Next 2 Years Will Be Obama's Best 2 Years

You do of course realize that as Obama expands the scope and power of the executive order that the expansion won't end with him the Presidents who follow him will do the same. You should think very carefully about giving one person or part of the government more power so easily just because they happen to be a member of the party you support that is how you go from democracy to dictatorship.

You nitwits and your fucking "dictatorship" paranoia are such losers. If he wanted to be dictator he would have by now. Idiots.
Jesus you are one major moron I was not calling Obama a dictator I was pointing out how letting one person or part of the government continue to expand the size and reach of it's power can lead to a dictatorship. I know what a strain actual thinking is for you but try it before posting your knee jerk idiot responses and you would realize this is by and large how dictatorships arise taking power slowly over time until a group or person decides they have all the power they need and officially dissolves the democratic government. You keep letting the executive branch expand it's power and control and you will eventually have a president who will decide I have all the power what do I need a Congress for and hello dictatorship,
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.

The Middle Class has lost out moreso than the poor and wealthy over the last 8 years. If the Middle Class felt they were being taken care of instead of watching their incomes and take home pay decline, food stamp participation rise, labor participation decline, the Middle Class would not have voted in Republicans to take The Hill.

Liberal Democrats admire governing and economic philosophies that claim to put the Middle Class first, but, in reality, there can be no Middle Class. Socialism cannot succeed with a healthy Middle Class. Middle Class is the result of a healthy Capitalist Economy. Socialism necessarily eliminates a Middle Class out of "fairness" and locks in a truly 1%.

America's middle class has been losing ground ever since they started allowing themselves to be trickled on/supply sided.

How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27
Tyler Durden

We are number 1 right? USA! USA! No one can beat our wealth creation machine, our economic dynamism, our level playing field and our bastions of higher education. We have a middle class that is the envy of the world, right?

Well, like so much of the “American dream” we have been force fed for a generation or more, this perception is not based in reality whatsoever. Sure it may have been the case for a couple of decades immediately after World War 2. Before the military-industrial-Wall Street complex fully took over the political process, but it certainly isn’t true any longer.


America is the richest country on Earth. We have the most millionaires, the most billionaires and our wealthiest citizens have garnered more of the planet’s riches than any other group in the world. We even have hedge fund managers who make in one hour as much as the average family makes in 21 years!

This opulence is supposed to trickle down to the rest of us, improving the lives of everyday Americans. At least that’s what free-market cheerleaders repeatedly promise us.

Unfortunately, it’s a lie, one of the biggest ever perpetrated on the American people.
Our middle class is falling further and further behind in comparison to the rest of the world. We keep hearing that America is number one. Well, when it comes to middle-class wealth, we’re number 27.

The most telling comparative measurement is median wealth (per adult). It describes the amount of wealth accumulated by the person precisely in the middle of the wealth distribution — fifty percent of the adult population has more wealth, while fifty percent has less. You can’t get more middle than that.

* Side note: May want to cross Cyprus off the above list…


Full article here.

Gosh, I wonder how many of the most socialist countries in the world line up with the list of most prosperous countries in the world?

2014 Prosperity Index
So , if it is all about the middle class for the Democrats, why did Obama stall the ACA for businesses, yet required the middle class to carry it, who do you think that really helped?

Stupid to think the Democrats are for anyone but big business and power.
what the these losers don't get by calling for this

Is the NEXT President could be a Republican and step all over them in the same way

just amazing the low information of the people who vote for the Democrat party. And vile and vicious too

they just can't STAND they LOST

For a change, you're probably right, the next President will do many of the same things her/his predecessors have done and-----and another thing that will stay the same is... you'll continue to piss and moan about it.
what the these losers don't get by calling for this

Is the NEXT President could be a Republican and step all over them in the same way

just amazing the low information of the people who vote for the Democrat party. And vile and vicious too

they just can't STAND they LOST

For a change, you're probably right, the next President will do many of the same things her/his predecessors have done and-----and another thing that will stay the same is... you'll continue to piss and moan about it.
everyone of you party people will be here pissing and moaning about the same old shit as you are now.....because you dumbasses vote for the same people or "new" people from the same factory....over and over again....
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.
i was working class.....and yes the man cut my lasted about 2 months and then the State of California raised theirs.....there went that 50 bucks....
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.
i was working class.....and yes the man cut my lasted about 2 months and then the State of California raised theirs.....there went that 50 bucks....

