NFL considers 15 yard penalty for anthem kneeling

We should all express our patriotism by silencing dissent and protest. Got it.

Absolutely right. Because nothing says "Freedom" like dictating that everybody has to adopt a particular body posture (and of course "children--- no talking") under pain of deportation or worse, so they can all sing the magic song about a "land of the free" --- or else.

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of forced - PC
Of thee I sing
Land where we don't abide
Sumbitches who won't be tied
To behavior we prescribe
Let Freedom Sting!

Best post of the thread!!!!
basically, plain and simple:
1.they are protesting on the employers' time [ the employers are paying their salaries and for the TV time- [Millions$$$$$] --not the players it is PERFECTLY ''right'' for the employers to say what is allowed or would you like it if you paid Millions $$$ for air time for your employees and someone gave the heil hitler salute/wore nazi shirts/etc? flew a confederate flag?


This national anthem crapola isn't even ON TV. Until this fake posturing shit was made into a fake story, NFL TV watchers weren't even aware there IS a national anthem played at a football game.

Obviously you don't even watch football, or you would have already known that. Which makes you a hypocrite, parroting scripted whines on command about an event you've never seen, just because you're told to parrot that scripted whining and don't have the balls to figure out why you're being set up to do that. Busted.

I never watch football, because I dont' care about football.

I do care about anti-American assholes disrespecting America and complaining when American disrespects them back.


Didn't say it is, Shitferbrains. Maybe if you learned how to fucking READ you could have figured out that (a) that post wasn't addressed to you, and (b) nor was it addressed to the pathetic strawman you just tried to set up because you're a moron.

I just got done saying the fact that the your co-moron is rambilng on and on and on about what he thinks is on TV, yet is not on TV, demonstrates that he has no firsthand knowledge of what's going on, ergo has no skin in the game, and is just parroting what he's told to parrot without bothering to know what he's talking about, which makes *HIM* a hypocrite.

Does that make YOU a hypocrite? No, it makes you a retard who can't follow a simple post.

The fact that you fucked up the entire rest of the post quotes not only reaffirms that but kills any specious points you would have tried to make in further making your case for abject moronity, so I didn't bother.

Go learn how to read.
Absolutely right. Because nothing says "Freedom" like dictating that everybody has to adopt a particular body posture (and of course "children--- no talking") under pain of deportation or worse, so they can all sing the magic song about a "land of the free" --- or else.

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of forced - PC
Of thee I sing
Land where we don't abide
Sumbitches who won't be tied
To behavior we prescribe
Let Freedom Sting!

Best post of the thread!!!!
basically, plain and simple:
1.they are protesting on the employers' time [ the employers are paying their salaries and for the TV time- [Millions$$$$$] --not the players it is PERFECTLY ''right'' for the employers to say what is allowed or would you like it if you paid Millions $$$ for air time for your employees and someone gave the heil hitler salute/wore nazi shirts/etc? flew a confederate flag?


This national anthem crapola isn't even ON TV. Until this fake posturing shit was made into a fake story, NFL TV watchers weren't even aware there IS a national anthem played at a football game.

Obviously you don't even watch football, or you would have already known that. Which makes you a hypocrite, parroting scripted whines on command about an event you've never seen, just because you're told to parrot that scripted whining and don't have the balls to figure out why you're being set up to do that. Busted.

I never watch football, because I dont' care about football.

I do care about anti-American assholes disrespecting America and complaining when American disrespects them back.


Didn't say it is, Shitferbrains. Maybe if you learned how to fucking READ you could have figured out that (a) that post wasn't addressed to you, and (b) nor was it addressed to the pathetic strawman you just tried to set up because you're a moron.

I just got done saying the fact that the your co-moron is rambilng on and on and on about what he thinks is on TV, yet is not on TV, demonstrates that he has no firsthand knowledge of what's going on, ergo has no skin in the game, and is just parroting what he's told to parrot without bothering to know what he's talking about, which makes *HIM* a hypocrite.

Does that make YOU a hypocrite? No, it makes you a retard who can't follow a simple post.

The fact that you fucked up the entire rest of the post quotes not only reaffirms that but kills any specious points you would have tried to make in further making your case for abject moronity, so I didn't bother.

Go learn how to read.

That's not what a hypocrite is.

