NFL Donated to Group Providing Free Bail to Terrorism Supporters


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Just thought you should be aware of it. I, personally, am not surprised. In the least.

The NFL is a dirtbag organization and has been for years.

The Soros-backed Tides Foundation is bailing out the criminals shutting down our key infrastructure in an effort to strangle the country into compliance with the terror agenda.

And the Democrat Party is actually taking a cut of these bloodstained donations. The Democrat Party's funding platform, ActBlue, is raising money for the "A15 Action and Community Justice Exchange," which is bailing out the terrorists.

And ActBlue takes a piece of each donation.

Police across the United States arrested dozens of "Free Palestine" protesters Monday as part of a "multi-city economic blockade" targeting major airports, highways, and bridges. Those defendants are set to receive free bail money and legal assistance thanks to an online fundraiser hosted by ActBlue, the Democratic Party's primary fundraising platform that earns a cut off of each contribution.
Logical, the National Felon League would
National Filthy Lawyers.

The whole league is run by lawyers. Top to bottom, inside and out. From Goodell on down.

Most of the original owners were mobsters. I figure, everybody deserves a 2nd chance but the NFL has used up all the 2nd chances they're ever gonna get from me.

The real news isn't that the NFL is a bunch of scumbags, it's that the dimocrap scum party is DIRECTLY tied to the Anti-Jewish protests and protesters.

I truly believe that this November is our last chance. We either vote the scumbags out or the greatest experiment in human history dies and fades into nothingness.
I hadn't watched a game, even the super bowl after their BLM nonsense. That was when I finally cashed out.

But the NFL won't stop doing what they do because they make too much money and have too much power because a lot of even diehard Americans still ignore everything the NFL does because to them football is more important than morals and standards.

The cheerleaders could all be trannies and they could all say blacks deserve reparations and support a open border and they would still take in the cash because football is something most Americans refuse to give up.
Kamala the Kakeler donates to paying the bail of criminals also. Enemy democrats pride themselves on their criminal element.
The Free Beacon axed the National Filthy Lawyers for comment. They refused.

They also axed the dimocrap FILTH party. They also refused to comment.

The former Lying Cocksucker In Chief, the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis, aka, the scumbag obama, also has said nothing to date about all the Antisemitic activity taking place on Columbia's Campus. Of which, he is supposedly an Alum (yeah, right :auiqs.jpg: )

NYU just staged an Antisemitic walkout.

All of this shit is not just backed by the dimocrap FILTH party, it is organized and subsidized by them.

These people are truly the scum of the Earth.

And yet, Jews will still vote for dimocrap scum at a minimum 70% rate.

There comes a time, people, when a civilization just simply deserves to die.
If you're not following this on Twitter, you should be.

Watch aggressive "protesters" demand that Jews leave "their space," which is Columbia University's grounds, where the Jews in question are paying a hundred grand a year to attend.

They also demand that spectators observe their self-declared "community guidelines" and not photograph them as they publicly protest in a public space.

Also, pro-Hamas, pro-war leftists chanted "kill another [Jewish] soldier" and "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground."

People, you need to understand something.....

This is totally, completely and absolutely 100% the dimocrap scum party behind this, involved in it and backing it. The reasons behind it are, of course, to benefit the scummiest scumbag piece of FILTH organization in Human History -- The dimocrrap scum party, who will be hurt in Michiganstan if they don't get those dirty Joos under control.

Our resident Gas Chamber tenders and Oven Cleaners in here will try to get this kicked or start a flame war in order to have it moved to the junk yard of the forum, but while it's still here, read it, understand it, believe it.
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It's a good time to be a dimocrap scumbag, isn't it girls??

Anybody heard from the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis? He is, afterall supposedly a Columbia Alumni.
Democrats are funding and committing terrorist acts all over America.

Democrats don't care why they are blocking traffic. They only care about blocking traffic because it is an attack on their enemy, Americans.

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