - 14 seats; well short of the 24 they need to win control of the chamber

Newt Gingrich: The red wave is growing

Over the past few days, four building blocks have fallen into place that strengthen the case for a red wave of Republican victories in the November midterm elections, wiping out Democratic hopes for a blue wave.

Three of these building blocks are Republican-favoring political developments in what would normally be considered safe, blue states.
First, New Jersey’s U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez is a Democrat who has been deeply weakened by charges of corruption. He was tried in a long, highly-publicized trial that ended in mistrial. The government decided not to prosecute again, but the news reports about the case had already shed light on some of Menendez’s actions, which were pretty indefensible.
Second, the California primary put Republican John Cox in the general election for governor running against Democratic Lt. Gov. (and former mayor of San Francisco) Gavin Newsom.

The difference in statewide Republican turnout with a GOP candidate on the ballot for governor has been estimated at 23 percent. This turnout will make the governor’s race competitive and could be the difference between winning and losing a number of House seats.
Third, Minnesota Democrats went crazy last Saturday, and their state convention was taken over by the hard left (yes, there are Minnesota activists to the left of the already liberal state’s Democratic Party). The result was that the repudiated Attorney General decided to run for governor in the primary. That created a vacuum that ultra-left-wing Rep. Keith Ellison decided he would try to fill.

This combination of personality-driven bitterness and ideological extremism has suddenly made Minnesota Democrats vulnerable. Long-time Minnesota analyst Barry Casselman has written shrewdly that former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty is now likely to be the next governor and that two Democratic House seats are now likely to go Republican (making the possibility of a Democratic House this fall more unlikely).

TL;DR - muh blue wave ain't happening

Republicans SKRONG

Dems (AKA FAR LEFTISTS) are in trouble big time, and they know it. Everything coming out WITH PROOF before the midterms, is at best neutral, more than likely against them. And BEFORE it came out, this is the best they could do in the primaries?!?!?!?!?!

If, and I say a resounding IF...…………..the GDP number comes out anything above 4% for this quarter and holds through the 3rd quarter, and with all the revelations coming out on the collusion/delusion, even the most ardent LEFTISTS will have to admit their chances are more than slim, even as they come on this forum and yell "blue wave." They are phony, I know it, they know it, but what is even funnier is------------->everyone else knows it too-)

The Senate is almost a given for us. But the House is not! We must vote, and we must bring people with us, that think like us.

The HOOK for them to come?

If they do not, Fancy Nancy will get the gavel, and EVERYTHING Obama did with his minions will be covered up, as they put FAR LEFTISTS in charge of the investigation. That is what they are banking on, and thought they had it, just like they thought they would never have to answer because Hilly would be elected, and it would all go into the ether of the Washington establishment, AKA the swamp to never be seen again.

Keep the House, and the far left is ruined! EVERYTHING will come out! And those Far Leftists and establishment Republicans, are going to get the boot. Regardless of if REAL Democrat, or Conservative Republican, you should enjoy that. You get your country, and power back in your hands, and the powers that be? Well, they get the unceremonial boot, tar and feathered, and yes WE CAN work with Democrats! But always understand, Democrats are NOT far Leftists! The only reason you think they are is-----------> Far Leftists proclaim they are Democrats, because they dare not tell the truth, that they are Socialists/Marxists-) Trust me, moderate Democrats want them KICKED OUT TOO!

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