Nielsen was refusing to follow specific orders from her boss.

I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
Dragonlady said, "Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator (sic) wannbe."

Feel better after projecting your bowel movement all over a USMB discussion page? I hope so.

Dragonlady said, "Trump is creating this crisis"
Actually, the crisis is caused by four million unregistered aliens crossing our southern border every year for the past couple of decades and we're out of room.

Peddle your communist propaganda to somebody else. I'm not buying the load you're selling, sweetie.
Can you link to your four million a year number?
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
I seriously doubt that horse shit.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Compost seems to feel that they can keep floating fake news and you Libbys will swallow it every single time.
I think upcoming findings will show the Press at the NYT and WaPo colluded with certain leaders in the DNC who regularly tell them which of their talking points need drummed up (fake) stories that support their daily talking points, and I think they have evidence to back it up. The reason it's against the law is because it is intentional conspiracy against one or more branches of the United States Government. Conspiracy to defraud the American Public based upon the false reports of a sitting president in conjunction with someone like an Adam Schiff is against the law. This particular conspiracy is called treason, a word they threw at President Trump like rapid fire feces.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

That, and I read he also tried to grab her pussy.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

'Fiercer Immigration Agenda, With a Possible Return of Family Separations'


Snowflakes are pissed Trump may restart doing what Barry did....funny.

If we could only convince Democrats that each illegal crossing into the US is like a 'new birth' they will start calling for the legalization of killing illegals coming across the border....

I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
Dragonlady said, "Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator (sic) wannbe."

Feel better after projecting your bowel movement all over a USMB discussion page? I hope so.

Dragonlady said, "Trump is creating this crisis"
Actually, the crisis is caused by four million unregistered aliens crossing our southern border every year for the past couple of decades and we're out of room.

Peddle your communist propaganda to somebody else. I'm not buying the load you're selling, sweetie.
Can you link to your four million a year number?
I read about 16 hours of newslinks yesterday, Mr. Rightwinger. Half of my gleanings were read, and half were found at you tube. The subjects I researched were border issues, involvement of leftist Congressmen who keep changing the goalposts in order to achieve their end of getting rid of the President in the White House today. They did not achieve that desired goal with the made-up story that alleged collusion with the Russians by Donald Trump, so the new goalpost has been asserted to get him with information that is unavailable to them and is not going to be made available to them. Now, they are taking another attack. But I'm getting sleepy, and forgot what that was. It's late, I have pneumonia, and I'm leaving the boards in a few short minutes to get some rest. I usually wish friends success, but this get President Trump for any reason at the expense of the American taxpayer is not something a friend of America would do, and I do not wish those whose goal is to gig him further anything but what they have brought upon themselves. And to the perpetrators who may have fooled you and others who post here, I wish them just enough time in the slammer to help them learn that service to this country is not following delicious lies and gossip of things thoughtless people want for personal gain, but it's about making America great again and healing the rift that the Obama/Clinton war room has been going at a pace faster than bats out of hell.

Good evening, all. Gotta rev up the steamer in my bedroom and hope the coughing stops. :sleep:
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Ms. Nielsen doesn't work for Donald Trump. She works for the American people, and her oath is to uphold the Constitution, not to do Trump's illegal and unconstitutional, bidding. She should NOT have been separating young children from their parents in the first place, and she most certainly should not be following anyone's orders which have been shown to be illegal, and catastrophic to the families involved.

If Trump ordered her to shoot someone, would you expect her to follow that order too?
Yep.....and Trump is the only person in Washington that did something about this fake issue.
Congress was too busy introducing bills to impeach the president and sending foreign aide to our enemies.
He issued a EO ending the practice.......a practice that was by law a directive that was in place long before Trump decided to run for president.

It was not in place before Trump took office. Sessions was Trump's AG when he announced the policy and apparently he wants to do it again.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
I seriously doubt that horse shit.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Compost seems to feel that they can keep floating fake news and you Libbys will swallow it every single time.
I think upcoming findings will show the Press at the NYT and WaPo colluded with certain leaders in the DNC who regularly tell them which of their talking points need drummed up (fake) stories that support their daily talking points, and I think they have evidence to back it up. The reason it's against the law is because it is intentional conspiracy against one or more branches of the United States Government. Conspiracy to defraud the American Public based upon the false reports of a sitting president in conjunction with someone like an Adam Schiff is against the law. This particular conspiracy is called treason, a word they threw at President Trump like rapid fire feces.