Annnnd because of California's Reclaiming California’s Future (Prop 30) passed and balanced California's budget, President Obama is a shitty leader? -giggle-

That's just



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Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.
i was working class.....and yes the man cut my lasted about 2 months and then the State of California raised theirs.....there went that 50 bucks....

Annnnd because of California's Reclaiming California’s Future (Prop 30) passed and balanced California's budget, President Obama is a shitty leader? -giggle-

That's just

No, Obama's just a shitty leader. From international accolades to international derision in 6 long years.
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.
i was working class.....and yes the man cut my lasted about 2 months and then the State of California raised theirs.....there went that 50 bucks....

Annnnd because of California's Reclaiming California’s Future (Prop 30) passed and balanced California's budget, President Obama is a shitty leader? -giggle-

That's just

No, Obama's just a shitty leader. From international accolades to international derision in 6 long years.

As is the case with so many rightwingers/Republicans, you know what know because - um - you know it, but-----but if you had taken the about one minute it takes to find the below poll, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself by saying "No, Obama's just a shitty leader. From international accolades to international derision in 6 long years." but it's not to late to admit your mistake.
You seem to be Fox duped, I suggest you occasionally change the channel.

POLL: Obama Still Most Popular World Leader


Both abroad and at home, Obama’s popularity seems much higher when compared to other politicians. The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows his approval at 44 percent and disapproval at nearly 51 percent. Congress, however, has a 15.5 percent approval rating and 76 percent disapproval rating.

Much of Obama’s popularity can be credited to the fact that he’s not George W. Bush. Kohut called the gap between the current and former president as “yawning.”

This comparison remains President Obama’s greatest advantage.
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.
i was working class.....and yes the man cut my lasted about 2 months and then the State of California raised theirs.....there went that 50 bucks....

Annnnd because of California's Reclaiming California’s Future (Prop 30) passed and balanced California's budget, President Obama is a shitty leader? -giggle-

That's just

No, Obama's just a shitty leader. From international accolades to international derision in 6 long years.

As is the case with so many rightwingers/Republicans, you know what know because - um - you know it, but-----but if you had taken the about one minute it takes to find the below poll, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself by saying "No, Obama's just a shitty leader. From international accolades to international derision in 6 long years." but it's not to late to admit your mistake.
You seem to be Fox duped, I suggest you occasionally change the channel.

POLL: Obama Still Most Popular World Leader


Both abroad and at home, Obama’s popularity seems much higher when compared to other politicians. The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows his approval at 44 percent and disapproval at nearly 51 percent. Congress, however, has a 15.5 percent approval rating and 76 percent disapproval rating.

Much of Obama’s popularity can be credited to the fact that he’s not George W. Bush. Kohut called the gap between the current and former president as “yawning.”

This comparison remains President Obama’s greatest advantage.
obama supporters stayed home they didn't vote because obama said his policies were on the ballot. That's why the democrats lost.
Your Poll is over a year old and deals only with his declining popularity in his handling of world affairs, Needless to say, Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and ISIS have come about since then.

Regardless, even at the time of the poll, Obama's numbers had slipped very significantly since. Regardless, the most important poll was taken about 2 weeks ago.

Btw, the last time I watched Fox was Married wit Children. Fox News did not exist when I last lived in the States.
Last edited:
Your Poll is over a year old and deals only with his declining popularity in his handling of world affairs, Needless to say, Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and ISIS have come about since then.

Regardless, even at the time of the poll, Obama's numbers had slipped very significantly since. Regardless, the most important poll was taken about 2 weeks ago.

Btw, the last time I watched Fox was Married wit Children. Fox News did not exist when I last lived in the States.

