Newt on Trump

Boy, just admit you don’t have the foggiest idea of what your messiah is talking about when he tries to sound impressive on military issues. You’ve proven it 4 times now.

1. Your deep need to spin the fact that I support Trump into some type of Cult of Personality b.s , is still just a sign of how YOU feel a need to marginalize people you disagree with so that you can have an excuse for yourself as to why you don't deal with their points, seriously or honestly.

And nothing to do with me.

2. I've made points on how and why you are the one that has no understanding of military issues, none of which you have addressed.

3. I have offered you at least ONE way Trump will improve the military based on public statements that you have heard but did not understand. IF you will address any of my points regarding why looking at budgets is NOT the way to judge military strength. You have ignored those points.

4. Why are you such a jerk?

You've basically defined the reason Trump supporters are seen as single celled organisms. You have zero idea what your messiah would do as is evidenced by your inability to report on one of his chief campaign promises. Trump is a small fraction of a man who is simply unfit for command. Having your name on buildings (as Paris Hilton does) and a lot of money (as Paris Hilton does) lend zero credibility to any qualifications you dream that your messiah has.

Stop pretending you have some sort of knowledge. No Trump supporter (nor the candidate) has any idea how he'd strengthen the already-strongest military in the world.

Your irrational need to dismiss me so that you have an excuse to not address my points, nor defend your positions or claims on their merits, is plain to see.

Here: Even though you were a complete jerk and did not respond in any serious way to my points.

One of America's military's prime issues is over extension.

Our commitments exceed our abilities.

Reducing commitments to defend nations that are now well able to defend themselves, will free up budget and forces for other operations.

Hence, Trump's statements signaling possible pull back from NATO, and South Korea and Japan.

You heard those statements, but you did not understand them.

A President Trump would be the first American President to move US foreign policy beyond the Cold War Paradigm.

Which is WAY overdue.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument

Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.
1. Your assumption of my motives is based on nothing but your bigotry and narrow mindedness.

No assumptions are needed. You've posted hundreds of times, showing you are a shit-kicking redneck trying very hard and failing to sound smart.

2. YOu are supporting continued high levels of importing cheap labor. In this you are on the side of the "1%". Low wages and easy replacement of striking workers is the exact opposite of what you would want if you were serious about expanding unionization. YOur bigotry against southern whites is noted.

But that's the point, Billy Bob. It wasn't the "Cheap Labor" from immigrants that drove industry out of the blue states into the red states. It was all you dumb-ass rednecks offering to work harder for less money. And now you live in fear that those people might move into your red states and undercut you, too.

3. Thank you. Pass for FDR for mass incarceration of US citizens, and complete dismissal of Newt for his far less serious offenses whatever you think them to be. Your hypocrisy is proved.

FDR got us out of the Great Depression and won World War II. Newt, um, actually acted like such an ass hat he made Clinton look sympathetic before his own caucus threw his ass out and replaced him with a child molester because they thought that would be an improvement. .

3b And your refusal to consider the interesting and important information contained in the OP is revealed to be the Willful Ignorance of someone who doesn't want his precious beliefs challenged.

Guy, I challenged my beliefs already. I challenged them in 2008 when I looked at the absolute wreckage of my life created by 30 years of Republican Policy and I stopped voting Republican. The fact that you can't let go of your hate of gays and minorities and vote against your own interests tells me you are the one who is closed minded.

4. YOur inability to honestly judge others you disagree with in a sign of a narrow mind and intellectual immaturity. And you being a jerk.

I've honestly judged you dumb-ass rednecks who keep voting Republican after 2008. I've judge you honestly as being too stupid to be listened to and you need to be utterly crushed.

I mean, on a personal level, I don't care if you wave your Confederate Flag or refuse to bake a cake for gay folks or don't want to live next door to a Mexican.

