Newt on Trump

Illegal immigration is a real issue, and you libs are just trying to shut down any real discussion of it with, of course false accusations of racism.

Except it isn't a "real issue". The number of undocumented workers has actually declined, and your side has never won screaming about it. The fact that the Republican is willing to throw the election to Hillary rather than risk a Trump presidency is proof of that. Decent people look at Trumps racism and recoil. Trump is the GOP's George Wallace, and if the GOP has any hope of surviving, it needs to repudiate him.

1. Of course Illegal immigration is a real issue. "Declined"? But you avoid mention that there are still 11.4 million illegals in the US. 11 million unwelcome foreigners living here is a real issue.

2. That we have never won on this issue, does not support your claim that it is not an issue. That is the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum.

3. Wanting to deport illegals is not racist. Your use of false accusations of racism is vile and you should be ashamed of your behavior.

4. The GOP by joining in with the Left's attempt at marginalizing Trump and his supporters are validating the Myth of the GOP as the Party of White Racists, and THAT is the real threat to the survival of the Party.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
You can’t be serious – Gingrich is completely devoid of credibility, an established and proven rightwing partisan hack and liar.

Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

He is a serious and intelligent statesman and only a fool would dismiss his report on his meeting with Trump.

Did you read the article? From Salon?
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
You can’t be serious – Gingrich is completely devoid of credibility, an established and proven rightwing partisan hack and liar.

Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

He is a serious and intelligent statesman and only a fool would dismiss his report on his meeting with Trump.

Did you read the article? From Salon?
He's also a well known liar and consummate propagandist.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
You can’t be serious – Gingrich is completely devoid of credibility, an established and proven rightwing partisan hack and liar.

Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

He is a serious and intelligent statesman and only a fool would dismiss his report on his meeting with Trump.

Did you read the article? From Salon?
He's also a well known liar and consummate propagandist.

Said the man that is planning to vote for Hillary.

1. Of course Illegal immigration is a real issue. "Declined"? But you avoid mention that there are still 11.4 million illegals in the US. 11 million unwelcome foreigners living here is a real issue.

Unwelcome by who? The people who hired them clearly welcomed them. The cities that have declared themselves Sanctuary cities clearly welcomed them. Now, are they unwelcome in Cleetus-Land by the inbreds clinging to their guns and bibles, because the 1% have spent decades misdirecting your rage. Probably. That you are too stupid to realize the 1% are playing you is the problem there, though.

2. That we have never won on this issue, does not support your claim that it is not an issue. That is the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum.

No, it shows that the majority finds your position- sort of repulsive and racist.

3. Wanting to deport illegals is not racist. Your use of false accusations of racism is vile and you should be ashamed of your behavior.

Never ashamed of calling out racists. You see, the thing is, my FATHER was an immigrant. He immigrated here from Germany in the 1920's (or his parents did, he was a baby and didn't have much say in the matter.) And part of the reason why they left Germany is another asshole found scapegoats to blame for the problems.

So by opposing Trump, I am doing what my family SHOULD have done in Germany in the 1920s. Never again.

4. The GOP by joining in with the Left's attempt at marginalizing Trump and his supporters are validating the Myth of the GOP as the Party of White Racists, and THAT is the real threat to the survival of the Party.

Or they've just realized that they've gone too far.

marginal racist : "Boy, them coloreds sure are lazy"

Crazy Racist "Yeah, we need to hang them n*****rs from the nearest Tree"

The first guy is horrified by the second guys lack of compassion. Or she should be. Maybe too much to ask him to look at his own views, but at least he realizes the second guy is over the line.

Trump has traded in the GOP Dog Whistles for a Bullhorn. that's why the GOP is horrified by him.
Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

Actually, Newt was the best thing that happened to Bill Clinton, because he was such a fanatic asshole he made Clinton look reasonable by comparison.

you see, here's the thing. Clinton was really a moderate to conservative Democrat. But Newt was such a nut that he blew the GOP's chances of retaking the Presidency in 1996.
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
You can’t be serious – Gingrich is completely devoid of credibility, an established and proven rightwing partisan hack and liar.

Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

He is a serious and intelligent statesman and only a fool would dismiss his report on his meeting with Trump.

Did you read the article? From Salon?
He's also a well known liar and consummate propagandist.

Said the man that is planning to vote for Hillary.

Wrong as usual.
1. Of course Illegal immigration is a real issue. "Declined"? But you avoid mention that there are still 11.4 million illegals in the US. 11 million unwelcome foreigners living here is a real issue.

Unwelcome by who? The people who hired them clearly welcomed them. The cities that have declared themselves Sanctuary cities clearly welcomed them. Now, are they unwelcome in Cleetus-Land by the inbreds clinging to their guns and bibles, because the 1% have spent decades misdirecting your rage. Probably. That you are too stupid to realize the 1% are playing you is the problem there, though.

2. That we have never won on this issue, does not support your claim that it is not an issue. That is the Logical Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum.

No, it shows that the majority finds your position- sort of repulsive and racist.

3. Wanting to deport illegals is not racist. Your use of false accusations of racism is vile and you should be ashamed of your behavior.

Never ashamed of calling out racists. You see, the thing is, my FATHER was an immigrant. He immigrated here from Germany in the 1920's (or his parents did, he was a baby and didn't have much say in the matter.) And part of the reason why they left Germany is another asshole found scapegoats to blame for the problems.

So by opposing Trump, I am doing what my family SHOULD have done in Germany in the 1920s. Never again.

4. The GOP by joining in with the Left's attempt at marginalizing Trump and his supporters are validating the Myth of the GOP as the Party of White Racists, and THAT is the real threat to the survival of the Party.

Or they've just realized that they've gone too far.

marginal racist : "Boy, them coloreds sure are lazy"

Crazy Racist "Yeah, we need to hang them n*****rs from the nearest Tree"

The first guy is horrified by the second guys lack of compassion. Or she should be. Maybe too much to ask him to look at his own views, but at least he realizes the second guy is over the line.

Trump has traded in the GOP Dog Whistles for a Bullhorn. that's why the GOP is horrified by him.

1. Unwelcome by Americas who have democratically expressed their wishes in US Immigration Law. The employers and Sanctuary Cities do not out weight that. Your bigotry is noted.

2. The primary support for illegal immigration is from Dems who want votes, and Employers who want cheap labor. Neither of those groups are driven by a belief that immigration law as written is racist. YOu are an asshole.

3. And as expected you have done nothing to support your claim that wanting to deport illegal is racist other than to repeat your assertion and your false, vile claim. And to up the ante by making a Godwin. YOu are an asshole.

4. And again you do nothing to support your false claims other than increase your name calling. You are an asshole.
Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

Actually, Newt was the best thing that happened to Bill Clinton, because he was such a fanatic asshole he made Clinton look reasonable by comparison.

you see, here's the thing. Clinton was really a moderate to conservative Democrat. But Newt was such a nut that he blew the GOP's chances of retaking the Presidency in 1996.

My point was that Newt is an historic figure and worthy of respect.

YOur repeating of lib slander is not supporting your argument that he is not.

I have provided a valid and interesting look at the man behind the public image of a very important figure.

And all you libs can do is deny and call names.
ANother good point from the interview, by Salon.

"What about his thoughts on Putin?

[Laughs.] He doesn’t want to get into a fight with Putin. I don’t know that that is stupid. Putin has 5,000 nuclear weapons."
From Slate, no less.

Very good article, very much worth reading.

A Spirited Debate With Newt Gingrich on the Merits of Donald Trump

Isaac Chotiner: You were at a meeting on Monday with other Washington figures and Trump. What did you make of him?

Newt Gingrich: Well, Callista and I were both very impressed. In that kind of a setting he talks in a relatively low tone. He is very much somebody who has been good at business. And he listens well. He outlined the campaign as he saw it. I think he did a good job listening. He occasionally asked clarifying questions. He was very open to critical advice. I am not going to get into details, but I will say my overall impression was that in that setting he was totally under control as a guy who has done a ton of business and knows exactly how to operate in that kind of room."