Your defense of anti-American pieces of shit is noted and held against you.
The players were trotted out for the national anthem for political reasons. I have no problem with them doing something completely passive to make a point.

Which brings up another point. Nobody paid any attention to the guy kneeling for the first half of the season. Then all the hoopla exploded. Now it is a huge issue, because people ranted and raved about something.
that's just it--you can't make your point when someone else is paying for the air time/salary/etc if the someone else does not want you to ......that's not how it works

Apparently you can. Whathisface knelt for half a season without being noticed. Then his opponents provided him with all the publicity he could handle. He probably wasn't going to be playing any more anyway. He was not that good. But now he is an icon.
you are not thinking of the overall problem--realistically/etc
...when the fans got fed up with it, and started not watching--then the owners had to to reassess what needed to be done took time for the affects of his kneeling to be recognized

I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.
that's just it--you can't make your point when someone else is paying for the air time/salary/etc if the someone else does not want you to ......that's not how it works

Apparently you can. Whathisface knelt for half a season without being noticed. Then his opponents provided him with all the publicity he could handle. He probably wasn't going to be playing any more anyway. He was not that good. But now he is an icon.
you are not thinking of the overall problem--realistically/etc
...when the fans got fed up with it, and started not watching--then the owners had to to reassess what needed to be done took time for the affects of his kneeling to be recognized

I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.
Here is the timeline for Kaep’s kneeling.

All the athletes who joined Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

What I found interesting is that when he wasn’t suited to play, the first two preseason games, no one noticed him and his sitting. The third preseason game he was in uniform and was seated, a PR tweet was sent out, not highlighting Kaep, but the team, however people wanted to know why Kaep was sitting, so it was pretty quick to catch fire.

Thank you. I've been noting this all along. He was simply sitting in silence following his own principles, making no noise about it. Only when some photographer noticed and snapped his picture sitting (nd the photographer by definition of snapping that picture also must have been ignoring the Orders of Almighty State to stand in silence for Almighty Anthem, yet he gets no repercussions) and figure he could milk a fake story out of the gullible, did a fake story get milked out of the gullible.

Ultimately the whole event spoke many more volumes about how easily the sheeple are whipped into an emotional frenzy than it did about football or police brutality.

Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.
Apparently you can. Whathisface knelt for half a season without being noticed. Then his opponents provided him with all the publicity he could handle. He probably wasn't going to be playing any more anyway. He was not that good. But now he is an icon.
you are not thinking of the overall problem--realistically/etc
...when the fans got fed up with it, and started not watching--then the owners had to to reassess what needed to be done took time for the affects of his kneeling to be recognized

I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.

I understand. "It's different when we do it."
Here is the timeline for Kaep’s kneeling.

All the athletes who joined Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

What I found interesting is that when he wasn’t suited to play, the first two preseason games, no one noticed him and his sitting. The third preseason game he was in uniform and was seated, a PR tweet was sent out, not highlighting Kaep, but the team, however people wanted to know why Kaep was sitting, so it was pretty quick to catch fire.

Thank you. I've been noting this all along. He was simply sitting in silence following his own principles, making no noise about it. Only when some photographer noticed and snapped his picture sitting (nd the photographer by definition of snapping that picture also must have been ignoring the Orders of Almighty State to stand in silence for Almighty Anthem, yet he gets no repercussions) and figure he could milk a fake story out of the gullible, did a fake story get milked out of the gullible.

Ultimately the whole event spoke many more volumes about how easily the sheeple are whipped into an emotional frenzy than it did about football or police brutality.

Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.

The Kneelers did more than just not participate.

They actively did the OPPOSITE of what was expected as a sign of respect.

THus, they were actively showing disrespect.

They disrespect me. I disrespect them.

The difference is, that their disrespect is them being assholes, and mine is totally called for.

you are not thinking of the overall problem--realistically/etc
...when the fans got fed up with it, and started not watching--then the owners had to to reassess what needed to be done took time for the affects of his kneeling to be recognized

I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.

I understand. "It's different when we do it."

Your pretense of being too stupid to read, is credible.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

I will get back to you when I find the right pictures.
Absolutely right. Because nothing says "Freedom" like dictating that everybody has to adopt a particular body posture (and of course "children--- no talking") under pain of deportation or worse, so they can all sing the magic song about a "land of the free" --- or else.

