Newt on Trump

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
They lie because propaganda is the only way to further their aims. If obama had told the truth about obamacare he wouldn't have ever been in office.

1. No, he is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.
Your messiah marginalizes you by playing you for a fool boy.

3b You think that a man elected to the most powerful office in the world was a poor communicator?
Family name and a sad opponent who ran away from 8 years of peace and prosperity).

4. Yes. If fact your answer makes me think you do not understand what I meant about vocabulary levels. Using words that your target audience, or even a significant portion of your target audience does not understand or are not comfortable using is placing a Barrier to Communication in your speech.

Nearly all successful politicians work hard to avoid doing that.

Making complex issues simplistic so people like you can understand it is one thing.
Not understanding the complexity of issues and pretending you do is another. Trump knows nothing about the Presidency and I can’t wait until HRC destroys him in the fall.

1. As nothing in your "answer" addressed anything in my post, here it is again. He is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.

Perhaps if you’d learn to use the quote feature, I’d know what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t care any additional amount but at least I’d know why I’m laughing at you this time.

2. I'll give you that on Gore, but Kerry was good enough to beat out 9 other candidates in 2004 and he lost too. I await your rationalization as to why that isn't evidence of anything either.
I’ll let you think about whether most people vote on a single issues like communication skills and discern your own answer.

3. Right, the Ivy League Graduate can't understand complex issues.. The man who has run a multi-billion dollar business empire, the man who built a number one T.V. show, ect…
Apparently not.

I’ve dispatched Vigilante on this question. I’ll aim it at you now:

He says he is going to strengthen the US Military. We already spend more than the next 5 or 6 nations combined and are the strongest military in the history of the planet. Please tell us how he will do that and how that will strengthen the apparatus.

This is just for starters…

Everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or evil. That is something you believe, isn't it?
In your case, just stupid.

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.
1. No, he is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.
Your messiah marginalizes you by playing you for a fool boy.

3b You think that a man elected to the most powerful office in the world was a poor communicator?
Family name and a sad opponent who ran away from 8 years of peace and prosperity).

4. Yes. If fact your answer makes me think you do not understand what I meant about vocabulary levels. Using words that your target audience, or even a significant portion of your target audience does not understand or are not comfortable using is placing a Barrier to Communication in your speech.

Nearly all successful politicians work hard to avoid doing that.

Making complex issues simplistic so people like you can understand it is one thing.
Not understanding the complexity of issues and pretending you do is another. Trump knows nothing about the Presidency and I can’t wait until HRC destroys him in the fall.

1. As nothing in your "answer" addressed anything in my post, here it is again. He is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.

Perhaps if you’d learn to use the quote feature, I’d know what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t care any additional amount but at least I’d know why I’m laughing at you this time.

2. I'll give you that on Gore, but Kerry was good enough to beat out 9 other candidates in 2004 and he lost too. I await your rationalization as to why that isn't evidence of anything either.
I’ll let you think about whether most people vote on a single issues like communication skills and discern your own answer.

3. Right, the Ivy League Graduate can't understand complex issues.. The man who has run a multi-billion dollar business empire, the man who built a number one T.V. show, ect…
Apparently not.

I’ve dispatched Vigilante on this question. I’ll aim it at you now:

He says he is going to strengthen the US Military. We already spend more than the next 5 or 6 nations combined and are the strongest military in the history of the planet. Please tell us how he will do that and how that will strengthen the apparatus.

This is just for starters…

Everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or evil. That is something you believe, isn't it?
In your case, just stupid.

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

1. And it's still a weak dodge on your part.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.

a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.

b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.

Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?
If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
They lie because propaganda is the only way to further their aims. If obama had told the truth about obamacare he wouldn't have ever been in office.

Or the truth about knowing that Rev Wight was a raving racist anti-american.
If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Nice meme.

Doesn't change the fact that you did lie about what Trump said.

DId you do it on purpose?

Or did you really believe it?

If you were lied to ABOUT that, then you need to ask yourself, what else did your trusted media sources lie about.

If you knew you were lying, then you are a lying leftist propagandist.
Your messiah marginalizes you by playing you for a fool boy.

Family name and a sad opponent who ran away from 8 years of peace and prosperity).

Making complex issues simplistic so people like you can understand it is one thing.
Not understanding the complexity of issues and pretending you do is another. Trump knows nothing about the Presidency and I can’t wait until HRC destroys him in the fall.

1. As nothing in your "answer" addressed anything in my post, here it is again. He is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.

Perhaps if you’d learn to use the quote feature, I’d know what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t care any additional amount but at least I’d know why I’m laughing at you this time.

