Newt Winsd SC

Gingrich won low income voters by a huge margin, and only lost to Romney among voters making $200,000 or more.

This was a classic class warfare election.
Nothing great about a proven corrupt Repub winning anything but Whack A Mole of The Month.

WHY won't Repub's demand decent human beings as their candidate?

Yeah, I know - because there aren't any in the Repub party.
diito for the left
This is REALLY getting interesting.

The GOP knows damn well Newt can't win a national election, that Romney just doesn't have the chops, and that Santorum would blow it on social issues. My guess is that Jeb, Christie, Daniels, Ryan and Huckabee had better keep a few lunch dates open on their schedules, because people are going to be knocking on their doors.

WOW. This is great theater.

One chance, CG. Do you believe that I accused Mitt Romney of actual tax evasion in this thread? Or do you grasp that I was using the term in a satirical manner to point out that he lost SC because he would not come clean regarding his tax returns?

Try honesty.

I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.... or, more correctly, libel ... since it is in writing and not the spoken word. Either way, you defame the man's character with baseless accusations. Par for the course, it appears, in US political discussions.
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One chance, CG. Do you believe that I accused Mitt Romney of actual tax evasion in this thread? Or do you grasp that I was using the term in a satirical manner to point out that he lost SC because he would not come clean regarding his tax returns?

Try honesty.

I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.

Nope...not backtracking nor whining......just being honest. You are wrong. Now....will you ever admit it?
One chance, CG. Do you believe that I accused Mitt Romney of actual tax evasion in this thread? Or do you grasp that I was using the term in a satirical manner to point out that he lost SC because he would not come clean regarding his tax returns?

Try honesty.

I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.... or, more correctly, libel ... since it is in writing and not the spoken word. Either way, you defame the man's character with baseless accusations. Par for the course, it appears, in US political discussions.

Romney has character?

The guy obviously has something in his taxes he doesn't want the rest of us to see... and he was willing to lose SC to do it. Now let's see if he'll lose Florida as well.

This is going to be sweet!
if Romney wins, Secretary of State Newt, Economic Adviser: Herman Cain
If Newt Wins,,, Romney,Secretary Of Treasury, Obama, White House Shoe Shine Boy

OBAMA FOR JANITOR 2012 :clap2:

[ame=]Obama On Abortion - YouTube[/ame]
This is REALLY getting interesting.

The GOP knows damn well Newt can't win a national election, that Romney just doesn't have the chops, and that Santorum would blow it on social issues. My guess is that Jeb, Christie, Daniels, Ryan and Huckabee had better keep a few lunch dates open on their schedules, because people are going to be knocking on their doors.

WOW. This is great theater.


I just don't see that, though.

First, all those guys have their own problems. Jeb Bush is still named "Bush". Mitch Daniels has this crazy stuff with a wife that left him and then came back. Huckabee has to answer for four dead cops killed by a guy he paroled. Ryan stepped on the third rail and got fried. Christie is fat.

I see this fight as defining what the GOP is going to become. Is it going to be a more downscale blue collar party, or is it going to continue to be the party of Wall Street. Beating Obama was always going to depend on the state of the economy in November. If it's better than it is now, he wins, if its worse, he loses.

What I see with the rise of Gingrich is kind of what I saw with the rise of Reagan. A rejection of the establishment and the embracing of a more everyman kind of conservativism.

And keep in mind, Reagan was the guy who was going to "blow up the world" to hear people tell it.
I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Of course Newt worked with Bill Clinton . . . to get HIS OWN AGENDA advanced. And it worked. Clinton rejected welfare reform twice before Newt got him to sign it. What did you want him to do, create a stalemate that got nothing accomplished?

And he most certainly was NOT a "paid lobbyist", for Freddie Mac or anyone else (I don't remember anyone ever saying he worked for Fannie Mae at all). He was a consultant, which is NOT the same thing.

You believe that spin? Or are you just hoping others will? I'd respect you more if it were the latter. But.....not very much more.

Amazingly enough, not everyone considers anything other than "Republicans SUCK! They sacrifice puppies!" to be spin.