1. Your deep need to spin the fact that I support Trump into some type of Cult of Personality b.s , is still just a sign of how YOU feel a need to marginalize people you disagree with so that you can have an excuse for yourself as to why you don't deal with their points, seriously or honestly.

And nothing to do with me.

2. I've made points on how and why you are the one that has no understanding of military issues, none of which you have addressed.

3. I have offered you at least ONE way Trump will improve the military based on public statements that you have heard but did not understand. IF you will address any of my points regarding why looking at budgets is NOT the way to judge military strength. You have ignored those points.

4. Why are you such a jerk?

You've basically defined the reason Trump supporters are seen as single celled organisms. You have zero idea what your messiah would do as is evidenced by your inability to report on one of his chief campaign promises. Trump is a small fraction of a man who is simply unfit for command. Having your name on buildings (as Paris Hilton does) and a lot of money (as Paris Hilton does) lend zero credibility to any qualifications you dream that your messiah has.

Stop pretending you have some sort of knowledge. No Trump supporter (nor the candidate) has any idea how he'd strengthen the already-strongest military in the world.

Your irrational need to dismiss me so that you have an excuse to not address my points, nor defend your positions or claims on their merits, is plain to see.

Here: Even though you were a complete jerk and did not respond in any serious way to my points.

One of America's military's prime issues is over extension.

Our commitments exceed our abilities.

Reducing commitments to defend nations that are now well able to defend themselves, will free up budget and forces for other operations.

Hence, Trump's statements signaling possible pull back from NATO, and South Korea and Japan.

You heard those statements, but you did not understand them.

A President Trump would be the first American President to move US foreign policy beyond the Cold War Paradigm.

Which is WAY overdue.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument

Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?
1. Your assumption of my motives is based on nothing but your bigotry and narrow mindedness.

No assumptions are needed. You've posted hundreds of times, showing you are a shit-kicking redneck trying very hard and failing to sound smart.

2. YOu are supporting continued high levels of importing cheap labor. In this you are on the side of the "1%". Low wages and easy replacement of striking workers is the exact opposite of what you would want if you were serious about expanding unionization. YOur bigotry against southern whites is noted.

But that's the point, Billy Bob. It wasn't the "Cheap Labor" from immigrants that drove industry out of the blue states into the red states. It was all you dumb-ass rednecks offering to work harder for less money. And now you live in fear that those people might move into your red states and undercut you, too.

3. Thank you. Pass for FDR for mass incarceration of US citizens, and complete dismissal of Newt for his far less serious offenses whatever you think them to be. Your hypocrisy is proved.

FDR got us out of the Great Depression and won World War II. Newt, um, actually acted like such an ass hat he made Clinton look sympathetic before his own caucus threw his ass out and replaced him with a child molester because they thought that would be an improvement. .

3b And your refusal to consider the interesting and important information contained in the OP is revealed to be the Willful Ignorance of someone who doesn't want his precious beliefs challenged.

Guy, I challenged my beliefs already. I challenged them in 2008 when I looked at the absolute wreckage of my life created by 30 years of Republican Policy and I stopped voting Republican. The fact that you can't let go of your hate of gays and minorities and vote against your own interests tells me you are the one who is closed minded.

4. YOur inability to honestly judge others you disagree with in a sign of a narrow mind and intellectual immaturity. And you being a jerk.

I've honestly judged you dumb-ass rednecks who keep voting Republican after 2008. I've judge you honestly as being too stupid to be listened to and you need to be utterly crushed.

I mean, on a personal level, I don't care if you wave your Confederate Flag or refuse to bake a cake for gay folks or don't want to live next door to a Mexican.


1. Your bigotry does not support your case, it supports mine. YOu are a bigot, and your reasons are nothing but your hatred and bigotry.

2. You're claiming interSTATE competition is the primary cause of loss of manufacture jobs? National stats do not support that. The nation as a whole has far lower levels of manufacturing employment than Germany or Japan.