Very much different than the caricature that the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe.
You can’t be serious – Gingrich is completely devoid of credibility, an established and proven rightwing partisan hack and liar.

Newt Gingrich was the man that engineered the overthrow of generations of Democratic Control of the HOuse.

That is why you hate him and want to pretend that he is not credible.

He is a serious and intelligent statesman and only a fool would dismiss his report on his meeting with Trump.

Did you read the article? From Salon?
He's also a well known liar and consummate propagandist.

Said the man that is planning to vote for Hillary.

Wrong as usual.

Who you voting for instead?
And as illegals are not being singled out based on their race, it is not racist.

They are being singled out for breaking the law and being here against our democratically expressed Will.

It is not odd that when discussing illegals, you refer to the vast majority of them, not small exceptions.

The left's constant use of the Race Card is vile propaganda.

It is insane to consider wanting to deport illegals to be a sign of racism.

again, I don't see Trump saying, "Let's build a wall to keep the Pollocks out." (Although I do feel that would be the great setup for a Polish Joke. Does anyone even tell Polish Jokes anymore?)

Yeah, I'll take you guys seriously about how you don't want them here when you stop picking them up at the Home Depot to put in some SHeet Rock for you.

As illegals are vastly majority HIspanic it makes complete sense to refer to them mostly as Hispanics.

It is only confirmation bias that is leading you to see this as "evidence" of racism.

YOur assumption that I hire illegals to do home repair is incorrect.

Trump implied that most illegal immigrants were bad people.

He has a negative rating amongst Hispanics of 80%-85%.

The last poll had him losing 72-16 to Hillary amongst Hispanics.

This isn't because of the media. It's because what he is saying is highly offensive.

Hispanics aren't stupid.

Especially when he singles out other groups like Muslims.

One can make an argument against illegal immigrants without coming across as an offensive jackass.
And as illegals are not being singled out based on their race, it is not racist.

They are being singled out for breaking the law and being here against our democratically expressed Will.

It is not odd that when discussing illegals, you refer to the vast majority of them, not small exceptions.

The left's constant use of the Race Card is vile propaganda.

It is insane to consider wanting to deport illegals to be a sign of racism.

again, I don't see Trump saying, "Let's build a wall to keep the Pollocks out." (Although I do feel that would be the great setup for a Polish Joke. Does anyone even tell Polish Jokes anymore?)

Yeah, I'll take you guys seriously about how you don't want them here when you stop picking them up at the Home Depot to put in some SHeet Rock for you.

As illegals are vastly majority HIspanic it makes complete sense to refer to them mostly as Hispanics.

It is only confirmation bias that is leading you to see this as "evidence" of racism.

YOur assumption that I hire illegals to do home repair is incorrect.

Trump implied that most illegal immigrants were bad people.

He has a negative rating amongst Hispanics of 80%-85%.

The last poll had him losing 72-16 to Hillary amongst Hispanics.

This isn't because of the media. It's because what he is saying is highly offensive.

Hispanics aren't stupid.

Especially when he singles out other groups like Muslims.

One can make an argument against illegal immigrants without coming across as an offensive jackass.

No, one cannot, not when the media and Political Correctness defines ANY discussion of the subject as racism.

AND the GOP leadership decides to help with that, instead of challenging it.

Surely you've heard, not that "Trump implied that most illegal immigrants were bad people" but that "all mexicans were rapists?

That is the lie that most people were told and believe, especially Hispanics.

We can do NOTHING about our numbers with minorities until we defeat Political Correctness.

If Trump is defeated by Political Correctness, that will never happen.
1. Unwelcome by Americas who have democratically expressed their wishes in US Immigration Law. The employers and Sanctuary Cities do not out weight that. Your bigotry is noted.

So not a majority, then? Point is, your side won't even bring it up for discussion, even though polls have shown that the majority WANT immigration reform and know what we are doing isn't working.

2. The primary support for illegal immigration is from Dems who want votes, and Employers who want cheap labor. Neither of those groups are driven by a belief that immigration law as written is racist. YOu are an asshole.