I don't know about you, but I was an adult during the Clinton administration, and I have a memory longer than a mayfly's lifespan. I remember Newt engineering the GOP taking control of the House for the first time in forty years, and I remember what happened after that. Just because you don't like it and don't want it to have been that way doesn't make it "spin".

Furthermore, if you want to accuse him of being a "paid lobbyist", you'd better haul out some proof other than a knowing wink and "Well, everyone knows what that REALLY means", because I'm not giving you credit for knowing how to come in out of the rain, let alone for any pseudo-jaded pretense at insider "knowledge".
One chance, CG. Do you believe that I accused Mitt Romney of actual tax evasion in this thread? Or do you grasp that I was using the term in a satirical manner to point out that he lost SC because he would not come clean regarding his tax returns?

Try honesty.

I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.

Nope...not backtracking nor whining......just being honest. You are wrong. Now....will you ever admit it?

Oh, yea, you're backtracking. You make a baseless accusation and now your wiggling away from it by pretending it is something it wasn't. There is only one meaning for the phrase 'tax evasion'. I have already outlined what it means. You lied. And now you want to make it about me, but it isn't about me. Defaming a person's character without evidence is pathetic.
One chance, CG. Do you believe that I accused Mitt Romney of actual tax evasion in this thread? Or do you grasp that I was using the term in a satirical manner to point out that he lost SC because he would not come clean regarding his tax returns?

Try honesty.

I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.... or, more correctly, libel ... since it is in writing and not the spoken word. Either way, you defame the man's character with baseless accusations. Par for the course, it appears, in US political discussions.

Romney has character?

The guy obviously has something in his taxes he doesn't want the rest of us to see... and he was willing to lose SC to do it. Now let's see if he'll lose Florida as well.

This is going to be sweet!

There is nothing 'obvious' other than your irrational loathing of an individual based on his success, or possibly because people like him make you see yourself as a failure.

I'll wait and see some evidence before I condemn him.... because I'm rational like that. I like evidence to convict people. His taxes are really not anyone's business but his.... but I do think he should release them anyway.... at which point, I predict you will howl like a fucking banshee about how much money he makes.
I'm always honest. I call it as I see it. I think you used the term 'tax evasion' because you think it is ok to make baseless accusations against people. Internet Tough Guy Speak. Very impressive. You can pretend from now until doomsday that you meant it differently, but the fact remains.... tax evasion means deliberately evading paying the full amount of taxes owed by illegal means. It does not mean anything else.

I think you thought you could get away with your hysterical bullshit.... and you didn't so you're backtracking and whining.

It is not 'satire', it is slander.

Nope...not backtracking nor whining......just being honest. You are wrong. Now....will you ever admit it?

Oh, yea, you're backtracking. You make a baseless accusation and now your wiggling away from it by pretending it is something it wasn't. There is only one meaning for the phrase 'tax evasion'. I have already outlined what it means. You lied. And now you want to make it about me, but it isn't about me. Defaming a person's character without evidence is pathetic.

You will find that I don't allow others to make false accusations about me. I follow through. Two ways the discussion of this matter might end: either you issue the appropriate retraction or you give up altogether in a heap of weak denial. Keep responding with more dishonesty and I will keep setting you straight.

I would like you to watch my posts very carefully.....and let me know if you ever catch me making a baseless accusation. You won't. That is not my thing.

Also......go back and look at the timeline for this thread. See how much time passed between Stephanie's initial misreading of my intended meaning and my correction of her. an adult and admit your misunderstanding.
Nope...not backtracking nor whining......just being honest. You are wrong. Now....will you ever admit it?

Oh, yea, you're backtracking. You make a baseless accusation and now your wiggling away from it by pretending it is something it wasn't. There is only one meaning for the phrase 'tax evasion'. I have already outlined what it means. You lied. And now you want to make it about me, but it isn't about me. Defaming a person's character without evidence is pathetic.

You will find that I don't allow others to make false accusations about me. I follow through. Two ways the discussion of this matter might end: either you issue the appropriate retraction or you give up altogether in a heap of weak denial. Keep responding with more dishonesty and I will keep setting you straight.