2b And the 1% wants to continue to continue to import a constant supply of fresh, cheap Third World Labor, and you are on their side in this issue.

3. Your hypocrisy have been demonstrated. You give FDR a pass because you like him. Newt you dismiss because you do not. And thus you manage to avoid information you don't want to consider.

Thus your intellectual cowardice and dishonestly is also proven.

4. You refuse to consider the information in the OP.

4b YOur assumptions about my motives have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with you being a standard issue lib, who can't imagine that someone would disagree with them without being stupid or evil.

Which is the definition of a closed mind.
Newt on really bad person endorsing another.

Newt did not endorse Trump.

YOu have demonstrated the normal level of liberal understanding and thought, ie zero.
Not an endorsement? Of course not....just a casual conversation with the news media.


Once again a lib to dim and/or dishonest to admit he was wrong.

Nothing in the linked article can be construed as an endorsement.
You evidently can't make an argument without personalizing.

I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.
You've basically defined the reason Trump supporters are seen as single celled organisms. You have zero idea what your messiah would do as is evidenced by your inability to report on one of his chief campaign promises. Trump is a small fraction of a man who is simply unfit for command. Having your name on buildings (as Paris Hilton does) and a lot of money (as Paris Hilton does) lend zero credibility to any qualifications you dream that your messiah has.

Stop pretending you have some sort of knowledge. No Trump supporter (nor the candidate) has any idea how he'd strengthen the already-strongest military in the world.

Your irrational need to dismiss me so that you have an excuse to not address my points, nor defend your positions or claims on their merits, is plain to see.

Here: Even though you were a complete jerk and did not respond in any serious way to my points.

One of America's military's prime issues is over extension.

Our commitments exceed our abilities.

Reducing commitments to defend nations that are now well able to defend themselves, will free up budget and forces for other operations.

Hence, Trump's statements signaling possible pull back from NATO, and South Korea and Japan.

You heard those statements, but you did not understand them.

A President Trump would be the first American President to move US foreign policy beyond the Cold War Paradigm.

Which is WAY overdue.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument

Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.
Newt did not endorse Trump.

YOu have demonstrated the normal level of liberal understanding and thought, ie zero.
Not an endorsement? Of course not....just a casual conversation with the news media.


Once again a lib to dim and/or dishonest to admit he was wrong.

Nothing in the linked article can be construed as an endorsement.
You evidently can't make an argument without personalizing.

I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

ANyone who read the article and had the reading comprehension of the 6th grader would know that.

I have pointed this out AGAIN for you.

YOu have still not defended your claim with anything other than empty assertions.

How about you cut and paste the part when Newt supposedly endorsed Trump?

Or try to, because you can't, because he did not do it.

For you to claim that I did not point out "anything" is you being a lying troll.
Your irrational need to dismiss me so that you have an excuse to not address my points, nor defend your positions or claims on their merits, is plain to see.

Here: Even though you were a complete jerk and did not respond in any serious way to my points.

One of America's military's prime issues is over extension.

Our commitments exceed our abilities.

Reducing commitments to defend nations that are now well able to defend themselves, will free up budget and forces for other operations.

Hence, Trump's statements signaling possible pull back from NATO, and South Korea and Japan.

You heard those statements, but you did not understand them.

A President Trump would be the first American President to move US foreign policy beyond the Cold War Paradigm.

Which is WAY overdue.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument

Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument

Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.
Yes, it did.

I pointed out that you belief system that I consider Trump my "messiah" is an display of irrational thought on YOUR part, not mine.

And then, despite the fact that you did not show me the courtesy of addressing my previous rebuttal of your initial attack on Trump's campaign promise, I gave you want you wanted.

ie a way that Trump would improve American Military Strength.

And not surprisingly, you have refused to respond to that also.

INstead we see more empty and unsupported assertions.

IN this, you are a microcosm of the Liberal Ideological Movement.
NOthing to offer in a debate but propaganda.

