Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Then PROVE the lies in Ga. You will call them lies until you die, but YOU will never be able to prove they are lies. Your mental capacity is to repeat the lies YOUR LEADERS, no one else's leaders, yours, tell you. And you gobble them up, spew them out, all at the call of YOUR LYING LEADERS!
Now cry.
The best possible outcome is for Leastmender to send even more money to his orange sexual abuser god.
Then PROVE the lies in Ga. You will call them lies until you die, but YOU will never be able to prove they are lies. Your mental capacity is to repeat the lies YOUR LEADERS, no one else's leaders, yours, tell you. And you gobble them up, spew them out, all at the call of YOUR LYING LEADERS!
Now cry.
Well, you will never prove they are lies either. The information that would prove that was never seen. No forensic audits, no transparency, and no cooperation from authorities, just threats. The election was stolen. Again it was obvious.
The best possible outcome is for Leastmender to send even more money to his orange sexual abuser god.
I sent Trump $20.00 quite awhile ago. That is it. You have no idea what I do with my money. Dumbass troll.
No one has been put in jail for SAYING they don't agree that the election was fair. If that were true (and it's just another one of your LIES), you and a lot of MAGAt posters would be in jail right now.
The J6 people were jailed. They did not agree with the results.
Well, you will never prove they are lies either. The information that would prove that was never seen. No forensic audits, no transparency, and no cooperation from authorities, just threats. The election was stolen. Again it was obvious.

So you openly admit that you've made up this entire conspiracy grift.....without evidence to support it.

And like conspiracy theorists everywhere, demand we prove your lies wrong. Since you've never been able to prove your lies right.

Yeah, I'll stick with the actual election results, conman.
They're in jail for illegally entering the Capitol, delaying the certification, or assaulting police.

Nome of them are in jail for disagreeing with the results of the election.
Is that why they were there?
So you openly admit that you've made up this entire conspiracy grift.....without evidence to support it.

And like conspiracy theorists everywhere, demand we prove your lies wrong. Since you've never been able to prove your lies right.

Yeah, I'll stick with the actual election results, conman.
I have made up nothing. Remember 3 states wanted to decertify. They did not do that without enough evidence.
The FBI set them up. That will be proven.

And by 'proven', you mean imagined. Remember, your fantasies aren't proof, grifter.

Your ilk violently attacked the capitol in an attempt to overthrow a lawful election.
I have made up nothing. Remember 3 states wanted to decertify. They did not do that without enough evidence.

Then show us the 'fake ballots'. You know, the ones that your conspiracy requires by the millions, but you haven't been able to produce.

Remember, not a single state decertified. Not one. Not ever.
Then show us the 'fake ballots'. You know, the ones that your conspiracy requires by the millions, but you haven't been able to produce.

Remember, not a single state decertified. Not one. Not ever.
They will not let the ballots be examined by independent groups claiming fraud. Why do you think that is? The same with forensic audits no state would let them do it. Why do you think that is? If the election was fair why hide anything?
They will not let the ballots be examined by independent groups claiming fraud. Why do you think that is? The same with forensic audits no state would let them do it. Why do you think that is? If the election was fair why hide anything?

So you don't have the fake ballots. Thank you for proving my point that you started your delusional con without evidence. And just assumed it
The FBI set them up. That will be proven.

So you don't have the fake ballots. Thank you for proving my point that you started your delusional con without evidence. And just assumed it
Cannot have what the state governments are hiding with the help of activist judges, can you?

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