2. I'll give you that on Gore, but Kerry was good enough to beat out 9 other candidates in 2004 and he lost too. I await your rationalization as to why that isn't evidence of anything either.
I’ll let you think about whether most people vote on a single issues like communication skills and discern your own answer.

3. Right, the Ivy League Graduate can't understand complex issues.. The man who has run a multi-billion dollar business empire, the man who built a number one T.V. show, ect…
Apparently not.

I’ve dispatched Vigilante on this question. I’ll aim it at you now:

He says he is going to strengthen the US Military. We already spend more than the next 5 or 6 nations combined and are the strongest military in the history of the planet. Please tell us how he will do that and how that will strengthen the apparatus.

This is just for starters…

Everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or evil. That is something you believe, isn't it?
In your case, just stupid.

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.
If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Nice meme.

Doesn't change the fact that you did lie about what Trump said.

DId you do it on purpose?

Or did you really believe it?

If you were lied to ABOUT that, then you need to ask yourself, what else did your trusted media sources lie about.

If you knew you were lying, then you are a lying leftist propagandist.

Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about because you cannot figure out how to quote me. Until you can….I’ll have to pat you on the head like a good little puppy and say fetch.
1. As nothing in your "answer" addressed anything in my post, here it is again. He is a politician who happens to have a political platform that closely matches my own. Your need to spin it as something that it is not, is you trying to marginalize me so that you don't have to make your case on it's own merits.

Perhaps if you’d learn to use the quote feature, I’d know what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t care any additional amount but at least I’d know why I’m laughing at you this time.

2. I'll give you that on Gore, but Kerry was good enough to beat out 9 other candidates in 2004 and he lost too. I await your rationalization as to why that isn't evidence of anything either.
I’ll let you think about whether most people vote on a single issues like communication skills and discern your own answer.

3. Right, the Ivy League Graduate can't understand complex issues.. The man who has run a multi-billion dollar business empire, the man who built a number one T.V. show, ect…
Apparently not.

I’ve dispatched Vigilante on this question. I’ll aim it at you now:

He says he is going to strengthen the US Military. We already spend more than the next 5 or 6 nations combined and are the strongest military in the history of the planet. Please tell us how he will do that and how that will strengthen the apparatus.

This is just for starters…

Everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or evil. That is something you believe, isn't it?
In your case, just stupid.

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.
If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Nice meme.

Doesn't change the fact that you did lie about what Trump said.

DId you do it on purpose?

Or did you really believe it?

If you were lied to ABOUT that, then you need to ask yourself, what else did your trusted media sources lie about.

If you knew you were lying, then you are a lying leftist propagandist.

Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about because you cannot figure out how to quote me. Until you can….I’ll have to pat you on the head like a good little puppy and say fetch.

Sorry, Iceweasel was very specific. Consider your pretense of being dumb ridiculed and dismissed.

You are repeating a lie, over and over again.
Perhaps if you’d learn to use the quote feature, I’d know what you’re talking about. I wouldn’t care any additional amount but at least I’d know why I’m laughing at you this time.

I’ll let you think about whether most people vote on a single issues like communication skills and discern your own answer.

Apparently not.

I’ve dispatched Vigilante on this question. I’ll aim it at you now:

He says he is going to strengthen the US Military. We already spend more than the next 5 or 6 nations combined and are the strongest military in the history of the planet. Please tell us how he will do that and how that will strengthen the apparatus.

This is just for starters…

In your case, just stupid.

If the guy you support is classless; calling Mexicans rapist, insinuating a woman is on her period, making fun of a man with a birth defect….

And you still support someone who has done this—and that is not in dispute—what does that say about his supporters? I mean, you’re not going to sit there and say that he didn’t do those things are you?

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

It addresses it beautifully shit brains.
You’re a trump supporter shit brains.
You know his policies shit brains.
I asked you what his policies are in strengthening the military shit brains.
You can’t utter one syllable about what he would do shit brains.
Try again, shit brains.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.

Paul Ryan
John McCain
Scott Walker
Lindsay Graham
Nikki Haley
Richard Armitage
George Will
Fred Barnes
SE Cupp

That is enough…

If any of them support Trump for President, that changes; because, like you, that would mean they support someone who said:

Mexicans are Rapist
A woman was on her period who questioned him during a debate
And a man who made fun of another man who had a birth defect.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute.
He didn't say Mexicans were rapists, you're a liar. What does that say about YOU? I'm more concerned about the economy and driving the country into the sewer than your butthurtness.

They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Nice meme.

Doesn't change the fact that you did lie about what Trump said.

DId you do it on purpose?

Or did you really believe it?

