Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Nothing is going to happen.

If you believe otherwise, then you’re just plain naive.

Who asked you? Your opinion is worthless. But I am tired of hearing "breaking news," first Rudi and others getting up on stage making big announcements to all fall flat, then the pillow guy having all these big "meetings" only for nothing to follow, and now audits in a few places which drag on for months and months with no seeming resolution, all the while being lied to by the media telling me it was all baseless and debunked---- mere DAYS after the election long before all of the claims were even known much less had any gone to court or investigation.

And of course YOU now telling everyone there is nothing to see when you can't possibly really KNOW that, and of course, never present anything here as basis and grounds for your conclusions.
You’re just upset that the “explosion” never happened.

Disappointed is a better way to describe it. Not just with the non explosion, but stupid people like you that listen to and believe proven liars while the country is being destroyed.
It’s called a message board.

If you don’t like me responding then that’s your problem, not mine.

Oh I love your responding, I only wish you actually had something to say occasionally except how everyone but YOU is wrong, and never with a shred of a reason why you are right.

And oh, since it IS a message board, maybe you should stop attacking other people's messages telling them how stupid or naive everyone but YOU are!
And oh, since it IS a message board, maybe you should stop attacking other people's messages telling them how stupid or naive everyone but YOU are!

No thanks. :)

I think it’s funny that people are stupid enough to believe that Trump will be reinstated.
The reasons that convince a gullible moron don’t really matter either.

Then, there is no discussing anything WITH you and you are unwilling/unable to debate much less prove anything you say is right or wrong much less anyone else. You just TROLL others. End of discussion. No point reading or replying to you any more and I'll just relegate you as one more rabble to be put on IGNORE. I'll refer you to flacaltenn who wants this to be a DISCUSSION board, maybe he can deal with you, while crying that no one can ever HAVE a real discussion here with the likes of you, who, of course, can't be bothered to discuss much less support anything you say or claim with "gullible morons."
No thanks. :)

I think it’s funny that people are stupid enough to believe that Trump will be reinstated.
Who said anything about reinstatement? The trolls have posted those stories. Those are to mock and ridicule Trump supporters for what very few believe. All narrative and not fact based.
No, it’s a lie.

President Biden was lawfully, Constitutionally elected president in a fair, honest, accurate election.
The Constitution says we can challenge that election. The challenges were ignored and ridiculed. There is no better way to strengthen a democracy than to let it work. The Constitution says the people that did this are traitors.
The Constitution says we can challenge that election. The challenges were ignored and ridiculed. There is no better way to strengthen a democracy than to let it work. The Constitution says the people that did this are traitors.

Let's face it, if it is just a few chads, then it only takes 30 days and 300 lawyers.

But if it is a matter of challenging essentially the WHOLE election, including numerous states and major cities, right down to the very machines and software used, the company and even whether or not they are connected to the web (anyone ever get an answer on that?), our elections are a JOKE.

There is a list as long as my arm of overwhelmingly irredeemable questions needing resolved that scream FOUL. Everyone here has seen them. There simply is no time to even begin to pursue all that in the narrow window of litigation time our election deadlines permit.

Which is why we must fix our election system along the lines of what the Carter-Baker Commission recommended in 2005, NONE of which was ever followed up on and adopted, obviously, because those that RUN the elections don't want to give up their corrupt control of them.
Great! Now share with us the proof of how you KNOW that. And as the party of SCIENCE, you know the difference between opinion, conjecture, belief and FACT, right?
Because EVERY state canvassed their ballots and lawfully certified their results; while at the same time, EVERY case of fraud that went to court, lost.
The Constitution says we can challenge that election. The challenges were ignored and ridiculed. There is no better way to strengthen a democracy than to let it work. The Constitution says the people that did this are traitors.
Up until Congress certifies the election, which happened on January 7th, 2021.

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