I would like you to watch my posts very carefully.....and let me know if you ever catch me making a baseless accusation. You won't. That is not my thing.

Also......go back and look at the timeline for this thread. See how much time passed between Stephanie's initial misreading of my intended meaning and my correction of her. an adult and admit your misunderstanding.

"My intended meaning"... I suggest you learn to articulate your 'intended meaning' more appropriately. Because using the term 'tax evasion' means that someone evaded paying taxes. You were the one who claimed Romney's 'tax evasion' cost him SC. It didn't, but that is inconsequential. You made a baseless accusation against Romney. I'm not admitting anything other than calling you on your bullshit.

Perhaps you should learn to say what you mean and not expect others to 'interpret' your use of a phrase that means one thing as meaning something other than what it means.
Oh, yea, you're backtracking. You make a baseless accusation and now your wiggling away from it by pretending it is something it wasn't. There is only one meaning for the phrase 'tax evasion'. I have already outlined what it means. You lied. And now you want to make it about me, but it isn't about me. Defaming a person's character without evidence is pathetic.

You will find that I don't allow others to make false accusations about me. I follow through. Two ways the discussion of this matter might end: either you issue the appropriate retraction or you give up altogether in a heap of weak denial. Keep responding with more dishonesty and I will keep setting you straight.

I would like you to watch my posts very carefully.....and let me know if you ever catch me making a baseless accusation. You won't. That is not my thing.

Also......go back and look at the timeline for this thread. See how much time passed between Stephanie's initial misreading of my intended meaning and my correction of her. an adult and admit your misunderstanding.

"My intended meaning"... I suggest you learn to articulate your 'intended meaning' more appropriately. Because using the term 'tax evasion' means that someone evaded paying taxes. You were the one who claimed Romney's 'tax evasion' cost him SC. It didn't, but that is inconsequential. You made a baseless accusation against Romney. I'm not admitting anything other than calling you on your bullshit.

Perhaps you should learn to say what you mean and not expect others to 'interpret' your use of a phrase that means one thing as meaning something other than what it means.[/QUOTE]

We are making progress. You are basically telling me something that I already know in the bolded section.. I suggest you look back at the post where I admitted that I had misjudged how my words would be understood.
Romney's "tax evasion" got him a loss in the South.

That wasn't what happened--it was all Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney's tax return was simply a side show. It was all Newt Gingrich that brought on an historic win--even after all the elite media--via the talking heads said his campaign was dead--just one week ago.

Here is what happened:

[ame=]Newt Gingrich's Standing Ovation at South Carolina GOP Debate - YouTube[/ame]

And then this one:

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Highlights - CNN Debate in SC - YouTube[/ame]

Which resulted in this:

South Carolina Exit Polls: How Different Groups Voted - Election 2012 -

Gingrich won the independent vote--the female vote--the male vote--the conservative vote--the evangelical vote, etc. etc.--in one of the most historic campaign turn-arounds ever.

Just take a look at this map:

South Carolina Primary 2012 Results: Election Reporting By County (MAP, REAL-TIME DATA)

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There is nothing 'obvious' other than your irrational loathing of an individual based on his success, or possibly because people like him make you see yourself as a failure.

I'll wait and see some evidence before I condemn him.... because I'm rational like that. I like evidence to convict people. His taxes are really not anyone's business but his.... but I do think he should release them anyway.... at which point, I predict you will howl like a fucking banshee about how much money he makes.

I'll complain if he's paying less as a percentage than decent working folks do, that's for sure.

But I think that you should be REQUIRED to release all your tax information before you even get allowed on a ballot.

Oh, my loathing for Romney is totally rational.

He's someone who ruined people's lives to make himself richer when he didn't need the money. That makes him contemptable.

So let's look at the CaliGirl double standard.

Newt is bad because he got a divorce from a loveless marriage and didn't file the right paperwork to teach a college course.

Mittens destroys thousands of jobs and ruins hundreds of lives and some communities because, when you get right down to it, he's greedy.

Do I have this right? Because I'm really trying to understand this and how you think you are "rational" with this sort of double standard.

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