Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

The truth is if all republicans indulging in sexual misconduct were to step down there'd be only 5 or 10 left Why do you think they become congress men? For insider trading and sex
and yet this thread is about a (D) - correct?

and who is on flight records as going to pedo island?

weinstein a republican?

you need to quit doing attacks on "the other side" and attack problems and people. not generic groupings that keep this bullshit going.
weinstein a congressman??

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Lets see if the democrats back his behavior by excuses like the republicans have with Roy Morals...

Just curious..

And also... not that this changes what Franken did but if you look at her Twitter page well here you go


so we can now say "the woman asked for it" by looking sexy? please understand if you ok this for 1 it's ok for all.

that's how we got into this bag of social shit. people kept trying to say it was only OK when they did it because xyz.

Didn't say but she will get slammed for some of her photo's I promise you..

This is what people do to discredit their accusations Iceberg.

fair enough - and i agree. but if we don't allow that for 1 we can't allow it for anyone. selective rage is our social issue these days.

Dude this is what has happened to every single woman calling out sexual assault... BTW...Did you see Hannity giving Beverly a chance to speak on his show? No...

He was protecting Roy while basically calling Beverly a liar..

and who is on flight records as going to pedo island?
Donald Trump is on record as having visited Epstein's estate.
did they go to an island dedicated to underage sex?
You make it sound like that is the only thing which occurred there. That's total bullshit.

That's the same kind of bogus smear bullshit as someone showing a photograph of a celebrity or politician with a person who later turned out to be a predator, with the implication that celebrity or politician was complicit.

It never occurs to the dipshits to find out if there is a photo of someone on THEIR team with the same predator.
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Pictures of Franken groping a woman’s tits. No action photos of Trump. Frankin needs to go. This is unacceptable.
There is audio of Trump bragging about doing it, and the confirming testimony of the women he barged in on, including an underaged girl.

This is far more unacceptable.

going to stern to look for intelligent conversation that doesn't revolve around locker room gutter talk is a pipe dream. that's all his show has ever been about. shock jock and lesbians. did you expect them to talk actual politics? not trying to excuse it but you're going to 1 place where you KNOW this stuff will be said.

He bragged about it. To millions.

And then it was confirmed by the women, including an underaged girl.

Open and shut case.

So they all must go then? This ain’t weird to you at all?
If that Al Franken pic had come out before his squeaker election in 2008, he probably loses. No 60 votes for Senate Democrats. No ACA. Last 10 years would have been very, very, very different.
He shouldn’t be forced to do anything.

He should willingly do it and Tweeden should file a sexual assault report.

Oh you mean like what Roy is doing while the Republicans look for ways to excuse him?


Sure. Why not.

There is a photo of a sitting senator groping a woman’s breasts who is sleeping.

Is that bad? It seems bad to me,

BUT... how do you know this is not Photo shopped.. ? It seems that the Republicans are quick to call this picture a fact..

Dems will attack Tweeden...even though she is clearly telling the truth.

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

By Leeann Tweeden

In December of 2006, I embarked on my ninth USO Tour to entertain our troops, my eighth to the Middle East since the 9/11 attacks. My father served in Vietnam and my then-boyfriend (and now husband, Chris) is a pilot in the Air Force, so bringing a ‘little piece of home’ to servicemembers stationed far away from their families was both my passion and my privilege.

Also on the trip were country music artists Darryl Worley, Mark Wills, Keni Thomas, and some cheerleaders from the Dallas Cowboys. The headliner was comedian and now-senator, Al Franken.

Franken had written some skits for the show and brought props and costumes to go along with them. Like many USO shows before and since, the skits were full of sexual innuendo geared toward a young, male audience.

As a TV host and sports broadcaster, as well as a model familiar to the audience from the covers of FHM, Maxim and Playboy, I was only expecting to emcee and introduce the acts, but Franken said he had written a part for me that he thought would be funny, and I agreed to play along.

When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated.

Not long after, I performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips.

No one saw what happened backstage. I didn’t tell the Sergeant Major of the Army, who was the sponsor of the tour. I didn’t tell our USO rep what happened.

At the time I didn’t want to cause trouble. We were in the middle of a war zone, it was the first show of our Holiday tour, I was a professional, and I could take care of myself. I told a few of the others on the tour what Franken had done and they knew how I felt about it.

I tried to let it go, but I was angry.

Other than our dialogue on stage, I never had a voluntary conversation with Al Franken again. I avoided him as much as possible and made sure I was never alone with him again for the rest of the tour.

Franken repaid me with petty insults, including drawing devil horns on at least one of the headshots I was autographing for the troops.

But he didn’t stop there.

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
He shouldn’t be forced to do anything.

He should willingly do it and Tweeden should file a sexual assault report.

Oh you mean like what Roy is doing while the Republicans look for ways to excuse him?


Sure. Why not.

There is a photo of a sitting senator groping a woman’s breasts who is sleeping.

Is that bad? It seems bad to me,

BUT... how do you know this is not Photo shopped.. ? It seems that the Republicans are quick to call this picture a fact..

He's admitted it. Said he shouldn't have done it.
and who is on flight records as going to pedo island?
Donald Trump is on record as having visited Epstein's estate.

7 Things You Need To Know About Trump And Sex Slave Island

So they all must step down then? And what about judges? Them as well?
There is plenty of sleaze in the swamp. From Trump on down.

Like I said earlier. We need a thorough scrubbing. From top to bottom, from the Left to the Right.

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