Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Then show us the 'fake ballots'. You know, the ones that your conspiracy requires by the millions, but you haven't been able to produce.

Remember, not a single state decertified. Not one. Not ever.
I never said they did. I said they wanted to. In WI. it was stopped by the RINO in charge of the state house of representatives. The same in AZ.
Cannot have what the state governments are hiding with the help of activist judges, can you?
So you formed this elaborate fantasy about fake ballots with zero evidence of fake ballots.

Thank you for admitting your con, you sleazy grifter.
I never said they did. I said they wanted to. In WI. it was stopped by the RINO in charge of the state house of representatives. The same in AZ.

No State voted to decertifiy. Not one. Not State has ever decertified. Not one.

Your claims that the States 'wanted' to decertify is just another hapless, empty lie from yet another hapless empty Big Liar.
Well, you will never prove they are lies either. The information that would prove that was never seen. No forensic audits, no transparency, and no cooperation from authorities, just threats. The election was stolen. Again it was obvious.
Only obvious in your demented mind. Plus millions of others, all demented as well.
If you are so positive about your evidence, why has trump, Jordan, Graham, MTG, bono, any of them seen the evidence you have?
Just produce it!
I have made up nothing. Remember 3 states wanted to decertify. They did not do that without enough evidence.
No. REPUBLICAN TRUMPHUMPERS wanted to break the laws of their states to recertify!
They had NO evidence. Just lies. Like you.
Only obvious in your demented mind. Plus millions of others, all demented as well.
If you are so positive about your evidence, why has trump, Jordan, Graham, MTG, bono, any of them seen the evidence you have?
Just produce it!
The RINOs like Graham are in on it. Why do you think Congress voted not to investigate?
How is challenging an election illegal in anyway?
It's not. But when the challenge is proven to be wrong, with recounts, audits, etc, then you've lost!
Like Kari Lake. She has lost every recount, audit, and court cases because she does not have any proof of her claims! Same with trump! And you say the court didn't hear the proof? Show us what proof was presented! In a majority of trumps court cases, RudyG admitted he had theories, but no proof! If a judge can't see "your" proof, the case gets tossed!
Now, show us, and the courts, your proof!
Or cry.
It's not. But when the challenge is proven to be wrong, with recounts, audits, etc, then you've lost!
Like Kari Lake. She has lost every recount, audit, and court cases because she does not have any proof of her claims! Same with trump! And you say the court didn't hear the proof? Show us what proof was presented! In a majority of trumps court cases, RudyG admitted he had theories, but no proof! If a judge can't see "your" proof, the case gets tossed!
Now, show us, and the courts, your proof!
Or cry.
Now the proof has changed from a courtroom to state audits? Dominion ran the audits in AZ. and GA. with the approval of election officials. As far as I know Rudy's theories they were never investigated. He did not say there was not proof he just did not have it yet.
Now the proof has changed from a courtroom to state audits? Dominion ran the audits in AZ. and GA. with the approval of election officials. As far as I know Rudy's theories they were never investigated. He did not say there was not proof he just did not have it yet.

As far as I know, Rudy's theories were never proven.

And yet in the abscence of evidence, you spewed a delusional conspiracy to con people into giving Trump money.
The forged election documents, the fraud, the threats against election workers and officials and the attempt to obstruct the an official voting proceeding is all definitely illegal.
Those are completely legal without alternative electors you cannot challenge the electors. That was the whole point of it. It is in the Constitution. You are being lied to.
Those are completely legal without alternative electors you cannot challenge the electors. That was the whole point of it. It is in the Constitution. You are being lied to.

Forged election documents are not completely legal. Fraud is not completely legal. Obstruction of an official proceeding is not completely legal. Threatening election officials and election workers is not completely legal.

As the indictments demonstrate elegantly.
Those are completely legal without alternative electors you cannot challenge the electors. That was the whole point of it. It is in the Constitution. You are being lied to.

Bullshit. There is no such requirement to challenge electors. The only requirement is that at least one member from each chamber formally submits a challenge.
No it won't because it's another one of your lies. I'd hate to think you lie in real life so work....socially. I'd hate to think that, but wouldn't be surprised if your entire existance is built on lies.
:shutupsmiley: troll. Your bullshit is a fantasy.
Now the proof has changed from a courtroom to state audits? Dominion ran the audits in AZ. and GA. with the approval of election officials. As far as I know Rudy's theories they were never investigated. He did not say there was not proof he just did not have it yet.
You should show up at the Ad & Ga Sec of States offices with you evidence, Mr Pillow Man Jr.
They went with the evidence they had. Why weren't you there, proving them wrong? Because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE! You just have the lies that the lying liars feed you! And you believe! But you are WRONG!
Tell us where you got your evidence. Not videos. Statements of supposed proof. And the authors of those statements. That's how you can prove to the board you have the evidence. You can't.
Now cry more.

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