Again, Democrats can't get votes if htey aren't documented, and the businesses who want cheap labor can't exploit them if they get documents. So what's really happening here is that the 1% are exploiting them and using your racism to keep a boot on their neck. Boy, I bet you feel stupid now. (Or you would if you had any self-awareness.)

3. And as expected you have done nothing to support your claim that wanting to deport illegal is racist other than to repeat your assertion and your false, vile claim. And to up the ante by making a Godwin. YOu are an asshole.

Again, Trump tells a mostly white Audience that brown people are the source of their misery. Just like Hitler told Germans that Jews were the source of their misery. It's totally on point.


4. And again you do nothing to support your false claims other than increase your name calling. You are an asshole.

Blah, blah, blah.... is your whole argument going to be "my racism isn't at all racist."? Because that's going to get tiresome.

My point was that Newt is an historic figure and worthy of respect.

YOur repeating of lib slander is not supporting your argument that he is not.

Why should Newt be worthy of respect. Hastert had the same job, I don't think he deserves any respect at this point.

I have provided a valid and interesting look at the man behind the public image of a very important figure.

And all you libs can do is deny and call names.

I really don't care about the "man behind the image. For all I know, the man behind the image is massively trolling you rednecks, he has no intention of winning, he's seeing how many outrageous things he can say to get you guys worked up. I don't think he ever expected to get this far. I think he's amazed how badly you all are fucking this up.
1. Unwelcome by Americas who have democratically expressed their wishes in US Immigration Law. The employers and Sanctuary Cities do not out weight that. Your bigotry is noted.

So not a majority, then? Point is, your side won't even bring it up for discussion, even though polls have shown that the majority WANT immigration reform and know what we are doing isn't working.

2. The primary support for illegal immigration is from Dems who want votes, and Employers who want cheap labor. Neither of those groups are driven by a belief that immigration law as written is racist. YOu are an asshole.

Again, Democrats can't get votes if htey aren't documented, and the businesses who want cheap labor can't exploit them if they get documents. So what's really happening here is that the 1% are exploiting them and using your racism to keep a boot on their neck. Boy, I bet you feel stupid now. (Or you would if you had any self-awareness.)

3. And as expected you have done nothing to support your claim that wanting to deport illegal is racist other than to repeat your assertion and your false, vile claim. And to up the ante by making a Godwin. YOu are an asshole.

Again, Trump tells a mostly white Audience that brown people are the source of their misery. Just like Hitler told Germans that Jews were the source of their misery. It's totally on point.


4. And again you do nothing to support your false claims other than increase your name calling. You are an asshole.

Blah, blah, blah.... is your whole argument going to be "my racism isn't at all racist."? Because that's going to get tiresome.

My point was that Newt is an historic figure and worthy of respect.

YOur repeating of lib slander is not supporting your argument that he is not.

Why should Newt be worthy of respect. Hastert had the same job, I don't think he deserves any respect at this point.

I have provided a valid and interesting look at the man behind the public image of a very important figure.

And all you libs can do is deny and call names.

I really don't care about the "man behind the image. For all I know, the man behind the image is massively trolling you rednecks, he has no intention of winning, he's seeing how many outrageous things he can say to get you guys worked up. I don't think he ever expected to get this far. I think he's amazed how badly you all are fucking this up.

1. The laws are the democratically expressed will of the people. Nothing in your post refutes that. Anytime we try to have a discussion on the issue, your side shuts it down with cries of RACISM.

2. Democrats get the votes of the Hispanic Americans of the next generation. As you well know. Businesses benefit from Unlimited Third World labor whether they have documents or not. I want them deported so that neither of them get what they want.

3.Just because once upon a time a bad man lied about outsiders causing problems, does not mean that outsiders never cause problems.

4. You are an asshole.

5. If you want to keep your mind closed, I cannot stop you.

6. Again, I see that you are purposefully avoiding possibly contrary information. If you want to keep your mind closed I cannot stop you. In that case though, why are you in this thread where the topic IS such information? Just to be a troll?
1. The laws are the democratically expressed will of the people. Nothing in your post refutes that. Anytime we try to have a discussion on the issue, your side shuts it down with cries of RACISM.