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of forced - PC
Of thee I sing
Land where we don't abide
Sumbitches who won't be tied
To behavior we prescribe
Let Freedom Sting!

Best post of the thread!!!!
basically, plain and simple:
1.they are protesting on the employers' time [ the employers are paying their salaries and for the TV time- [Millions$$$$$] --not the players it is PERFECTLY ''right'' for the employers to say what is allowed or would you like it if you paid Millions $$$ for air time for your employees and someone gave the heil hitler salute/wore nazi shirts/etc? flew a confederate flag?


This national anthem crapola isn't even ON TV. Until this fake posturing shit was made into a fake story, NFL TV watchers weren't even aware there IS a national anthem played at a football game.

Obviously you don't even watch football, or you would have already known that. Which makes you a hypocrite, parroting scripted whines on command about an event you've never seen, just because you're told to parrot that scripted whining and don't have the balls to figure out why you're being set up to do that. Busted.

I never watch football, because I dont' care about football.

I do care about anti-American assholes disrespecting America and complaining when American disrespects them back.


Didn't say it is, Shitferbrains. Maybe if you learned how to fucking READ you could have figured out that (a) that post wasn't addressed to you, and (b) nor was it addressed to the pathetic strawman you just tried to set up because you're a moron.

I just got done saying the fact that the your co-moron is rambilng on and on and on about what he thinks is on TV, yet is not on TV, demonstrates that he has no firsthand knowledge of what's going on, ergo has no skin in the game, and is just parroting what he's told to parrot without bothering to know what he's talking about, which makes *HIM* a hypocrite.

Does that make YOU a hypocrite? No, it makes you a retard who can't follow a simple post.

The fact that you fucked up the entire rest of the post quotes not only reaffirms that but kills any specious points you would have tried to make in further making your case for abject moronity, so I didn't bother.

Go learn how to read.
they don't show football on TV???!!!!!!!!!!????? really ?? I must be dreaming it then
NFL considers 15-yard penalty for anthem kneeling
ATLANTA — On Tuesday, NFL owners put three hours aside for a privileged session to speak—amongst themselves and family members—about the most sensitive of topics.

Good I hope they do do it, Football has become one of the American all time pass times, it's just one of those Americana things, Patriot etc.

We should all express our patriotism by silencing dissent and protest. Got it.

Absolutely right. Because nothing says "Freedom" like dictating that everybody has to adopt a particular body posture (and of course "children--- no talking") under pain of deportation or worse, so they can all sing the magic song about a "land of the free" --- or else.

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of forced - PC
Of thee I sing
Land where we don't abide
Sumbitches who won't be tied
To behavior we prescribe
Let Freedom Sting!

Best post of the thread!!!!
basically, plain and simple:
1.they are protesting on the employers' time [ the employers are paying their salaries and for the TV time- [Millions$$$$$] --not the players it is PERFECTLY ''right'' for the employers to say what is allowed or would you like it if you paid Millions $$$ for air time for your employees and someone gave the heil hitler salute/wore nazi shirts/etc? flew a confederate flag?


This national anthem crapola isn't even ON TV. Until this fake posturing shit was made into a fake story, NFL TV watchers weren't even aware there IS a national anthem played at a football game.

Obviously you don't even watch football, or you would have already known that. Which makes you a hypocrite, parroting scripted whines on command about an event you've never seen, just because you're told to parrot that scripted whining and don't have the balls to figure out why you're being set up to do that. Busted.

2. people pay $$$$ for cable/seats/etc to enjoy and watch a game without political/social/protesting

And they do watch exactly that, since neither the anthem nor how it's handled, are part of that telecast (see hypocrisy clause above) and in the case of physically attending the game those patrons paid to see a football game, not to be part of a cattle call for a fucking jingo commercial -- during which those who want to are out either stocking up on beer or recycling the beer they already had, so save your hypocritical breath.

For those watching the game on TV it starts with the kickoff -- a/k/a the actual GAME, which is the whole point of watching -- not the jingo commercial. As it should.

3. it's not like if I or you protested because no one is paying to watch us

Once AGAIN see above.

See also the last 142 times this has already been pointed out before you regurgitated it here expecting different results.

5. as I've stated and proven with links/facts in other threads, there is not a major problem of police brutality against blacks

Let us know when you're black and revisit this. You can't "prove" a subjective analysis. You could undermine their point by, say, proving that such incidents do not exist at all. And rotsa ruck with that one.