Try it and watch the Republican Party implode in 2020. There is no treason.
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Yeah....lets make sure every Democrat that encouraged them to come here gets the same treatment, along with all of the mayors of Sanctuary Cities.
Also let's make sure that if Hillary ever tries to run for office again let's do it with pictures of the bodies of all of those men, women, and children they murdered at WACO TX.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
I seriously doubt that horse shit.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Compost seems to feel that they can keep floating fake news and you Libbys will swallow it every single time.
I think upcoming findings will show the Press at the NYT and WaPo colluded with certain leaders in the DNC who regularly tell them which of their talking points need drummed up (fake) stories that support their daily talking points, and I think they have evidence to back it up. The reason it's against the law is because it is intentional conspiracy against one or more branches of the United States Government. Conspiracy to defraud the American Public based upon the false reports of a sitting president in conjunction with someone like an Adam Schiff is against the law. This particular conspiracy is called treason, a word they threw at President Trump like rapid fire feces.
Sedition more than anything. Treason seems to be an objective term to Democrats.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
I seriously doubt that horse shit.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Compost seems to feel that they can keep floating fake news and you Libbys will swallow it every single time.
I think upcoming findings will show the Press at the NYT and WaPo colluded with certain leaders in the DNC who regularly tell them which of their talking points need drummed up (fake) stories that support their daily talking points, and I think they have evidence to back it up. The reason it's against the law is because it is intentional conspiracy against one or more branches of the United States Government. Conspiracy to defraud the American Public based upon the false reports of a sitting president in conjunction with someone like an Adam Schiff is against the law. This particular conspiracy is called treason, a word they threw at President Trump like rapid fire feces.

Try it and watch the Republican Party implode in 2020. There is no treason.
Trying to overthrow a legally elected government isn't's just being a sore-loser.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Ms. Nielsen doesn't work for Donald Trump. She works for the American people, and her oath is to uphold the Constitution, not to do Trump's illegal and unconstitutional, bidding. She should NOT have been separating young children from their parents in the first place, and she most certainly should not be following anyone's orders which have been shown to be illegal, and catastrophic to the families involved.

If Trump ordered her to shoot someone, would you expect her to follow that order too?
Yep.....and Trump is the only person in Washington that did something about this fake issue.
Congress was too busy introducing bills to impeach the president and sending foreign aide to our enemies.
He issued a EO ending the practice.......a practice that was by law a directive that was in place long before Trump decided to run for president.

It was not in place before Trump took office. Sessions was Trump's AG when he announced the policy and apparently he wants to do it again.
Sessions announced the policy.....that was in place for decades.
It's not like Sessions has the power to change existing laws.
Some call it enforcing the law.....instead of ignoring it the way Obama liked to do.
Session enforced some of the laws at the direction of the president.
He refused to prosecute Hillary, but he loved separating families.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

"we were just following orders" was the all too common refrain from the aryans who actually tossed jews into ovens!
I always get a chuckle out of this old hyperbolic trope... LOL! My favorite part is how it is specifically phrased to conjure up the imagery of burning millions of Jews alive. Rather than the mere cremation of dead bodies. A practice that happens daily throughout the world...
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
Yea...she was refusing ILLEGAL orders.

Of course that's a firing offense in this Administration
I back Trump 100% on WHATEVER it takes to remove illegals and stop them from coming to America. PERIOD.
Surely, your "whatever" lies within the bounds of legality and humane treatment, right?
Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.

Shoot a couple of hundred Trump supporters. Maybe that will sink in. White supremacists and neo-nazis are the ones destroying MY country.
Your murder suggestion has been reported.
I back Trump 100% on WHATEVER it takes to remove illegals and stop them from coming to America. PERIOD.
Surely, your "whatever" lies within the bounds of legality and humane treatment, right?
Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.

Shoot a couple of hundred Trump supporters. Maybe that will sink in. White supremacists and neo-nazis are the ones destroying MY country.
Lead from the front... Or are you just hoping someone else will throw their life away; for your satisfaction?
Last edited:
...Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.
Would that include the shooting of women and children?