None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.
None of what you said invalidates my point. In fact you strengthen my argument again with your continued obfuscation. Either list what he would do to strengthen the military or kindly shut the fuck up.

I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.
Not an endorsement? Of course not....just a casual conversation with the news media.


Once again a lib to dim and/or dishonest to admit he was wrong.

Nothing in the linked article can be construed as an endorsement.
You evidently can't make an argument without personalizing.

I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

ANyone who read the article and had the reading comprehension of the 6th grader would know that.

I have pointed this out AGAIN for you.

YOu have still not defended your claim with anything other than empty assertions.

How about you cut and paste the part when Newt supposedly endorsed Trump?

Or try to, because you can't, because he did not do it.

For you to claim that I did not point out "anything" is you being a lying troll.
So then he just said nice things about Trump for no that right?
I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.

And nothing but more lies.

It always amazes me that lefties like your self can lie and lie and lie, and it never occurs to them, that if the Truth is not on their side, that that means that THEY are on the WRONG side.
Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.

And nothing but more lies.

It always amazes me that lefties like your self can lie and lie and lie, and it never occurs to them, that if the Truth is not on their side, that that means that THEY are on the WRONG side.
Another detail free post of yours reinforces the truth of my posts. Thanks. Now run along little man

Once again a lib to dim and/or dishonest to admit he was wrong.

Nothing in the linked article can be construed as an endorsement.
You evidently can't make an argument without personalizing.

I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

ANyone who read the article and had the reading comprehension of the 6th grader would know that.

I have pointed this out AGAIN for you.

YOu have still not defended your claim with anything other than empty assertions.

How about you cut and paste the part when Newt supposedly endorsed Trump?

Or try to, because you can't, because he did not do it.

For you to claim that I did not point out "anything" is you being a lying troll.
So then he just said nice things about Trump for no that right?

No, he was asked some questions about the meeting and he answered.

HIs answers were mostly positive, regarding Trump.

That in no way is an endorsement you fool.

Can you not grasp the simple fact that saying that someone is smart, or not "pandering to negative impulses" is not the same as saying that that person should be the next President of the United States?

Rhetorical Question: Obviously you can't.

BUT lets look at what they reveals of you.

YOu have just revealed that you cannot grasp the idea that if you don't support a candidate for Office, then you cannot imagine saying or admitting anything positive about them.

This is the thinking of a DEEPLY dishonest person, and shows that your judgement/statements on your ideological enemies has zero credibility.
I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.

And nothing but more lies.

It always amazes me that lefties like your self can lie and lie and lie, and it never occurs to them, that if the Truth is not on their side, that that means that THEY are on the WRONG side.
Another detail free post of yours reinforces the truth of my posts. Thanks. Now run along little man

I've provided plenty of "details" which you have ignored.

I provided two very good examples of how your method of judging military strength by comparing budgets demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of the issue.

I provided one good detailed example of how some of Trumps positions would lead to a stronger military.

YOu have ignored all of that and done nothing but lie.
You evidently can't make an argument without personalizing.

I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

ANyone who read the article and had the reading comprehension of the 6th grader would know that.

I have pointed this out AGAIN for you.

YOu have still not defended your claim with anything other than empty assertions.

How about you cut and paste the part when Newt supposedly endorsed Trump?

Or try to, because you can't, because he did not do it.

For you to claim that I did not point out "anything" is you being a lying troll.
So then he just said nice things about Trump for no that right?

No, he was asked some questions about the meeting and he answered.

HIs answers were mostly positive, regarding Trump.

That in no way is an endorsement you fool.

Can you not grasp the simple fact that saying that someone is smart, or not "pandering to negative impulses" is not the same as saying that that person should be the next President of the United States?

Rhetorical Question: Obviously you can't.

BUT lets look at what they reveals of you.

YOu have just revealed that you cannot grasp the idea that if you don't support a candidate for Office, then you cannot imagine saying or admitting anything positive about them.

