Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

It's not. But when the challenge is proven to be wrong, with recounts, audits, etc, then you've lost!
Like Kari Lake. She has lost every recount, audit, and court cases because she does not have any proof of her claims! Same with trump! And you say the court didn't hear the proof? Show us what proof was presented! In a majority of trumps court cases, RudyG admitted he had theories, but no proof! If a judge can't see "your" proof, the case gets tossed!
Now, show us, and the courts, your proof!
Or cry.

Show us how many envelope Sig scans were blank? Straight line? scribble? translation: no real Audit was done. Show us the system logs for who deleted the files when and why. Were they put back? when?

A bank audit goes down to the last quarter in the drawer. They don't let some DEMwitted loon us. We checked that.
Bullshit. There is no such requirement to challenge electors. The only requirement is that at least one member from each chamber formally submits a challenge.
I posted a video of Glen Beck proving what I said. They had to pick the electors before Dec. 14th.
Start listening at six minutes.

The evidence in the indictments say otherwise.

There's a reason why your ilk refuse to discuss the massive trove of evidence against Trump. The documents seized, the recordings where he admits that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified, his own lawyer testifying against Trump that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold the docs, the recanted grand jury testimony, the text messages laying out the plan to hide the documents from authorities, the paper trail of Trump's team trying to create forged and fraudulent election documents, Trump's attempt to halt an official election proceeding.

And those are just the highlights.

If the evidence was weak, your ilk would be all over it. Instead, you refuse to discuss it. Demonstrating elegantly that even YOU know that the charges were justified.
Start listening at six minutes.

He's just a liar. You're deranged for listening to him.

He's talking about picking electors. That is not the crime Trump is charged with. He's charged with conspiring to send fake electors to Congress to be counted instead of legit Biden electors.

And he's lying when he claims they were sent just in case there was a challenge. That's a lie. 2 of the 7 states who pulled this stunt did state that in their certificate. They will likely not face charges. But the other 5 made no such disclaimer. They're fucked. One state has already indicted 16 people involved with those fake electors.
The evidence in the indictments say otherwise.

There's a reason why your ilk refuse to discuss the massive trove of evidence against Trump. The documents seized, the recordings where he admits that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified, his own lawyer testifying against Trump that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities and withhold the docs, the recanted grand jury testimony, the text messages laying out the plan to hide the documents from authorities, the paper trail of Trump's team trying to create forged and fraudulent election documents, Trump's attempt to halt an official election proceeding.

And those are just the highlights.

If the evidence was weak, your ilk would be all over it. Instead, you refuse to discuss it. Demonstrating elegantly that even YOU know that the charges were justified.
The massive trove of evidence for doing something that is not a crime. It is legal theory not the laws being applied as the way they should be. They have invented a crime.
The massive trove of evidence for doing something that is not a crime. It is legal theory not the laws being applied as the way they should be. They have invented a crime.

Something that is not a crime....says who? Destroying evidence is not a crime? Willfully retaining defense documents is not a crime? Obstructing justice is not a crime? Fraud is not a crime?

Because the grand juries say they are.
Something that is not a crime....says who? Destroying evidence is not a crime? Willfully retaining defense documents is not a crime? Obstructing justice is not a crime? Fraud is not a crime?

Because the grand juries say they are.
Ask Killary.
I'm asking you. And clearly you don't have the slightest clue.

Which might explain why I'll go with the law, the prosecutors and the grand jury over you citing your imagination, conman.
That is abuse of the law you are going with. You are a traitor.
That is abuse of the law you are going with. You are a traitor.

An abuse of the law says a conman shilling one of the largest grifts in political history.

You stand with the guy that called for the constitution to be terminated. I'll stand with due process, thank you.

As would any patriot.
An abuse of the law says a conman shilling one of the largest grifts in political history.

You stand with the guy that called for the constitution to be terminated. I'll stand with due process, thank you.

As would any patriot.
Trump did not get due process. This is a legal joke.
Trump did not get due process. This is a legal joke.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're a conman and a liar.

You despise the courts because every single time your dipshit Big Lie con has faced a court room, its been laughed out of it. Your ilk HATE the courts.

Its where your cons go to die.

I'll stick with due process, grifter.
Says you, citing yourself. And you're a conman and a liar.

You despise the courts because every single time your dipshit Big Lie con has faced a court room, its been laughed out of it. Your ilk HATE the courts.

Its where your cons go to die.

I'll stick with due process, grifter.
Who am I conning? I am saying the election was stolen. That is not conning anyone you SOB. Deal with it and do not call me names when you support the absolute shit going on.
Show us how many envelope Sig scans were blank? Straight line? scribble? translation: no real Audit was done. Show us the system logs for who deleted the files when and why. Were they put back? when?

A bank audit goes down to the last quarter in the drawer. They don't let some DEMwitted loon us. We checked that.
Who is we? Write up your petition. Send it to the Sec of State that you are questioning his ability to run a free, fair election. Maybe he will get you your answers.
As for me, fuck your homework assignment! 😎
Start listening at six minutes.

Glenn Beck is such a huge, bigly, enormous liar that fox news fired his ass! Just another of the liars you follow!
Who am I conning? I am saying the election was stolen. That is not conning anyone you SOB. Deal with it and do not call me names when you support the absolute shit going on.

The guillable MAGA rubes who believe the Big Lie that Trump is shilling. And that you're still lying about.

You're a liar, Last. And your lies just don't hold up in court.

Which is why your ilk have lost every single case you've ever put before them.

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