NHTSA writes law mandating rear view cameras on cars starting 2018

Unless you are driving a unibody Smart Car. Those are stronger than a 69' Nova according to Jarlaxie.

Yer dumb as a terd, boy.

Note: this car is unit-body:
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Jesus how stupid. They'll have KIAs costing 50k with all this crap.

That's the idea. More money for the auto industry. You can bet they paid big bribes to the officials at NHTSA to write this law.
Last but not least, if you ever are hit your risk of injury is considerably less in a big, heavy car than in a smaller, lighter one.

And that's why penalties for moving violations should vary with the listed weight of the vehicle. You driving drunk in your 5000 pound caddy are a much bigger menace than a DUI in a subcompact.
Poor attempt at idiot-proofing. Idiots will still drive like idiots. Death/injury stats won't change much. Herd will continue to get thinned; it'll just up the price for those of us who drive defensively.
Bad idea. I've driven Class B trucks with cameras at the rear. They're actually a real distraction and can cause more problems then they solve. I NEVER used it. If I wasn't sure what was behind the truck I would simply get out and look. Looking at an in-dash TV screen takes the eyes off of the road and the areas surrounding the vehicle.

The vehicle has to be in reverse for the camera to operate. If your eyes are on the road you are looking in the wrong direction.

Wrong. As a Class A (and B) driver since 1985 a professional driver keeps his eyes moving all the time. Front, sides, mirrors, and repeat. When I'm backing I still need to see what's in front of me just in case I have to turn the wheel. The "swing out" from backing can be dangerous to other vehicles. NEVER, NEVER keep your eyes focused on one thing (especially when it's inside the vehicle).
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They say it will cost $140!!! HAHAHA. It will be at least 5 times that
Ahh excellent, your vast experience purchasing and installing rear-view cameras for manufacturers who makes millions of cars comes into play, thanks for giving us the real scoop.
Poor attempt at idiot-proofing. Idiots will still drive like idiots. Death/injury stats won't change much. Herd will continue to get thinned; it'll just up the price for those of us who drive defensively.

Yes indeed. The crooks at NHTSA took big bribes from the auto industry to write this law. If they cared about saving lives, they'd make the industry stop making cars that do 2-3 times the speed limit and make them stop putting internet access and other distracting electronic toys in cars.
Since motor vehicles kill hundreds of times as many as do guns then why in Hell aren't the gun-haters also demanding those killer machines be banned?

It's not hundreds of times as many but it is more, and yes, the gun-grabbers should complain about assault vehicles like they complain about assault guns.

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