This is the thinking of a DEEPLY dishonest person, and shows that your judgement/statements on your ideological enemies has zero credibility.
Again, your insatiable need to personalize everything.
I have seriously challenged your points, and you have not even tried to defend them, other then restating them. Sometimes with snide insults added.

Despite what you might think, that doesn't prove anything.

I gave you one major example which you have ignored.

Do you realize that I am kicking your ass?

Hilarious. The only remotely major accomplishment is confirming that you know zilch.

I don't know why are you refusing to actually respond to anything I say, while still filling the pages of this thread with partisan filler.


Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.
He's just about as completely full of shit as he can be.....but never about anything important.
Perhaps…but I’m also correct. Everyone watching knows it. Otherwise you’d re-list the supposed methodology of strengthening the military ever time I post.

You haven’t.
You cannot.

Its as simple as that.

All the cartoons in the world won’t help you sonny.

I posted a fine example several times. YOu ignore it, and then claim I have given you nothing.

THat's called lying.

The picture was just to give me some variety as I repeatedly point out your complete failure and dishonesty.

I also note that you have moved the goal post a little. Upped your demand to a "list".


Covering your ass because you fear that at some point you have to admit that I already provided ONE fine example of how he would do it?

One that you heard but did not understand when you heard it. Until I pointed it out and explained it to you.

Of course the response is as vapid as the Candidate. The absence of specifics is there (again—as it’s always been).
You couldn’t post one so I don’t expect a list. But continue with the lie that you’re more than you are; it’s gotten Trump this far.

And nothing but more lies.

It always amazes me that lefties like your self can lie and lie and lie, and it never occurs to them, that if the Truth is not on their side, that that means that THEY are on the WRONG side.
Another detail free post of yours reinforces the truth of my posts. Thanks. Now run along little man

I've provided plenty of "details" which you have ignored.

I provided two very good examples of how your method of judging military strength by comparing budgets demonstrates your complete lack of understanding of the issue.

I provided one good detailed example of how some of Trumps positions would lead to a stronger military.

YOu have ignored all of that and done nothing but lie.

I did see the two idiotic examples of cost control. They were about 20 light years from any relevance. There was no detailed example on how Trump would strengthen the military.

Wrong again
I am happy to discuss the topic.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

You claimed it, I pointed out you were wrong, and you have changed the subject to me.
You didn't point out anything, you only think you did.

Newt did NOT endorse Trump.

ANyone who read the article and had the reading comprehension of the 6th grader would know that.

I have pointed this out AGAIN for you.

YOu have still not defended your claim with anything other than empty assertions.

How about you cut and paste the part when Newt supposedly endorsed Trump?

Or try to, because you can't, because he did not do it.

For you to claim that I did not point out "anything" is you being a lying troll.
So then he just said nice things about Trump for no that right?

No, he was asked some questions about the meeting and he answered.

HIs answers were mostly positive, regarding Trump.

That in no way is an endorsement you fool.

Can you not grasp the simple fact that saying that someone is smart, or not "pandering to negative impulses" is not the same as saying that that person should be the next President of the United States?

Rhetorical Question: Obviously you can't.

BUT lets look at what they reveals of you.

YOu have just revealed that you cannot grasp the idea that if you don't support a candidate for Office, then you cannot imagine saying or admitting anything positive about them.

This is the thinking of a DEEPLY dishonest person, and shows that your judgement/statements on your ideological enemies has zero credibility.
Again, your insatiable need to personalize everything.

You are that one that just ignored my answer to your question about the topic.

To talk about me.

Here it is again, as if you care.

No, he was asked some questions about the meeting and he answered.

HIs answers were mostly positive, regarding Trump.

That in no way is an endorsement you fool.

Can you not grasp the simple fact that saying that someone is smart, or not "pandering to negative impulses" is not the same as saying that that person should be the next President of the United States?

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