Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

7 states picked alternative electors because they thought there was massive fraud. A fact you cannot change. Next.

Evidence was produced but never heard by our corrupt judges.
No they did not. Your cllaim is a fallacy not a fact

Evidence was never produced.
No they did not. Your cllaim is a fallacy not a fact

Evidence was never produced.
They sure did, you dumbfuck. Enough evidence was produced for them to do that. You are wrong or a liar. Let's go with both.

The entire world knows the election was stolen. The corrupt dems didn't even try and HIDE IT. Millions of people watched LIVE on TV as votes were TAKEN from Trump and GIVEN to Biden. We watched as republican observers were KICKED OUT of ballot counting stations. We watched as corrupt democrats COVERED WINDOWS so no one could see them CHEATING. We watched on video as corrupt democrats counted ballots secretly pulled from under tables and such and counted MULTIPLE TIMES for Biden, and we ALL know that Dominion vote and tabulation machines were FLIPPING, FRACTIONALIZING and DELETING votes for Trump, along with REJECTING Trump ballots so corrupt democrats could AJUDICATE Trump votes for BIDEN. This ALL HAPPENED. We KNOW it happened, and the HARD CORE, IRREFUTABLE PROOF of it is COMING. There is a SHIT STORM BREWING.
Time to change your diaper. Try a new bedtime story before your nap. This one is getting old and you seem to be taking it way too seriously. Try Peter Pan
Duly elected my ass. That lie has failed and no one is giving up until fraud is proven. Although that fraud would be obvious to any intelligent 3 year old.
If it was obvious then you could easily prove it in court. You haven’t because you can’t. You are really bad at this game.
If it was obvious then you could easily prove it in court. You haven’t because you can’t. You are really bad at this game.
For the millionth time, there were no evidentiary hearings. You cannot file for a hearing like that without evidence. The courts refused to hear the evidence. They knew if they did fraud would be proven.

You keep saying things that just are not true. It makes you stupid and a liar.
For the millionth time, there were no evidentiary hearings. You cannot file for a hearing like that without evidence. The courts refused to hear the evidence. They knew if they did fraud would be proven.

You keep saying things that just are not true. It makes you stupid and a liar.
I don't believe you. You are trying to say that Judges appointed by Trump including the SCOTUS didn't want to hear evidence because they new fraud would be proven. Can you see the level of Retard that argument rises too. Cases didn't move forward because nobody could present a valid case to move forward with. They were just out in public spewing conspiracies that people like you ate up but in court they presented a different story and were laughed out.

You people are pathetic. Im sorry but thats a fact.
I don't believe you. You are trying to say that Judges appointed by Trump including the SCOTUS didn't want to hear evidence because they new fraud would be proven. Can you see the level of Retard that argument rises too. Cases didn't move forward because nobody could present a valid case to move forward with. They were just out in public spewing conspiracies that people like you ate up but in court they presented a different story and were laughed out.

You people are pathetic. Im sorry but thats a fact.
Who cares what you believe? Trump picked from the Swamp. You do not get the best from any corrupt system. You cannot prove a thing you say because it is told to you by liars and all you have is their word for it. Their word means shit. That is a fact.
Who cares what you believe? Trump picked from the Swamp. You do not get the best from any corrupt system. You cannot prove a thing you say because it is told to you by liars and all you have is their word for it. Their word means shit. That is a fact.
Haha, I call it like I see it, like it actually is. You call it like you want it like how it is told to you in conspiracy world. A Trump appointed judge doesn't see fraud in a BS case that was presented to them... The Judge must be a swamp creature and is corrupt. Thats not even close to convincing. Grow up
Haha, I call it like I see it, like it actually is. You call it like you want it like how it is told to you in conspiracy world. A Trump appointed judge doesn't see fraud in a BS case that was presented to them... The Judge must be a swamp creature and is corrupt. Thats not even close to convincing. Grow up
You call what others have called. Again, you believe criminals and liars. There word means SHIT. The election was stolen.
You call what others have called. Again, you believe criminals and liars. There word means SHIT. The election was stolen.
If I'm calling what other are calling it is because we are looking at the same thing. Your word is shit and your narrative is unproven and unconvincing. You sound like a fool
If I'm calling what other are calling it is because we are looking at the same thing. Your word is shit and your narrative is unproven and unconvincing. You sound like a fool
Your narrative is not proven either. You are saying you can prove there was no fraud? Go right ahead.
Biden is illegitimate. That is a problem, and you are just part of that problem. Enjoy your day, too.

They sure did, you dumbfuck. Enough evidence was produced for them to do that. You are wrong or a liar. Let's go with both.

No they did not

You are the one who is lying and that is proven fact.

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