Newt Winsd SC

Santorum seems like he's about to throw in the towel.

Seriously, you make the rest of the Democrat Dummies on this Board look like Einsteins. Santorum has won Iowa. He's far from 'throwing in the towel.' Lay off the GE/MSNBC shyte for your info. Get informed. Try to keep up. SHEESH!

Santorum is running for vice president, but he is not going to get it.
Yes, dummy......meaning he evaded the question regarding his taxes.

The term 'tax evasion' ordinarily means that one has evaded paying one's taxes. Do you have any actual evidence that Romney evaded paying his taxes or are you just another bullshitter?

The last thing Romney and his accountants would do is anything close to tax evasion while running for president. The most likely reason he had money in the Cayman Islands is to protect it from possible lawsuits. He is paying taxes on the money as he withdraws it similar to retirement accounts.

Since the US has global taxation - ie. American citizens pay taxes on their income no matter where they are or it is - the usual reason for Americans to have accounts in the Caymans is if they are doing business with people from nations that DON'T have global taxation, in order to allow their foreign customers/investors to take advantage of their own nation's tax laws.

It's been made quite clear that Romney pays all appropriate taxes on all of his income, including any involved with the Cayman Islands.
One big question is Rick Santorum - if he does poorly, how will he keep going? If he does drop out, much of his support could go to Gingrich as the anti-Romney, and then you have a real horse race. How odd that Gingrich seems to be getting a lot of support from the social cons despite his marital baggage. Tells me that jobs and the economy trumps a lot of things, at least in the minds of some.

That, and social conservatives are often religious. Most religions teach redemption, so barring any proof to the contrary, social conservatives are generally willing to accept that his past is just that: past.
Nope wrong even if Newt supported mandates in the past (which he doesn't anymore) that is not supporting Obamacare get out of your Ron Paul haze :eusa_eh:

IF? why don't you at least pull your partisan head out of Newts ass so you can understand this.
Newt Getrich was for a healthcare mandate He's a lying sack of shit. and you believe him.

Supported Obamacare? I think not, and all of our candidate will repeal if we have enough people in congress, although the mandates and Obamacare should be thrown out by the Supreme Court before the election anyway. Another reason we can't have Obama, its likely one or two Judges will be appointed by the next pres, we can't have Obama to that

The mandate is obamacare that was what newt supports
You know, for you i would have to consider it. You've actually been pretty reasonable when it comes to your treatment of Ron Paul. But most of your fellow Neocons have wronged the man significantly. I'm just not sure many will be able to forgive & forget so easily. I do like your idea of coming together to defeat the Socialists/Progressives though, but right now that proposition seems unlikely. Maybe that will change though. We'll see if the reaching out and compromise happens.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Darn it

lol! Thanks. Yeah, maybe i was too hard on Grampa? I need to work on compromising a bit more. I think his heart is in the right place. I owe him an apology. Thanks for making me pause for a sec and think a bit more. Coming together should to be the goal.

NEVER COMPROMISE YOUR VALUES, no matter what the goal is.
I know. But he was battling against the Clintons. I'm sure politics weighed heavy on his decision to take the route he did.

Regardless, no politician is perfect but Newt or Santorum are far more conservative than Mitt.

I don't care who he was battling with. Never support one thing and then turn around and say you support the opposite that will turn me off faster than anything else.



Has flip flopped more than Romney.

Your post has my bullshit meter going off the charts.

Not sure I want someone who never changes his mind about anything, even when it turns out he was wrong. And since it's not possible to find someone who's never been wrong, those are the only two choices: someone who realizes when he's made a mistake and fixes it, and someone who bulls ahead anyway because he's determined not to be a "flip-flopper".

My concern is WHY someone changes his mind, not the fact that he does so.
i think it's the obama campaign's greatest fantasy...

Either one and obama wins

i thought romney would give him a run... until i saw his debate performances. they were sad. he seemed ill-prepared. that's inexcusable.

but yeah, obama wins if he goes up against newtie, imo.

but i don't think the others would have come close either. the problem is, in part, the poor quality of the republican field. the other problem is in how the house totally and completely mishandled the time period before the holiday recess.

now, all things are subject to change, no question. at this time in 2008, hillary was the nominee apparent and no one heard of sarah palin.