There's actually a major problem with police brutality against people.

....on the TV shows MASH/Bionic Woman/Columbo/Wagon Train/etc--the actors just couldn't start kneeling, or talking about political/social problems without the owners/producers consent
that's why they are called ''owners'''

This is about the most bizzaro analogy anybody's tried yet. :cuckoo:

A fucking episode of Wagon Train is in no way anything within smelling distance of resembling an NFL game. But none of those TV shows begin with a fucking jingo commercial either ---- because it would make no sense to do so.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
233 blacks killed by police
the vast majority armed and dangerous,
therefore justified
--NO there is not a problem of police brutality--if you understand 4th grade math or above
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population.

....look at these numbers--the police are doing a great job at NOT shooting blacks who breed criminals at very high rates::
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness

The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites,
please do the math--if you can
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
you are not thinking of the overall problem--realistically/etc
...when the fans got fed up with it, and started not watching--then the owners had to to reassess what needed to be done took time for the affects of his kneeling to be recognized

I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.

I understand. "It's different when we do it."

Zackly. When flaming hypocrites ply their trade, they make sure to do so on multidimensional levels, so that there's no doubt. Having it both ways --- Priceless.
I'm not upset with the owners. They're simply responding to the petty insecurities of the fans. The fans are the "weak link" when it comes to fake patriotism.

:clap2: I hereby pass the crown of "best post of the thread" to this one. EXACTLY. When the emotional mouth-frothing of Mob Mentality shouts down rational thought, somebody has to stand up and state the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes --- regardless how many sheep want to baaa that he does because they're too chickenshit to acknowledge the obvious. In this case the NFL stood up and proudly declared that it wasn't going to be them caught showing a shred of integrity. Which leaves it up to us in the public.

Yep. It's just some old fashioned PCism. Something Republicans hate. Except when they don't.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.

I understand. "It's different when we do it."

Zackly. When flaming hypocrites ply their trade, they make sure to do so on multidimensional levels, so that there's no doubt. Having it both ways --- Priceless.

Not spending money on a sport where the players and the owners insult you every game, is not Political Correctness.

Dumb ass.
Here is the timeline for Kaep’s kneeling.

All the athletes who joined Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

What I found interesting is that when he wasn’t suited to play, the first two preseason games, no one noticed him and his sitting. The third preseason game he was in uniform and was seated, a PR tweet was sent out, not highlighting Kaep, but the team, however people wanted to know why Kaep was sitting, so it was pretty quick to catch fire.

Thank you. I've been noting this all along. He was simply sitting in silence following his own principles, making no noise about it. Only when some photographer noticed and snapped his picture sitting (nd the photographer by definition of snapping that picture also must have been ignoring the Orders of Almighty State to stand in silence for Almighty Anthem, yet he gets no repercussions) and figure he could milk a fake story out of the gullible, did a fake story get milked out of the gullible.

Ultimately the whole event spoke many more volumes about how easily the sheeple are whipped into an emotional frenzy than it did about football or police brutality.

Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.

The Kneelers did more than just not participate.

They actively did the OPPOSITE of what was expected as a sign of respect.

THus, they were actively showing disrespect.

They disrespect me. I disrespect them.

The difference is, that their disrespect is them being assholes, and mine is totally called for.

Here is the timeline for Kaep’s kneeling.

All the athletes who joined Kaepernick’s national anthem protest

What I found interesting is that when he wasn’t suited to play, the first two preseason games, no one noticed him and his sitting. The third preseason game he was in uniform and was seated, a PR tweet was sent out, not highlighting Kaep, but the team, however people wanted to know why Kaep was sitting, so it was pretty quick to catch fire.

Thank you. I've been noting this all along. He was simply sitting in silence following his own principles, making no noise about it. Only when some photographer noticed and snapped his picture sitting (nd the photographer by definition of snapping that picture also must have been ignoring the Orders of Almighty State to stand in silence for Almighty Anthem, yet he gets no repercussions) and figure he could milk a fake story out of the gullible, did a fake story get milked out of the gullible.

Ultimately the whole event spoke many more volumes about how easily the sheeple are whipped into an emotional frenzy than it did about football or police brutality.

Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.

The Kneelers did more than just not participate.

They actively did the OPPOSITE of what was expected as a sign of respect.