If you were lied to ABOUT that, then you need to ask yourself, what else did your trusted media sources lie about.

If you knew you were lying, then you are a lying leftist propagandist.

Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about because you cannot figure out how to quote me. Until you can….I’ll have to pat you on the head like a good little puppy and say fetch.

Sorry, Iceweasel was very specific. Consider your pretense of being dumb ridiculed and dismissed.

You are repeating a lie, over and over again.

1. Lame dodge.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

3. If you think that comparing budgets is the way to judge military strength, then you just demonstrated that you don't understand complex issues.
Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

4. Weak dodge. I asked you if you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you. You do don't you? But you didn't want to admit that because you realize it would make you look ridiculous.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

It addresses it beautifully shit brains.
You’re a trump supporter shit brains.
You know his policies shit brains.
I asked you what his policies are in strengthening the military shit brains.
You can’t utter one syllable about what he would do shit brains.
Try again, shit brains.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.

Paul Ryan
John McCain
Scott Walker
Lindsay Graham
Nikki Haley
Richard Armitage
George Will
Fred Barnes
SE Cupp

That is enough…

If any of them support Trump for President, that changes; because, like you, that would mean they support someone who said:

Mexicans are Rapist
A woman was on her period who questioned him during a debate
And a man who made fun of another man who had a birth defect.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute.

2. a. And still nothing addressing my points about your lack on understanding of this complex issue.

b. And I can and will offer some examples of how he plans to do this, based on his public statements that you heard but did not understand, if you address my above points.

3. Paul Ryan? REally? Paul Ryan who wants to send illegal child immigrants back to central america? Yo don't think he is evil?

Paul Ryan on the Issues

3b I see you are still lying. Why is that? Do you feel you need to lie to make your point? Doesn't that raise a red flag for you? That you have to lie to try to win?
They lie a lot, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.

And yet, it never occurs to them that that means they are wrong...

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Nice meme.

Doesn't change the fact that you did lie about what Trump said.

DId you do it on purpose?

Or did you really believe it?

If you were lied to ABOUT that, then you need to ask yourself, what else did your trusted media sources lie about.

If you knew you were lying, then you are a lying leftist propagandist.

Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about because you cannot figure out how to quote me. Until you can….I’ll have to pat you on the head like a good little puppy and say fetch.

Sorry, Iceweasel was very specific. Consider your pretense of being dumb ridiculed and dismissed.

You are repeating a lie, over and over again.


Your dimness is noted. And fairly sad.
Call it what you want….since you’re supporting Trump, it’s no surprise that you can’t figure out how to quote someone.

Again, the ball is in your court….tell us how he is going to make the military stronger. You can’t can you….it’s okay. Neither can he.

I believe you are mentally ill or just basic pond scum if you support a man who:

Calls Mexicans rapists
Makes fun of a man who has birth defects
Insinuates a female reporter is on her period

You support such a man
The fact that he has done all of the above (and many more things)….is not in dispute.

2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

It addresses it beautifully shit brains.
You’re a trump supporter shit brains.
You know his policies shit brains.
I asked you what his policies are in strengthening the military shit brains.
You can’t utter one syllable about what he would do shit brains.
Try again, shit brains.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.

Paul Ryan
John McCain
Scott Walker
Lindsay Graham
Nikki Haley
Richard Armitage
George Will
Fred Barnes
SE Cupp

That is enough…

If any of them support Trump for President, that changes; because, like you, that would mean they support someone who said:

Mexicans are Rapist
A woman was on her period who questioned him during a debate
And a man who made fun of another man who had a birth defect.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute.

2. a. And still nothing addressing my points about your lack on understanding of this complex issue.

b. And I can and will offer some examples of how he plans to do this, based on his public statements that you heard but did not understand, if you address my above points.

3. Paul Ryan? REally? Paul Ryan who wants to send illegal child immigrants back to central america? Yo don't think he is evil?

Paul Ryan on the Issues

3b I see you are still lying. Why is that? Do you feel you need to lie to make your point? Doesn't that raise a red flag for you? That you have to lie to try to win?

Boy, just admit you don’t have the foggiest idea of what your messiah is talking about when he tries to sound impressive on military issues. You’ve proven it 4 times now.
2. Another weak dodge. My point was that you just showed that YOU do not understand this complex issue. Military budgets are not a accurate way to judge military strength. A couple of points for you to consider.
a. US soldiers are paid vastly more than Al-Qaeda fighters. Yet higher wages do not translate into more "military strength.
b. The US military has to support a VAST LOGISTICS system to support our forces around the world. This is an expense that increases our budget, but does NOT increase our "military strength" relative to a local threat that does NOT have that expense.
Trump, by NOT looking at the budget and thinking that we are fine, has demonstrated far more command of this issue than you.

Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

3. And still ANOTHER WEAK DODGE. Answer the question. Do you believe that about everyone who disagrees with you?

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

It addresses it beautifully shit brains.
You’re a trump supporter shit brains.
You know his policies shit brains.
I asked you what his policies are in strengthening the military shit brains.
You can’t utter one syllable about what he would do shit brains.
Try again, shit brains.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.

Paul Ryan
John McCain
Scott Walker
Lindsay Graham
Nikki Haley
Richard Armitage
George Will
Fred Barnes
SE Cupp

That is enough…

If any of them support Trump for President, that changes; because, like you, that would mean they support someone who said:

Mexicans are Rapist
A woman was on her period who questioned him during a debate
And a man who made fun of another man who had a birth defect.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute.

2. a. And still nothing addressing my points about your lack on understanding of this complex issue.

b. And I can and will offer some examples of how he plans to do this, based on his public statements that you heard but did not understand, if you address my above points.

3. Paul Ryan? REally? Paul Ryan who wants to send illegal child immigrants back to central america? Yo don't think he is evil?

Paul Ryan on the Issues

3b I see you are still lying. Why is that? Do you feel you need to lie to make your point? Doesn't that raise a red flag for you? That you have to lie to try to win?

Boy, just admit you don’t have the foggiest idea of what your messiah is talking about when he tries to sound impressive on military issues. You’ve proven it 4 times now.

1. Your deep need to spin the fact that I support Trump into some type of Cult of Personality b.s , is still just a sign of how YOU feel a need to marginalize people you disagree with so that you can have an excuse for yourself as to why you don't deal with their points, seriously or honestly.

And nothing to do with me.

2. I've made points on how and why you are the one that has no understanding of military issues, none of which you have addressed.

3. I have offered you at least ONE way Trump will improve the military based on public statements that you have heard but did not understand. IF you will address any of my points regarding why looking at budgets is NOT the way to judge military strength. You have ignored those points.

4. Why are you such a jerk?
1. If we were not so overwhelmed we could afford to be more generous for some special cases. But your side of this debate has squandered our generosity on cheap labor and cheap votes. Now it is exhausted and NOW you want to talk about the children? BUllshit. And still, bullshit Race Card play on your part.

Screw you, asshole.

Horseshit. the DREAM Act could have been passed many times before Obama just decided to make it policy. your side decided not to do it, mostly because the last thing you all wanted was one of those DREAMers popping their daughter's white ass cherry.

2. Immigration laws are written for "whole groups of people". That you take my saying that as "evidence" of racism, is part of the problem. And I've known plenty of working class whites who have taken and were glad to have jobs like that. And would be even gladder if the wages for those jobs would rise. Hell, back in the day, I had some jobs like that. And was glad to have them.

Well, dun, der, Billy-bob, the thing is, the 1%ers don't want to be done paying you for those dun-der jobs.

The immigration laws don't work. Everyone knows this. only the racists won't fix them.

3. My reasons for voting Republican are as valid as your reasons for voting for Democrat. Your need to marginalize them and me is just your fear of having to defend and advance your policies and positions based on their merits, or lack there off. And you being a jerk.

No, you vote Republican because you are angry and stupid. I hate to keep breaking this to you, because really, we are 36 years since Reagan and you are still angry and stupid.

4. FDR locked American Citizens in concentration camps. DOes that invalidate what he had to say about Social Security? Or about the need to fight Nazi Germany?

FDR didn't lock up anyone. The Army and local authorities did. And when they did it, it was overwhelmingly popular.
Just as I thought.

You really have no idea what he’s talking about, do you shit brains? Its comical watching Trump supporters flail around like a brainless little bitch when asked direct questions about what their candidate thinks.

You’re making me laugh.

For the 3rd time; no.

If you are a Trump Supporter you side with a man who:

Insinuates a woman is on her period
Makes fun of a man with birth defects
Calls Mexicans Rapists.

And yes, that does make those who do not support Trump your moral superior as far as it goes. Sorry.

2. Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post. In your attempt to show that Trump did not understand a complex issue, you instead demonstrated that you did not understand it. I provided two examples of how your perspective on the issue was wrong, and you ignored them to make an empty assertion.

It addresses it beautifully shit brains.
You’re a trump supporter shit brains.
You know his policies shit brains.
I asked you what his policies are in strengthening the military shit brains.
You can’t utter one syllable about what he would do shit brains.
Try again, shit brains.

