Newt on Trump

Soooo, any comment on the topic?

That Newt Gingrich is impressed impresses nobody.
That you contend that the Trump that we see is all an act is about as idiotic a stance as I have seen anyone take. Usually, you pretend to be a better person than you are in public (i.e. when people are watching) not worse.

You seem really impressed that he has his name on some buildings. Are you as equally impressed that Paris Hilton has her name on more than he does?

I don't know where you got that bit about "name on buildings", I think you might have me confused with another poster.
There is nothing else remotely remarkable about the small fraction of a man you have made your messiah outside of his inherited wealth.

If you can't look at a political enemy and see him as he really is, not how you want him to be, that is a failing on your part.
Oh brother…. Seriously do you believe a quarter of the shit you shovel?

Trump is a Ivy League Graduate. It is certain that he could, if he wished, talk at a vocabulary level that would be beyond the vast majority of voters.
He is? I thought he went to the Wharton school? Anyway, GWB was an ivy league graduate too…..that sound you hear is your asinine argument getting blown out of the water.

Instead he purposefully talks at a level that is comforttable and understandable to the vast majority of voters.
He dumbs things down for people like you; correct.

As almost all successful politicians try to do.
Except he’s not a successful politician.

In this regard, the difference between Trump and most other candidates is merely one of degree.

Yeah they largely know what they want to accomplish; Trump has zero idea.

1. "Messiah"? Your words have nothing to do with me.

2. Non answer. My point stands. If you cannot be honest about someone because you disagree with them, it is a personal failing on your part.


List of Ivy League business schools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"This list of Ivy League business schools outlines the six universities of the Ivy League that host a business school. The creation of business schools at Ivy League universities occurred over a period of nearly a century, beginning with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1881 byJoseph Wharton, which was the first collegiate (undergraduate) business school in the world"

3b Circular reasoning. YOu assume that Bush was stupid because you disagree with him on Ideology, and use that to support your assumption that another person you disagree with on Ideology is stupid.

4. Your answer is nothing but spin. My point stands. Nearly all politicians are careful to speak in a vocabulary that does NOT intimidate their potential voters.

5. Partisan filler.

1. He is your messiah.
2. The only point you have is on your skull; you should buy a dunce cap to cover it.
3. DIdn’t know that about Wharton
3B. Bush proves that your degree has nothing to do with comm skills.
4. “I’d like to punch him” Quote from your messiah. Seriously, do you smell what you’re shoveling?

1. No, he is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.

2. NOpe. My point STILL stands. Trump is an Ivy League Graduate. YOur irrational need to deny his intelligence is nothing but a personal character flaw on your part.

3. But, now that you do, will you reexamine your assumptions in the face of new evidence? Or rationalize some reason to ignore it?

3b You think that a man elected to the most powerful office in the world was a poor communicator?

4. Yes. If fact your answer makes me think you do not understand what I meant about vocabulary levels. Using words that your target audience, or even a significant portion of your target audience does not understand or are not comfortable using is placing a Barrier to Communication in your speech.

Nearly all successful politicians work hard to avoid doing that.
1. Every time we try to have a discussion on the issue, we "rednecks" try to honestly talk about the negative impact of illegal immigration.

YOur polls do not trump the Law. And those numbers are taken in the context of no honest debate on the issue for generations.

Every time we have a discussion on the issue, you guys out yourselves as a bunch of racist bigots. Which is why I don't mind having the conversation.

2. So as I said, not endorsing your spin, Dems support illegal immigration because they want votes. IF they get amnesty, they get them even sooner. There is nothing in that about being against Racism, as you earlier claimed. Their motive is pure self interest.

Um, yeah, except forgetting WHY people of color vote Democratic to start with. Because you guys have been wrong on every issue of race since 1964.

As for self-interest, you stupid fucking rednecks who vote Republican and then wonder why the 1% keep sending your jobs away or replacing you with a machine are the ones who aren't clear on that issue.

3. My meaning was clear. The fact that once upon a time a bad man lied about outsiders causing problems does not mean that outsiders never cause problems.

I'm not sure how to dumb that down any more for you. Maybe someone in your family can explain it to you?

So again, we are going to wait to see if Trump practices "Compassionate Nazism", from the same people who brought you "Compassionate Conservationism".

Usually, when someone finds a scapegoat, like Hitler did with the Jews or Trump does with the Mexicans, it's because they are trying to distract stupid people from their real problems.

4. Your bigotry against rural hardworking whites is noted.

You're stupid and your proud of it. There's nothing bigoted about pointing that out.

6. I asked you why you are in this thread, about a report from Newt about the man behind the Trump, if you are not interested in contrary information. Nothing in your post had was an answer to that.

