NHTSA writes law mandating rear view cameras on cars starting 2018

Being able to see EVERYTHING that's behind you is a distraction?

Too much info can always be a distraction.

Like these bozos driving around with their headlights on in broad daylight. A hundred cars on the road and every one of them screaming HEY! LOOK AT ME!!!!

Not a fan of DRLs in temperate latitudes, obviously.

Again; Being able to see EVERYTHING that's behind you is a distraction?

Uh, no.... but having too many stimuli telling you that can be. Ever heard of TMI?
Anyway, cameras give no depth perception.

I think we affix a lot of technology not because it does anything useful but just because we can.
I have to admit that backup cameras are very cool. Highly recommend them. But all these mandates are retarded because you can't protect everyone from any possible negative outcome. For the most part it's a waste of time and taxes to come up with this crap.
Coming soon" A "full employment" law requiring every moving vehicle to be preceded by a government paid flunky waving a red flag.

You're prolly old enough to know this but there was a law somewhere (Tennessee?) that any car driven by a woman had to be preceded by a man walking ahead warning people waving a flag. Matter o' fact that law may still be on the books.
I do the speed limit in my Suburban, I don't go 80 miles an hour around corners like dumbshits in mini-coopers. I also have a better handling vehicle in the snow and ice than the little mini-cooper that can't handle snow and ice.

The Suburban is easy to handle, easy to maneuver, and rides very nicely.

I have two parents in their mid 80's, three grand children my wife and I, no POS coopie is going to fit my families needs.

You are the selfish asshole trying to impose your BS regs because you can't drive or handle a bigger car.

pfft. Son, I've got at least a million and a half miles in cars and trucks of every description going back to before you were a thought, so bite me. Nor do you know what I do with my MINI (which is a pleasure car, not the practical one), nor do you have one iota of any evidence of any "bullshit regs" I want.

Post them. I give you five minutes.

Which is four minutes and fifty seconds longer than you'd last in a snow driving contest with me, in any car you want. I tell you what, the MINI is a lot better in it than the bigger car I have.

Prove to me I'm not a selfish asshole, you got five minutes, :lol: you neg me because you can dish it but can't take it. :lol: I knew you were a real puss, thanks for proving it to me and everyone else. Now go suck you thumb some more baby.
I have only negged one person in my time here and it wasn't for ripping on me it was for going after someone else. :lmao:

I have never contended you're not a selfish asshole. I can't possibly prove something I don't believe. The way I read it, you just called me a selfish asshole. You want me to prove that?

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I do the speed limit in my Suburban, I don't go 80 miles an hour around corners like dumbshits in mini-coopers. I also have a better handling vehicle in the snow and ice than the little mini-cooper that can't handle snow and ice.

The Suburban is easy to handle, easy to maneuver, and rides very nicely.

I have two parents in their mid 80's, three grand children my wife and I, no POS coopie is going to fit my families needs.

You are the selfish asshole trying to impose your BS regs because you can't drive or handle a bigger car.

pfft. Son, I've got at least a million and a half miles in cars and trucks of every description going back to before you were a thought, so bite me. Nor do you know what I do with my MINI (which is a pleasure car, not the practical one), nor do you have one iota of any evidence of any "bullshit regs" I want.

Post them. I give you five minutes.

Which is four minutes and fifty seconds longer than you'd last in a snow driving contest with me, in any car you want. I tell you what, the MINI is a lot better in it than the bigger car I have.

Yeah, more government intervention, that is what we need.

The fact is, if you want a big car, you have the option to buy one. Your choice.

Much as I hate to admit it, his point is correct -- bigger cars ARE more hazardous. And nothing about his idea of basing violations on weight takes away your choice to be a selfish asshole. That's intact. :thup:

That is the government intervention BS, that you agree with. That like a puss you negged me for.

So you're illiterate. That's your problem.

I said nothing about gummint intervention; I said that his curb weight idea doesn't impinge on your ability to be a selfish asshole. How you get "more gummint intervention" out of that is a question only your shrink can answer. Moving violations already exist. Wacko.
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pfft. Son, I've got at least a million and a half miles in cars and trucks of every description going back to before you were a thought, so bite me. Nor do you know what I do with my MINI (which is a pleasure car, not the practical one), nor do you have one iota of any evidence of any "bullshit regs" I want.

Post them. I give you five minutes.

Which is four minutes and fifty seconds longer than you'd last in a snow driving contest with me, in any car you want. I tell you what, the MINI is a lot better in it than the bigger car I have.

Much as I hate to admit it, his point is correct -- bigger cars ARE more hazardous. And nothing about his idea of basing violations on weight takes away your choice to be a selfish asshole. That's intact. :thup:

That is the government intervention BS, that you agree with. That like a puss you negged me for.

So you're illiterate. That's your problem.

I said nothing about gummint intervention; I said that his curb weight idea doesn't impinge on your ability to be a selfish asshole. How you get "more gummint intervention" out of that is a question only your shrink can answer. Moving violations already exist. Wacko.

Apology accepted. :)

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