Voters approved background checks, raising the wage and legalizing pot

Gun control, marijuana and minimum wage proponents scored big victories across the country on Tuesday night. In Washington state, voters approved a measure to expand background checks when purchasing guns from private dealers or at gun shows. Two states and the District of Columbia voted to legalize recreational marijuana use, and Alaska, Arkansas, South Dakota and Nebraska passed minimum wage increases.


The MSM/rightwing news is pushing the idea that progressive policy lost and Republican policy won in the midterm election, but I beg to differ. Obama issued Executive Order 13658 and what happened - four Republican states voted to support Obama's call for an increase in the minimum wage and-----and one state passed an advisory to the legislature by a vote of 68%-32% in favor of raising the minimum wage.
Not only that but gun control won on the one ballot it was on.
And-----and not only that but two states and DC legalized marijuana and Florida voters lost in Florida because they only got 58% of the vote.
The point is the MSM went after, dissed, the President and Democrats at the cost of not having enough time or wherewithal to diss progressive policies. The result is progressive policies won, even in Republican states - the challenge for Republicans is, will they now use their majorities in the House and Senate to pass the legislation the voters told them we want? And-----and if they don't, what will, and how big will the penalty be that Republicans have to pay in 2016.
It's time for government haters to govern - LOL.

Final Rule: Executive Order 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors

On February 12, 2014, President Obama signed Executive Order 13658, “Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors,” to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 for workers on Federal construction and service contracts.
Sadly, you may be right. He may not be able to fuck up as much as the previous 6.

Yeah, it would be pretty bad if he just keeps on fighting the pubs. All Obama has done is create jobs, fight for the middle class, give tax breaks to the working class, fight for equal pay for equal work and other issues of equality, give us our first chance at universal health care, economic recovery and a hell of a lot more the Repubs hate.

The Middle Class has lost out moreso than the poor and wealthy over the last 8 years. If the Middle Class felt they were being taken care of instead of watching their incomes and take home pay decline, food stamp participation rise, labor participation decline, the Middle Class would not have voted in Republicans to take The Hill.

Liberal Democrats admire governing and economic philosophies that claim to put the Middle Class first, but, in reality, there can be no Middle Class. Socialism cannot succeed with a healthy Middle Class. Middle Class is the result of a healthy Capitalist Economy. Socialism necessarily eliminates a Middle Class out of "fairness" and locks in a truly 1%.

America's middle class has been losing ground ever since they started allowing themselves to be trickled on/supply sided.

How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? #27
Tyler Durden

We are number 1 right? USA! USA! No one can beat our wealth creation machine, our economic dynamism, our level playing field and our bastions of higher education. We have a middle class that is the envy of the world, right?

Well, like so much of the “American dream” we have been force fed for a generation or more, this perception is not based in reality whatsoever. Sure it may have been the case for a couple of decades immediately after World War 2. Before the military-industrial-Wall Street complex fully took over the political process, but it certainly isn’t true any longer.


America is the richest country on Earth. We have the most millionaires, the most billionaires and our wealthiest citizens have garnered more of the planet’s riches than any other group in the world. We even have hedge fund managers who make in one hour as much as the average family makes in 21 years!

This opulence is supposed to trickle down to the rest of us, improving the lives of everyday Americans. At least that’s what free-market cheerleaders repeatedly promise us.

Unfortunately, it’s a lie, one of the biggest ever perpetrated on the American people.
Our middle class is falling further and further behind in comparison to the rest of the world. We keep hearing that America is number one. Well, when it comes to middle-class wealth, we’re number 27.

The most telling comparative measurement is median wealth (per adult). It describes the amount of wealth accumulated by the person precisely in the middle of the wealth distribution — fifty percent of the adult population has more wealth, while fifty percent has less. You can’t get more middle than that.

* Side note: May want to cross Cyprus off the above list…


Full article here.

Gosh, I wonder how many of the most socialist countries in the world line up with the list of most prosperous countries in the world?

Not many blacks in those countries.

Care to show how the black countries fare?
Well this thread confirms that that far left is rooting for the failure of America..

Yep, they are so dumb to want a President who can just do what he want's whether it's lawful or not and walks over the people and their Representation in their own government

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