I gave you an answer. Newt's hypocrisy, his stupidity, his incompetence, pretty much render anything he says meaningless.

1. No, every time we have the discussion, you assholes use the Race Card to shut it down.

2. Shove your "compassionate Nazism" smear up you ass.

2b Perhaps instead of smearing good people with you vile lies, if you think that the groups of people in question are NOT causing real problems, then make THAT CASE, YOU ASSHOLE. If you can.

3. YOur belief that working class rural whites are stupid is a bigoted statement. That YOUR belief in, while using the Race Card constantly makes you a hypocrite.

4. If you are not interested in what Newt has to say, then why are you in a thread about what Newt has to say? Just to be a dick? Your previous answer did not answer that. YOu moron.
Correll, you are trolling now.

I don't care what you think. You have shown long ago that you can't think clearly.

Let's talk about the OP.
I wonder what Trump is going to do about the corrupting influence of big corporate money in politics? My guess would be that he plans to do nothing.

His stated platform is plenty to keep him busy for the next 8 years. It seems likely that an issue he has not put front and center will get much attention.

Course, there are several hundred people in Congress who are free to address that problem.
Trump won't be president, so we need not concern ourselves with sillies, Correll.
More good stuff from the linked article that most libs, I'm sure are too afraid to read.

"So when Trump releases his list of foreign policy advisers and no one has ever heard of them, that doesn’t bother you?

Look, I would recommend, if you haven’t done it, that you read The Art of the Deal. And you follow that up by reading The Art of the Comeback.

Are you really telling me to read The Art of the Deal?

Yes, I am. I have a very simple rule, which applied to Obama, and Bill Clinton, which is that somebody smart enough to get millions of votes is somebody I should study. I have enough humility to believe that maybe they know things I don’t. Here was a guy on the cover of Time magazine in 1989, who had the No. 1 best-selling business book in the 1980s, had the No. 1 television show. There is a rumor that I cannot verify that NBC was offering him $12 million per episode.

He likes to mention that.

I know but per episode?!

Mr. Speaker, we are talking about a possible president here.

You are talking about a guy who was smart enough to build Trump Towers, build lots of hotels, build lots of casinos, and own the Miss Universe contest. He is not stupid."
Correll is trolling. Reported.

To the OP. Mickey Mouse is as "possible a president" as Trump, probably more so.
More good stuff from the linked article that most libs, I'm sure are too afraid to read.

You are talking about a guy who was smart enough to build Trump Towers, build lots of hotels, build lots of casinos, and own the Miss Universe contest. He is not stupid."
Notice they have no reply of substance to your excellent points....just insults of the childish left.
Correll is trolling. Reported.

To the OP. Mickey Mouse is as "possible a president" as Trump, probably more so.

This is a thread, I started about a topic you have stated you don't care about, and you report ME for trolling?
More good stuff from the linked article that most libs, I'm sure are too afraid to read.

You are talking about a guy who was smart enough to build Trump Towers, build lots of hotels, build lots of casinos, and own the Miss Universe contest. He is not stupid."
Notice they have no reply of substance to your excellent points....just insults of the childish left.

I expected no better from libs. I had hoped a couple of conservatives might have stuck around to discuss it.
Correll is trolling. Reported.

To the OP. Mickey Mouse is as "possible a president" as Trump, probably more so.

This is a thread, I started about a topic you have stated you don't care about, and you report ME for trolling?
You have mouth with no substance. Newt is right about Trump and you are wrong.

What? What was that? YOu touched upon the topic, that you said was silly!?

Newt mostly had positive stuff to say about Trump. Did you read the article?

What specifically are you talking about?
Jake, is this what you were referring to? The Bolded?

"Does none of Trump’s rhetoric about Mexicans or Muslims worry you or upset you?

I think he was too strong in talking about illegal immigrants in general, although if you look at the number of people who have been killed by people who aren’t supposed to be here, there is a fair argument on the other side too. Frankly, on the issue of Muslims, he raises a point that people need to have a debate about. You are talking to me on the day that you had bombs going off at the airport in Belgium. Doesn’t that at least give you pause? Isn’t there some room for saying, “Gee, can we do a better job of vetting Syrian refugees than Obama is proposing, which is zero?”
Go back and read it, troll.

I read it, fool. YOu refer to an article where Newt says multiple things about Trump, and then reference ONE of them as being right, with zero additional information.

Now, I ask which one of those things you were referring to, and instead of simply telling me, you call me a name.

This is why people call you an asshole.
His original comment was about Muslims, Correll Fool, he did not parse it.

That included illegals, legals, and citizens.

He walked it back, and was wise to.

He would have been wiser to not have said it.

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