NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online

Children as young as nine will be given controversial drugs on the NHS to prepare them for sex-swap surgery, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The treatment, which halts the onset of adulthood, is aimed at youngsters who believe they are trapped in the wrong body. But critics accused the clinic offering the puberty- postponing injections of ‘playing God’.

‘I think many people will be horrified at the thought of a nine-year-old being provided with a drug that effectively stops them developing and maturing naturally,’ said Conservative MP Andrew Percy.

Others insisted that undisputed research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who
are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Many turn out to be gay, but no longer feel confused about whether they are male or female.

Read more: NHS to give sex change drugs to nine-year-olds: Clinic accused of 'playing God' with treatment that stops puberty | Mail Online
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Yeah, great stuff. More of those demented scientists altering nature. Oh right, cause a person born as a man is not always "natural."
It is funny seeing "free spirit" nature loving liberals blaming humans for altering nature when it comes to cutting down trees and building dams.

Of course....when it comes to changing the sex of a person....well all of a sudden they are all in support of science.

Demented liberal minds are demented.
It is funny seeing "free spirit" nature loving liberals blaming humans for altering nature when it comes to cutting down trees and building dams.

Of course....when it comes to changing the sex of a person....well all of a sudden they are all in support of science.

Demented liberal minds are demented.
read what the drug is used for, what would you do if your child was suffering .......prey:badgrin:
Precocious puberty Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

I cannot tell, is this jagoff saying sex changes should not be allowed since it is not natural?

I really cannot tell.
Ip freely is a limey Brit. Who cares what he thinks? That country will be taken over by islamists who will lop off his head for wearing a dress.
It is funny seeing "free spirit" nature loving liberals blaming humans for altering nature when it comes to cutting down trees and building dams.

Of course....when it comes to changing the sex of a person....well all of a sudden they are all in support of science.

Demented liberal minds are demented.
read what the drug is used for, what would you do if your child was suffering .......prey:badgrin:
Precocious puberty Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

I cannot tell, is this jagoff saying sex changes should not be allowed since it is not natural?

I really cannot tell.
nah its a simple question, if your child had precocious puberty would you let him/her suffer or put yourself in debt for life and take the child to the Mayo.
Which is it pussy.?
it is if you are an orphan dick head.

Somebody has to pay for it. Or do the doctors, the hospitals and all the other people work pro-bono?

Go fester some other message board you fucking **** troll.
Thank you, do you want to answer the question I asked Theowl you boil shot lickspittle.

The drug is made to prevent puberty in people going into it too early, what is happening here is preventing it from happening to make a POSSIBLE sex change operation later in life easier. So you mess with biology for the chance later of making a sex reassignment surgery slightly easier.

Its stupid and marginally criminal.

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