Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for being educated and informed.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations estimates that about a quarter of Venezuelans are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to an internal U.N. report seen by Reuters on Thursday that paints a dire picture of millions of people lacking food and basic services.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires socialism.

Venezuelans facing 'unprecedented challenges,' many need aid - internal U.N. report | Reuters
Copy and paste this Abner Shlemblebock.

The propaganda here is hilarious. I can’t believe you fell for this. :lmao:

Psst....stupid....ask yourself one thing. If Central America is so unlivable due to the United States, why are these asshats trekking all the way through Mexico to come here? Why not stop at the southern Mexican border and request asylum in Mexico? For one thing, they speak the same language so getting a job and assimilating will be exponentially easier. Second, why come to an “evi” nation responsible for destroying your nation, to the point that it drove you out?

Thinking for yourself isn’t your strong point, is it sparky?

You’re suddenly awfully quiet, Angelo. :laugh:
The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for being educated and informed.
“The economy of Venezuela has collapsed as a result of gross socialist mismanagement,” writes Richard Rahn, one of America’s most brilliant economists.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires the failed ideology of socialism.

Why Socialism Fails Wherever It's Tried
Yes; Government "owns the means of production regarding public policies".
That's what I though.

You don't even know what the means of production is.

Here. Read this and understand it before you argue this topic again:

the definition of means of production

AFL-CIO’s Twitter account appears to endorse a workers’ revolution: Tweet From Country’s Largest Labor Org Encourages Workers to ‘Seize the Means of Production.’
Yes; Government "owns the means of production regarding public policies".
That's what I though.

You don't even know what the means of production is.

Here. Read this and understand it before you argue this topic again:

the definition of means of production

AFL-CIO’s Twitter account appears to endorse a workers’ revolution: Tweet From Country’s Largest Labor Org Encourages Workers to ‘Seize the Means of Production.’
Communism the government owns business and industry. Socialism as defined in the modern world not dupe world meanss community regulates business and industry, like we do. All we need is a good safety net to be socialist, although a crummy ripped off GOP version.
The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for being educated and informed.
“The economy of Venezuela has collapsed as a result of gross socialist mismanagement,” writes Richard Rahn, one of America’s most brilliant economists.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires the failed ideology of socialism.

Why Socialism Fails Wherever It's Tried
The fact that the GOP has put so many sanctions on they can't even sell their oil anymore might have something to do with it LOL, super duper. Venezuela has always failed LOL including the American run oligarch screw the poor version....
Yes; Government "owns the means of production regarding public policies".
That's what I though.

You don't even know what the means of production is.

Here. Read this and understand it before you argue this topic again:

the definition of means of production

AFL-CIO’s Twitter account appears to endorse a workers’ revolution: Tweet From Country’s Largest Labor Org Encourages Workers to ‘Seize the Means of Production.’
/——/ Why? President Trump isn’t improving the economy fast enough for them? Are their taxes too high?
Yes; Government "owns the means of production regarding public policies".
That's what I though.

You don't even know what the means of production is.

Here. Read this and understand it before you argue this topic again:

the definition of means of production

AFL-CIO’s Twitter account appears to endorse a workers’ revolution: Tweet From Country’s Largest Labor Org Encourages Workers to ‘Seize the Means of Production.’
Communism the government owns business and industry. Socialism as defined in the modern world not dupe world meanss community regulates business and industry, like we do. All we need is a good safety net to be socialist, although a crummy ripped off GOP version.
That's called a welfare state, shit for brains.
The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for being educated and informed.
“The economy of Venezuela has collapsed as a result of gross socialist mismanagement,” writes Richard Rahn, one of America’s most brilliant economists.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires the failed ideology of socialism.

Why Socialism Fails Wherever It's Tried
The fact that the GOP has put so many sanctions on they can't even sell their oil anymore might have something to do with it LOL, super duper. Venezuela has always failed LOL including the American run oligarch screw the poor version....
Venezuela is free to sell its oil in the US, dumbass. The problem it has is that the price is way down, and its production rate is way down.
The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for being educated and informed.
“The economy of Venezuela has collapsed as a result of gross socialist mismanagement,” writes Richard Rahn, one of America’s most brilliant economists.
Only the ignorant parasite class desires the failed ideology of socialism.

Why Socialism Fails Wherever It's Tried
The fact that the GOP has put so many sanctions on they can't even sell their oil anymore might have something to do with it LOL, super duper. Venezuela has always failed LOL including the American run oligarch screw the poor version....
Venezuela is free to sell its oil in the US, dumbass. The problem it has is that the price is way down, and its production rate is way down.
Not after April 28th.
Venezuela is free to sell its oil in the US, dumbass. .
That's a lie. American companies in Venezuela are selling oil here, the rest are under sanctions.
AS of the end of January the state-owned oil company can no longer sell oil to U.S. companies.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.

In February 2007 Chavez announced a new law-decree to nationalize the last remaining oil production sites that are under foreign company control, to take effect on 1 May, allowing the foreign companies to negotiate the nationalization terms. Under the new regulations, the earlier joint ventures, involving ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, Statoil, ConocoPhillips, and BP, were transformed give PDVSA a minimum 60 percent stake. The process completed a government initiative begun in 2005, when the Chavez administration transformed earlier “operating agreements” in Venezuela’s older oil fields into joint ventures with a wide variety of foreign companies. Thirty out of 32 such operating agreements were transformed by the end of 2005 - only two challenged the transition in court, and no guesses as to who the companies were. Most foreign companies accepted the new arrangements, including Chevron, Statoil, Total and BP, but ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips refused.
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