THus, they were actively showing disrespect.

They disrespect me. I disrespect them.

The difference is, that their disrespect is them being assholes, and mine is totally called for.


I have no desire for them to be forced to stand. As I have repeatedly stated.

But they are anti-American assholes who have insulted me and mine, and I have nothing but contempt for them.


Your strawman, that I want mandatory flag appreciation, that is all you. I am not responsible for the voices in your head, you bat shit crazy anti-American.
Thank you. I've been noting this all along. He was simply sitting in silence following his own principles, making no noise about it. Only when some photographer noticed and snapped his picture sitting (nd the photographer by definition of snapping that picture also must have been ignoring the Orders of Almighty State to stand in silence for Almighty Anthem, yet he gets no repercussions) and figure he could milk a fake story out of the gullible, did a fake story get milked out of the gullible.

Ultimately the whole event spoke many more volumes about how easily the sheeple are whipped into an emotional frenzy than it did about football or police brutality.

Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.

The Kneelers did more than just not participate.

They actively did the OPPOSITE of what was expected as a sign of respect.

THus, they were actively showing disrespect.

They disrespect me. I disrespect them.

The difference is, that their disrespect is them being assholes, and mine is totally called for.


I have no desire for them to be forced to stand. As I have repeatedly stated.

But they are anti-American assholes who have insulted me and mine, and I have nothing but contempt for them.


Your strawman, that I want mandatory flag appreciation, that is all you. I am not responsible for the voices in your head, you bat shit crazy anti-American.

He has "no desire to force them to stand" but he has the strong desire to FUCK THEM ALL.
---which they can get out of if they do his bidding and stand.

Thanks for uh, clearing that up, Fasci.
Francis Scott Key started this mess. John Philip Sousa started the war mess. George Washington Carver started the peanut butter mess.

All F.S. Key did was write a poem about war. Somebody set it to the music of a British (ironic) folk song about getting drunk and fucking. And somebody else (Herbert Hoover) made it the national anthem, long after Key had turned in his fob. Can't blame him.

We can, however, blame whatever fuckwit thought it would be a good idea to trot out political bullshit into a sporting event just because they had a captive audience.

Interestingly the reason such an irrelevant exercise was trotted out into sports in the first place was to whip up the attending crowd, in the same way that the modern Jumbotron puts up a neon sign of hands clapping and says "MAKE SOME NOISE!", in the same way that the baseball game organist plays "Charge" or whatever, in the same way the morons at Atlanta Braves games start that moronic "tomahawk chop" bullshit (on cue from the organist of course, at his organ again). *ALL* of which, even the moronic Braves wank thing, are directly connected to the action in the actual GAME. Unlike a national anthem.

And yet --- if you went to a Braves game and flatly refused to engage in that prescribed body posture --- the silly "chop" motion ----- nobody's gonna snap your picture and milk a fake 'story' out of you complaining that you're "disrespecting" the home team, or the city, or any other specious bullshit. You'd be *ALLOWED* to not-participate.

And yet when Big Daddy The State dick-tates another body posture for another rah-rah exercise --- one that has absolute zero to do with the actual game ---- out come the sheep to baaa about "fire the sumbitches" and "deport them".

And if the rants of their Orange Shepherd had been simply laughed away as the mockable shit-stirring they are, he would have simply denied he ever said that. Because that's what he does when the shit-stir doesn't take.

FLAMING Hypocrisy.

The Kneelers did more than just not participate.

They actively did the OPPOSITE of what was expected as a sign of respect.

THus, they were actively showing disrespect.

They disrespect me. I disrespect them.

The difference is, that their disrespect is them being assholes, and mine is totally called for.


I have no desire for them to be forced to stand. As I have repeatedly stated.

But they are anti-American assholes who have insulted me and mine, and I have nothing but contempt for them.


Your strawman, that I want mandatory flag appreciation, that is all you. I am not responsible for the voices in your head, you bat shit crazy anti-American.

He has "no desire to force them to stand" but he has the strong desire to FUCK THEM ALL.
---which they can get out of if they do his bidding and stand.

Thanks for uh, clearing that up, Fasci.


They have revealed themselves to be anti-American pieces of shit. I will not forget that, even if they bend to the League and start standing.

My answer to them is still, FUCK THEM ALL.

Your can shove your insult about fasci up your ass.

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