Uh, no, guy. Every time we try to have a discussion on the issue, you rednecks scream about how much you hate brown people. In fact, 65% of Americans favor a path to citizenship for undocumented workers.

So do a lot of sensible Republicans, like John McCain and George W. Bush.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

2. Democrats get the votes of the Hispanic Americans of the next generation. As you well know. Businesses benefit from Unlimited Third World labor whether they have documents or not. I want them deported so that neither of them get what they want.

Yes, later generations WILL remember that you are the ones who called his Grandpa Pedro a "rapist" and a "Murderer", even though he was a hard-wroking guy who just wanted to make a better life for his family just like your grandparents did when they came here from Europe.

3.Just because once upon a time a bad man lied about outsiders causing problems, does not mean that outsiders never cause problems.

So you are arguing I should wait to see if Trump is a NICE Nazi?

4. You are an asshole.

Probably. But you are a redneck. That's worse.

5. If you want to keep your mind closed, I cannot stop you.

History has cast it's verdict on Newt, who is just whoring himself out hoping that someone might pay attention to him again.

6. Again, I see that you are purposefully avoiding possibly contrary information. If you want to keep your mind closed I cannot stop you. In that case though, why are you in this thread where the topic IS such information? Just to be a troll?

I'm really not interested in "contrary information". There isn't a scenario I can imagine where the Trumpenfuhrer getting the nomination is a good thing. The GOP needs to save itself from Trump.
Surely you've heard, not that "Trump implied that most illegal immigrants were bad people" but that "all mexicans were rapists?

That is the lie that most people were told and believe, especially Hispanics.

If you are parsing between the two, you have already lost.

When Trump said "and some, I assume, are good people," he implied that most weren't. It doesn't matter if he didn't say all Mexicans were racists. What he said was extremely offensive.

The message was clear. That's why his supporters cheered and most other people were aghast.

You said earlier that the Republican establishment thought that Trump supporters were hicks and bigots. Well, show me where the Republican establishment said this.

You won't find it.

Instead, you believe this because it filters through your media, who distort a message to advance a narrative.

So what's the difference?
"Very much different than the caricature than the Main Stream Media and the Political Class would have you believe."

in other words, the people who have been paying attention to the reality of his rhetoric.
The reality hasn't manifested basically, it's nothing but talk.

The media wants us to forget about how they're picking our president for us, and they want us to focus on this image they've created around Trump.

They did it with Bush and Palin......and now they're doing it with Trump.
The reality hasn't manifested basically, it's nothing but talk.

The media wants us to forget about how they're picking our president for us, and they want us to focus on this image they've created around Trump.

They did it with Bush and Palin......and now they're doing it with Trump.

You sound like one of those people who says "The Camera makes me look fat".

The Media were able to paint Bush and Palin as stupid because they really really are stupid people.

The Media is able to paint Trump as a Nazi because he really is a Nazi.
The reality hasn't manifested basically, it's nothing but talk.

The media wants us to forget about how they're picking our president for us, and they want us to focus on this image they've created around Trump.

They did it with Bush and Palin......and now they're doing it with Trump.

You sound like one of those people who says "The Camera makes me look fat".

The Media were able to paint Bush and Palin as stupid because they really really are stupid people.

The Media is able to paint Trump as a Nazi because he really is a Nazi.
Oh really?

I've never seen him wear an SS uniform......and he's not a Godless socialist. Actually, Hillary is more a Nazi than Trump.

Nope, your belief is that anyone who stands up for the laws in this country is a real live Nazi.
It's just ridiculous to think that we shouldn't enforce the laws of this country equally.....and that is what you people believe in. Unequal application of the laws. That is the essence of corruption. Crony Capitalism. The use of threats and intimidation to pass fucked up laws like the Stimulus and Obamacare. Discrimination against whites and Christians. The belief that a thug that is killed by a cop is the victim, not the cop who is killed by a thug.

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