I'm all in favor of halting all immigration for a generation or two and hunting-down and deporting the 11-12,000,000 already here.

We can probably flush most of 'em out by making their legal and economic conditions unbearable, so that they'll self-deport.

I am not, however, in favor of shooting them en masse at the border, for purposes of demonstration.

It is possible to go "too far" in such matters; do you not see that?

Last edited:
I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
Dragonlady said, "Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator (sic) wannbe."

Feel better after projecting your bowel movement all over a USMB discussion page? I hope so.

Dragonlady said, "Trump is creating this crisis"
Actually, the crisis is caused by four million unregistered aliens crossing our southern border every year for the past couple of decades and we're out of room.

Peddle your communist propaganda to somebody else. I'm not buying the load you're selling, sweetie.
Can you link to your four million a year number?
Well, I'll see if I can't find some of the information to you, and you can make your determination on that. It will take a few posts on my part to furnish you with some of the information I have. Not even sure these are exactly what I read that mentioned the four million per year figure. I do agree with that figure, too. Like all criminality, I'm pretty sure that for every illegal immigrants who comes here (not including the legal ones)that is known, in other acts of criminality the known criminal acts are 2% of all criminality. Actually, we will not ever know because some of the false credentials are so well done, even experts can't tell them from the real credentials until every detail is researched. That takes time and specifically-trained and educated encryption specialists to determine. With Congress hostile to the idea of census numbers crossing the borders, I'm not sure sufficient funds for that many illegal crossers can supply us with accurate numbers. It's most possible that 4 million a year is inaccurate only because it doesn't come near to the real number of illegal crossers. And as Tucker Carlson says, the ones sent back are 2% of the known. If there were satellite images of both night and day illegal crossers, and I don't think that technology is there yet, the results might be a lot more frightening than you know. And except for my failure to enjoy the high county taxes exerted in my border state to accommodate the high costs of education, the needs my county have exceed my social security benefits considerably. I worked a lifetime to earn those benefits, and I don't appreciate half of my benefits being pickpocketed by people who are so willing to have other people fund their charities. All that I have will go to charities upon my death, because my kids were trained to be so independent they have prospered and do not need an inheritance of any kind. The difference is, they have few cars. I drive a used truck that is 20 years old, and it's my last article of transportation that I ever hope to have. What little is left over from social security after land taxes, I live off it because I don't need no fancy stuff to be happy.

I'll post as I find them, but I have an 8-hour pledge to charity work today, so I'll post as I can, not sure I can locate what I read day before yesterday for validation that you are requiring of me.
Here's one:
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
I seriously doubt that horse shit.
Both the New York Times and the Washington Compost seems to feel that they can keep floating fake news and you Libbys will swallow it every single time.
to be honest, i don't care if they do restart family separations. if the person has committed a crime under our law then they need to go through the process matching the crime. if along the way that means incarceration - then continue on with the legal process.

if a family ANYWHERE in the us commits a crime and no one is there to take the kids while they are incarcerated, what happens to american kids? they're separated now aren't they?

why do i not hear protest there?

there are penalties for committing crimes and the left keeps taking those away so yes - more people will now do these things until the penalties return.
I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
Dragonlady said, "Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator (sic) wannbe."

Feel better after projecting your bowel movement all over a USMB discussion page? I hope so.

Dragonlady said, "Trump is creating this crisis"
Actually, the crisis is caused by four million unregistered aliens crossing our southern border every year for the past couple of decades and we're out of room.

Peddle your communist propaganda to somebody else. I'm not buying the load you're selling, sweetie.
Can you link to your four million a year number?

Another salvo: ;)

Last edited:
I back Trump 100% on WHATEVER it takes to remove illegals and stop them from coming to America. PERIOD.
Surely, your "whatever" lies within the bounds of legality and humane treatment, right?
Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.

Shoot a couple of hundred Trump supporters. Maybe that will sink in. White supremacists and neo-nazis are the ones destroying MY country.
you see - that's the problem.

it's not your country. it's not MY country.

it's OUR country.

people like you forget this little details cause you only give a shit about yourself.

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