NHTSA writes law mandating rear view cameras on cars starting 2018

Since motor vehicles kill hundreds of times as many as do guns then why in Hell aren't the gun-haters also demanding those killer machines be banned?

Stop making so much sense. You might cause someone to get a migraine.

But ... while we're at it, lets ban all doctors since more folks die of medical malpractice than guns -- by a long shot:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q38tAkmJs8]Dead By Mistake - YouTube[/ame]

200,000 Americans die from medical malpractice PER YEAR!

There were 11,078 deaths by firearms in 2010.

FASTSTATS - Homicide

That means that that 188,922 more people die at the hands of healthcare professionals each year than by guns. And now with Obumblecare the law of the land more people will be seeing doctors than ever before which means the malpractice death rate is sure to increase (especially considering the fact that quality care will decrease due to poor equipment and over-burdened hospitals).
Mandating a camera in the car is just trying to fix "stupid" which can't be done. If they really want to lower fatalities lower the speed limit and put more police out there to monitor traffic.
Mandating a camera in the car is just trying to fix "stupid" which can't be done. If they really want to lower fatalities lower the speed limit and put more police out there to monitor traffic.

If they really want to limit fatalities, they'll have to limit births.
Mandating a camera in the car is just trying to fix "stupid" which can't be done. If they really want to lower fatalities lower the speed limit and put more police out there to monitor traffic.

Forty years ago we lowered speed limits to 55 nationwide. It was done to save gas but it also saved 9000 lives a year and billions of dollars. But the auto industry objected of course since fewer crashes mean fewer car sales and it was fazed out over the years.
Since motor vehicles kill hundreds of times as many as do guns then why in Hell aren't the gun-haters also demanding those killer machines be banned?

Still stuck on this? Guess you can't teach an old dog logic he never had...

-- Because the car doesn't kill anybody when used for what it's designed for.
That was easy. What do I win?
Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.

Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.

Rearview cameras --- another in an endless orgy of over-automation: installing automatic technologies not because they improve something, but just because we can. Just more crap to go wrong, pay more for up front and pay more for in repair.

I once rented a car, asked for the $10 economy choice, and as a joke they gave me a Lincoln Town Car. True story. Aside from being completely isolated from the road so I could feel nothing but a vague cloudy mush, this monstrosity actually had a button that would move the accelerator pedal to and fro. In case you didn't feel at the time like bending your right ankle two degrees.

Big Auto is insane.

For safety, I will always drive a big auto. The laws of physics tells us a big vehicle will fare better in an accident than a small vehicle.
Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.

Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.

Rearview cameras --- another in an endless orgy of over-automation: installing automatic technologies not because they improve something, but just because we can. Just more crap to go wrong, pay more for up front and pay more for in repair.

I once rented a car, asked for the $10 economy choice, and as a joke they gave me a Lincoln Town Car. True story. Aside from being completely isolated from the road so I could feel nothing but a vague cloudy mush, this monstrosity actually had a button that would move the accelerator pedal to and fro. In case you didn't feel at the time like bending your right ankle two degrees.

Big Auto is insane.

For safety, I will always drive a big auto. The laws of physics tells us a big vehicle will fare better in an accident than a small vehicle.

That's not "safety" -- that's "mass". Your reasoning assumes an accident will happen. Drive around in a humongous unmaneuverable tuna boat and that assumption will come true. Besides which, all cars regardless of size have to meet crash test standards. You don't survive an impact by being bigger; you survive it by not getting into it in the first place.

Those tests don't measure "safety"; they measure resistance to impact. Safety is measured in terms of handling, cornering, braking and center of gravity.

Besides which, if mass in a collision were the only factor, as we all go to bigger and bigger and bigger vehicles, we're just escalating the collective mass in every incident. So you get a bigger car, then I have to get a bigger car than yours, then you have to get a bigger one than mine, etc etc. That's insane. It also means both of us are progressively sacrificing safety. Bigger means less maneuverable, and less maneuverable means less safe. Take the driving scenes in "The Italian Job" and imagine those maneuvers attempted in an Escalade or a Hummer. I'd give it ten seconds before it's flat on its back, spinning around with wheels flailing in the air, helpless. With the driver trapped.

As I always say, if size meant safety we'd all be driving around in buildings and motorcycles would be illegal. Size is a marketing tool used by Detroit on the gullible. Because it means more profit for them.
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Actually, larger vehicles (on a per-mile basis) are generally safer. I suspect many large vehicles could do every one of those scenes...offhand, a BMW 5-series, a Porsche Cayenne, or a Grand Cherokee SRT8 come to mind.
Actually, larger vehicles (on a per-mile basis) are generally safer. I suspect many large vehicles could do every one of those scenes...offhand, a BMW 5-series, a Porsche Cayenne, or a Grand Cherokee SRT8 come to mind.

I think we had this conversation before. Meet me at my house, you in your Cherokee and me in the MINI. We'll take a spin down Highway 80, the one with all the switchbacks. I'll be waiting for you at the finish line. That is if you don't wipe out along the way.
Sorry, won't risk my license.

But meet me at Laguna Seca, see how long it takes me to lap you.

I don't know the place. Is it curvy? Because it's all about the cornering.
Take your index finger, push it all the way down with your thumb. That kind of switchback is what Highway 80 is made of. I'm lucky it's right down the road. But if I go out there of a Sunday afternoon there's guaranteed to be an inverted bathtub (a/k/a "SUV") oozing along at a tortoise pace.

It's not because they're bad people -- it's because they're driving a death trap.
Actually, larger vehicles (on a per-mile basis) are generally safer. I suspect many large vehicles could do every one of those scenes...offhand, a BMW 5-series, a Porsche Cayenne, or a Grand Cherokee SRT8 come to mind.

I think we had this conversation before. Meet me at my house, you in your Cherokee and me in the MINI. We'll take a spin down Highway 80, the one with all the switchbacks. I'll be waiting for you at the finish line. That is if you don't wipe out along the way.

Arguing with him is pointless Pogo. He just goes round and round.
Sorry, won't risk my license.

But meet me at Laguna Seca, see how long it takes me to lap you.

I don't know the place. Is it curvy? Because it's all about the cornering.
Take your index finger, push it all the way down with your thumb. That kind of switchback is what Highway 80 is made of. I'm lucky it's right down the road. But if I go out there of a Sunday afternoon there's guaranteed to be an inverted bathtub (a/k/a "SUV") oozing along at a tortoise pace.

It's not because they're bad people -- it's because they're driving a death trap.

It's a roadcourse: 11 turns in 2.23 miles.

For safety, I will always drive a big auto. The laws of physics tells us a big vehicle will fare better in an accident than a small vehicle.

Another way of saying that is big cars are more dangerous to other drivers than small cars are. That's why penalties for moving violations should vary with the listed weight of the vehicle.
It's about time!!! My big SUV has one, a $65.00 option, and it's worth every penny.

the key word there is OPTION. It should not be made mandatory.

BTW - no one believes it really cost just $65. If GM is charging that, they're doing it at a loss in the hopes people will choose it and get used to such a feature until they can make it standard.

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