I shall be fascinated to hear what Obama could POSSIBLY say in a debate that's going to make people forget his abysmal record as President. He'd almost have to morph in Jesus Christ Himself right on the stage to accomplish that.
Either one and obama wins

i thought romney would give him a run... until i saw his debate performances. they were sad. he seemed ill-prepared. that's inexcusable.

but yeah, obama wins if he goes up against newtie, imo.

but i don't think the others would have come close either. the problem is, in part, the poor quality of the republican field. the other problem is in how the house totally and completely mishandled the time period before the holiday recess.

now, all things are subject to change, no question. at this time in 2008, hillary was the nominee apparent and no one heard of sarah palin.

I shall be fascinated to hear what Obama could POSSIBLY say in a debate that's going to make people forget his abysmal record as President. He'd almost have to morph in Jesus Christ Himself right on the stage to accomplish that.

obama will point out that either are mirror images of him.
Newt didn't just beat Romney. He trounced on him.

Santorum is done and Paul.....well, Paul is Paul.

You want to replace obama with a god damn obama agenda supporter.


I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Of course Newt worked with Bill Clinton . . . to get HIS OWN AGENDA advanced. And it worked. Clinton rejected welfare reform twice before Newt got him to sign it. What did you want him to do, create a stalemate that got nothing accomplished?

And he most certainly was NOT a "paid lobbyist", for Freddie Mac or anyone else (I don't remember anyone ever saying he worked for Fannie Mae at all). He was a consultant, which is NOT the same thing.
Ha Ha Ha, now all those biggots at PMS NBC,ABC,&CNN just made total dipshits of themselves after accusing Newt of being a racist, big fat loser,infidel, ect. etc.

Newt is a race baiter in the George Wallace vein, remember what happened to Wallace?

He repented.:lol:

Obama will crush Newt with ease.

Race baiter? By all means, Bigot Boy, show us any quote at all of Newt Gingrich "race-baiting".
Ha Ha Ha, now all those biggots at PMS NBC,ABC,&CNN just made total dipshits of themselves after accusing Newt of being a racist, big fat loser,infidel, ect. etc.

And winning the SC Republican primary means what, exactly?

Given the winner of SC has gone on to take the GOP nomination in every election since 1980, quite a lot.

I do think what did Romney in was the tax issue. If he's smart, he'll release them Monday morning. Whatever is in there that he wants to hide so badly isn't worth the damage it's doing.

I also think that what I've said all along is true. Most Republicans really don't want Romney, and the Washington Establishment is trying to shove him down their throats.

The other question is, does Santorum stay in? SC was his best chance to be the anti-Romney, and he lost every key group to Newt.
You want to replace obama with a god damn obama agenda supporter.


I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Of course Newt worked with Bill Clinton . . . to get HIS OWN AGENDA advanced. And it worked. Clinton rejected welfare reform twice before Newt got him to sign it. What did you want him to do, create a stalemate that got nothing accomplished?

And he most certainly was NOT a "paid lobbyist", for Freddie Mac or anyone else (I don't remember anyone ever saying he worked for Fannie Mae at all). He was a consultant, which is NOT the same thing.

Newt consulted a failed banking institution. How do you think he will do with America?
You want to replace obama with a god damn obama agenda supporter.


I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Of course Newt worked with Bill Clinton . . . to get HIS OWN AGENDA advanced. And it worked. Clinton rejected welfare reform twice before Newt got him to sign it. What did you want him to do, create a stalemate that got nothing accomplished?

And he most certainly was NOT a "paid lobbyist", for Freddie Mac or anyone else (I don't remember anyone ever saying he worked for Fannie Mae at all). He was a consultant, which is NOT the same thing.

You believe that spin? Or are you just hoping others will? I'd respect you more if it were the latter. But.....not very much more.
I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Of course Newt worked with Bill Clinton . . . to get HIS OWN AGENDA advanced. And it worked. Clinton rejected welfare reform twice before Newt got him to sign it. What did you want him to do, create a stalemate that got nothing accomplished?

And he most certainly was NOT a "paid lobbyist", for Freddie Mac or anyone else (I don't remember anyone ever saying he worked for Fannie Mae at all). He was a consultant, which is NOT the same thing.

You believe that spin? Or are you just hoping others will? I'd respect you more if it were the latter. But.....not very much more.

Well, technically he wasn't.

But he was paid to tell Freddie how to win over conservatives, and Freddie presumably then went and paid lobbyists to lobby conservatives. So he was one step removed.

The idea that he was paid to tell them not to inflate the housing bubble is pure unadulterated bullshit that only the most blinkered and deluded partisan hacks would believe.

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