3. SO name the most prominent Conservative you do not think is stupid or evil.

Paul Ryan
John McCain
Scott Walker
Lindsay Graham
Nikki Haley
Richard Armitage
George Will
Fred Barnes
SE Cupp

That is enough…

If any of them support Trump for President, that changes; because, like you, that would mean they support someone who said:

Mexicans are Rapist
A woman was on her period who questioned him during a debate
And a man who made fun of another man who had a birth defect.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute.

2. a. And still nothing addressing my points about your lack on understanding of this complex issue.

b. And I can and will offer some examples of how he plans to do this, based on his public statements that you heard but did not understand, if you address my above points.

3. Paul Ryan? REally? Paul Ryan who wants to send illegal child immigrants back to central america? Yo don't think he is evil?

Paul Ryan on the Issues

3b I see you are still lying. Why is that? Do you feel you need to lie to make your point? Doesn't that raise a red flag for you? That you have to lie to try to win?

Boy, just admit you don’t have the foggiest idea of what your messiah is talking about when he tries to sound impressive on military issues. You’ve proven it 4 times now.

1. Your deep need to spin the fact that I support Trump into some type of Cult of Personality b.s , is still just a sign of how YOU feel a need to marginalize people you disagree with so that you can have an excuse for yourself as to why you don't deal with their points, seriously or honestly.

And nothing to do with me.

2. I've made points on how and why you are the one that has no understanding of military issues, none of which you have addressed.

3. I have offered you at least ONE way Trump will improve the military based on public statements that you have heard but did not understand. IF you will address any of my points regarding why looking at budgets is NOT the way to judge military strength. You have ignored those points.

4. Why are you such a jerk?

You've basically defined the reason Trump supporters are seen as single celled organisms. You have zero idea what your messiah would do as is evidenced by your inability to report on one of his chief campaign promises. Trump is a small fraction of a man who is simply unfit for command. Having your name on buildings (as Paris Hilton does) and a lot of money (as Paris Hilton does) lend zero credibility to any qualifications you dream that your messiah has.

Stop pretending you have some sort of knowledge. No Trump supporter (nor the candidate) has any idea how he'd strengthen the already-strongest military in the world.
1. If we were not so overwhelmed we could afford to be more generous for some special cases. But your side of this debate has squandered our generosity on cheap labor and cheap votes. Now it is exhausted and NOW you want to talk about the children? BUllshit. And still, bullshit Race Card play on your part.

Screw you, asshole.

Horseshit. the DREAM Act could have been passed many times before Obama just decided to make it policy. your side decided not to do it, mostly because the last thing you all wanted was one of those DREAMers popping their daughter's white ass cherry.

2. Immigration laws are written for "whole groups of people". That you take my saying that as "evidence" of racism, is part of the problem. And I've known plenty of working class whites who have taken and were glad to have jobs like that. And would be even gladder if the wages for those jobs would rise. Hell, back in the day, I had some jobs like that. And was glad to have them.

Well, dun, der, Billy-bob, the thing is, the 1%ers don't want to be done paying you for those dun-der jobs.

The immigration laws don't work. Everyone knows this. only the racists won't fix them.

3. My reasons for voting Republican are as valid as your reasons for voting for Democrat. Your need to marginalize them and me is just your fear of having to defend and advance your policies and positions based on their merits, or lack there off. And you being a jerk.

No, you vote Republican because you are angry and stupid. I hate to keep breaking this to you, because really, we are 36 years since Reagan and you are still angry and stupid.

4. FDR locked American Citizens in concentration camps. DOes that invalidate what he had to say about Social Security? Or about the need to fight Nazi Germany?

FDR didn't lock up anyone. The Army and local authorities did. And when they did it, it was overwhelmingly popular.

1. Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post. Here it is again.
If we were not so overwhelmed we could afford to be more generous for some special cases. But your side of this debate has squandered our generosity on cheap labor and cheap votes. Now it is exhausted and NOW you want to talk about the children? BUllshit. And still, bullshit Race Card play on your part.

Screw you, asshole.

2. I agree that businesses want cheap labor. You are the one who is on their side in this issue. And immigration laws have certainly worked in the past, when we have enforced them, and can do so again. And shove your race card up your ass, you asshole.

3. I am certainly angry, justifiably so. Only a fool or a liar would claim, after debating me, that I was stupid. My point stands, My reasons for voting Republican are as valid as your reasons for voting for Democrat. Your need to marginalize them and me is just your fear of having to defend and advance your policies and positions based on their merits, or lack there off. And you being a jerk

4. Wow. That was the weakest dodge I have ever seen. FDR ordered American Citizens locked up, and you just gave him a pass. That shows that your stated reasons for dismissing Newt's report is self serving bullshit.

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